The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 872 The First Remnant Map of the Immortal Market (Fourth Change)

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng just grinned, he had seen through the thoughts of these people a long time ago, naturally, he did not have the slightest fear.

Now these things are all bought by him at a low price, no matter what they are considered profitable.

As for their desire to rob, it depends on whether their skills are up to par.

Thinking of this, the smile on the corner of Du Yuesheng's mouth became more and more obvious.

Although there were not many voices in the field, in the dark, countless masters were transmitting voices to people they knew well, and the content of their voice transmissions was surprisingly similar: "After the auction is over, keep an eye on this kid, as long as he When we get out of the secret building, we will do it!"

"No problem, it's just that the two of us are probably not the only ones who want to attack him. Can we get what we want?"

"It's okay, it's definitely the best if you can get what you want the most, it doesn't matter if you can't get it, this kid has so many treasures on him, we can make a lot of money if we just grab one or two!"

"Okay, then the next step is the remnant map of the Fairy Market. Shall we go out and grab it later, or buy it here?"

"You have to buy it here. If that kid gets it, there will be a group of people fighting. It's hard to get it. It's better to use Lingshi in the auction to get it securely!"

Du Yuesheng saw that all the masters present were facing the auction stage, but their lips kept moving, so he sneered, and said to himself: "It's fine if you want to grab other treasures from this Heavenly Emperor. All the remnants of the pictures will be given to the Emperor of Heaven, hehe, I will let the Emperor of Heaven to tease you guys later!"

On the stage, Cai Lao waved his hand, and a beautiful nun slowly walked onto the stage holding a simple wooden box in her hand.

Cai Lao didn't open the wooden box, but opened his mouth and said directly: "You are all masters among masters, if you have seen the remnant map, you probably won't buy it, so put the remnant map in the box, There are formations and restrictions on the box, which can isolate all probes..."

Hearing this, the masters present all frowned and nodded.

It was true that a few monks who were good at peeping were going to explore the remnants of the Immortal Ruins inside, but they failed in the end.

Seeing that everyone seemed to have no idea about giving up the remnants of the Immortal Market to Du Yuesheng, Mr. Cai finally regained his energy and said eloquently:

"Immortal Market, it is said that it is the palace left by the immortals in ancient times. The palace is vast and tens of thousands of miles away. Take out some treasures, even if it is the worst treasure, it is almost the same as the Tower of Rebirth!"

Speaking of this, Cai Lao himself seemed to become a little fascinated: "Besides, it is said that in this fairy market, there is a treasure of the fairy emperor, which hides the secret of becoming a fairy...Everyone...don't let go of this great opportunity. !"


Immortal Jade!


Immortal Emperor!

Everything is the limit pursued by the monks, and everything is the existence that the monks can't reach on weekdays.

Even if they don't know the existence of Xianxu, many masters are imagining the existence of such a place.

But now, with the opportunity to go to such a place, one can imagine the mood of many masters.

Cai Lao looked at the masters who were obviously breathing heavily, grinned, and said lightly: "In view of the preciousness of the fairy market, we divided the treasure map with the route to the fairy market into two parts. picture!"

Hearing this, the monks couldn't help raising their brows, and secretly scolded Tianjilou for being too shameless.

It turned out that what they got was the complete Xianxu road map, but it was divided into two parts in order to maximize the benefits.

All of a sudden, many monks who were very grateful to Tianjilou for showing the remnants of the Immortal Market suddenly frowned, obviously dissatisfied with Tianjilou.

But Mr. Cai has a face of indifference. His goal is to earn Lingshi. The more he earns, the better. As for how others call him a profiteer, it doesn't matter.

Thinking that he was going to get a lot of spirit stones today, Cai Lao grinned: "The first picture of the fairy ruins starts at 10 million spirit stones, and the price will be increased by no less than 100,000 each time!"

After finishing speaking, Cai Lao looked at everyone with a proud face, he seemed to have seen a very eager scene!


After he uttered his first words, there was only silence in the room, and almost everyone looked at Cai Lao indifferently.

Cai Lao was taken aback for a moment, his heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Du Yuesheng.

Sure enough, at this moment, Du Yuesheng lazily raised his hand again, and said, "One hundred thousand spirit stones!"

Cai Lao's face immediately turned ugly. He dared to set the price of the remnants of the Fairy Market at 10 million spirit stones.

But he didn't expect Du Yuesheng to appear!

For a while, Cai Lao couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, Du Yuesheng bids 10.1 million spirit stones!"

He thought to himself, no one wants the first one, and the second one will definitely be snatched up, but it is still possible, after all, more than 10 million has already been earned!

But just after he said this, Du Yuesheng showed a look of surprise, and said: "Cai Lao, are you thinking wrong, I didn't say that I would give out 10.1 million spirit stones, I said It's one hundred thousand!"

"What?" Cai Lao stared, and looked at Du Yuesheng as if he was watching a ghost: "My starting price is 10 million, and you only give 100,000?"

Du Yuesheng nodded, glanced around, and said with a faint smile: "I'm not joking, didn't you see that except me who is willing to take out a hundred thousand spirit stones, no one else is willing to take out a single spirit stone!"

Cai Lao's hand trembled violently, and he almost wanted to tear off the first residual picture.

But when he thought that if the first remnant map is useless, then his second remnant map will be useless, and he will lose even more!

Moreover, when he thought that if this remnant picture was left in Tianji Building, it would definitely be worthless, Cai Lao's hands trembled even more.

After a long time, Mr. Cai calmed down, forced a kind look in his eyes, and said, "Fellow Daoist Du Yuesheng, can you add a little more? Too much loss!"

Du Yuesheng shook his head, and said earnestly: "If you Tianjilou didn't come up with a way to split a complete picture of the fairy market into two halves, you wouldn't have encountered this situation. Who can you blame?"

Cai Lao finally understood why the previous son of Yaoguang was so angry that he vomited blood.

The son of Yaoguang lost only two million.

And now, his loss is 9.9 million!

At that moment, Mr. Cai wanted to slap himself a hundred times. Who told himself to be smart, but now he met Du Yuesheng and let Du Yuesheng take such a big deal, it is really abominable!

But no matter how much he scolded, Cai Lao could only smash his teeth and swallowed his stomach. With a wave of his hand, someone sent the first fragmented picture of Xianxu directly to Du Yuesheng!

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