The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 874: Kill One Person First (Part 1)

Hearing Du Yuesheng's words, the faces of all the masters present were a little ugly.

Although they made up their minds to snatch Du Yuesheng, they still couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable when someone said it so bluntly.

Shengzi Yaoguang stood up a step forward, and said bravely: "Hmph, the treasures of the world belong to those who are capable. It is wishful thinking for you to occupy so many treasures by yourself, unless you hand over the first one." Zhang Xianxu's remnant picture, I may consider to spare your life!"

Someone took the lead, and other monks also stood up one after another, and said coldly: "Yes, the treasures of the world belong to those who are capable, and it is treasonous for you to occupy too many treasures by yourself. If you hand over the Eight Dragon Prisoner's Heaven Bracelet, the old man can also consider letting it go!" You go!"

"Hand over the seven-colored flowers of the other side, and I will spare your life!"

"Hand over the Linglong Pearl..."

"hand over…"

All the masters stood up one by one, each with one or two treasures, and all the things on Du Yuesheng's body were divided up in one go.

And the righteous words spoken one by one cannot be rejected, as if Du Yuesheng refuses, that is to kill himself, no wonder anyone!

Du Yuesheng couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, sneered again and again, and said lightly: "Since you want everything, then take it from the hands of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Hmph, don't you dare to be the deity?" A monk of the first level of the body, relying on the strong support behind him, immediately yelled, his body moved, and he moved forward, heading straight for Du Yuesheng.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng's sneer was even better than that of Fangcai. He raised his finger, tapped lightly, and said, "Give it to me..."


There was a loud noise, and the combined first-level monk exploded in the air, and the blood mist scattered in all directions.

Almost everyone was slightly taken aback at this moment.

They never expected that Du Yuesheng would dare to make a move, and he would kill people without leaving any room for maneuver.

"This is the way you are seeking your own death. Don't you think that you are invincible in the world because of your eight-fold cultivation?"

Shengzi Yaoguang's eyelids twitched, and then he sneered and shouted: "Bazi Yaoguang, come out!"

"Eight sons of Yaoguang!"

Hearing the words of the Holy Son of Light, the eyes of the surrounding experts were all terrified. Although there was only one Son of the Holy Land of Waving Light, there were eight candidates before the Son was selected.

These eight candidates are all talented and tyrannical, and it is difficult to find an opponent who can match them among their peers.

Moreover, these eight people have practiced and lived together since they were young, and they are almost connected with each other.

Moreover, there is also a special formation in the Holy Land of Yaoguang, which is designed for the eight sons of Yaoguang. As long as they attack together, their strength will inevitably skyrocket. Guang Bazi's subordinates!

Following the order of Shengzi Yaoguang, a sound of piercing sound came out, and the remaining seven sons of the eight sons of Yaoguang rose from the city stepping on the streamer, flew around Shengzi Yaoguang, and surrounded Shengzi Yaoguang like stars supporting the moon. The child guard is in the center.

Looking up, Yaoguang's eight sons are all fluttering in long clothes, and their aura is also tyrannical and unparalleled. At a glance, they seem to see exiles one by one.

"Humiliate my Holy Land and kill my Holy Land disciples. Today, my Holy Son is going to kill you, the devil, here!"

The son of Yaoguang hovered in the middle of the eight sons of Yaoguang out of thin air, his eyes were cold and his face was full of majesty.

"Kill the Emperor of Heaven?"

Du Yuesheng took out the Immortal Execution Sword, flicked the sword lightly, and the sword blared, "I want to see who kills whom!"

As soon as the words fell, his figure suddenly disappeared in place.

The eight sons of Yaoguang are worthy of being a tyrannical method of the Holy Land of Yaoguang. The moment Du Yuesheng disappeared, the eight of them moved together, and a formula was played. They gathered together and suddenly turned into a round of tomorrow shining on the sky. .

call out!

Suddenly, the round of tomorrow trembled fiercely, and a bright light suddenly appeared, which caught up to Du Yuesheng's figure, and attacked and killed him.

"Hmph, let's see how you can escape!" Seeing this, Son of Light Yaoguang couldn't help laughing.

"You are a small trickster!" Du Yuesheng laughed, and with a wave of Zhu Xianjian, the sword light scattered like a river, rolling away, and the light beam was crushed into nothingness in an instant, and then the sword light was even more imposing. Go straight ahead and crash into tomorrow.

With a puff, that round of Tomorrow didn't even make any big noise, it was crushed like a balloon with a puff.

"Give me...destroy!"

Seeing this, Yaoguang Bazi's complexion changed drastically. He didn't expect his move to be cracked so easily, and it was the most violent crush!

They quickly gathered their whole body's cultivation, condensed a little, and turned into a long rainbow, trying to block the sword light like a river.

But when their long rainbow pierced through the sky, in the Jianguang River, they still couldn't even turn over the slightest wave, and they were blasted to ashes.

"How is it possible!" Shengzi Yaoguang's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe everything in front of him.

They shake all eight sons, but in Du Yuesheng's hands, they have no advantage at all?

Or, they were directly crushed by Du Yuesheng?

"Holy Son, don't panic, we're still here!"

Seeing that countless sword lights were about to crush the eight sons of Yaoguang, the other masters finally came back to their senses, took out treasures and spells, and swung them away.

Boom boom boom!

Under the bombardment of more than a hundred fit masters, the Jianguang river finally disappeared, but the aftermath that came from bursts still suppressed the eight sons of Yaoguang directly from the sky to the ground.

At this moment, Shengzi Yaoguang vomited blood, his clothes were torn, and he was lying on the street in disgrace, how embarrassed he was!

"Du Yuesheng!" Shengzi Yaoguang had never been in such a state of embarrassment, with grief and anger, he couldn't help shouting, "I'm going to kill you!"

"Really?" Du Yuesheng sneered coldly, raised his hand and waved: "Earth Explosive Star!"

The three small black beads immediately flew towards the Holy Son of Fluctuation.

"Holy Son, be careful!" Seeing this, the other masters didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly blasted one by one spells towards the Earth Explosion Star again.

But there was a huge attraction coming from the small black bead, and it actually absorbed all the magic weapons and spells of the masters in one go.

"How could this be?" Everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

And more people just stared, regretting in their hearts, because their magic weapons were absorbed by the Earth Explosion Star and ran away.


Afterwards, Du Yuesheng grinned and said loudly, only to hear a loud bang, most of Floating Cloud City trembled violently, a huge wave of air rolled away, and all the houses within a hundred meters around were completely destroyed. destroy.

And after the explosion, look up again, where is the place where the Son of Light was lying just now, is there anyone else?

Seeing this scene, the hearts of countless masters trembled, Son of Yaoguang, was killed just like that?

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