The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 876 I'm Just a Taoist Priest (3rd)

"Destroy my family?"

Du Yuesheng couldn't help laughing up to the sky when he heard the words: "How dare the Yaoguang Holy Land dare to be majestic in front of the Emperor of Heaven!"

In the black hole, a hand protruded from the middle, it was hundreds of feet long, and then another hand stretched out, and then, a huge body crawled out of the black hole, it turned out to be a giant hundreds of feet tall.

The giant's body was shining with streamers, and just standing there with its huge body made people feel as if they were standing in front of a mountain, which was shocking!

This person is like a god!

But Du Yuesheng saw through it at a glance, this person is just the face of a master!

After the giant crawled out of the cave, he glanced at Du Yuesheng, his eyes filled with murderous intent: "You are Du Yuesheng, your mistake will be remembered by the world for ten thousand years, and no one will dare to make the same mistake again in ten thousand years!"

"Hehe, is that right, today I will let the world see how weak you are in the Holy Land of Shaking Light!

I want you to be treated as a joke for tens of thousands of years by people laughing at the Holy Land of Fluctuation!

Today, Emperor RB wants to destroy your Shaking Line! "

After Du Yuesheng finished speaking, he stretched out a card with purple dazzling light and appeared in his palm.

"Old Yuan, I don't know if your strength can suppress everything." Du Yuesheng shouted in his heart: "System, use Yuan Tiangang's summoning card!"


"Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for using the Yuan Tiangang Summoning Card. The character limit exists for 1 minute. Please make good use of it."

The moment the system finished speaking, the sky and the earth suddenly darkened, as if the sky was eclipsing the sun, and the light all converged at this moment.

The strong wind screamed, the lightning flashed and thundered, and the earth let out a mournful cry, as if some heaven-defying character was about to be born.

Seeing this vision of heaven and earth, the face of the giant Faxiang changed slightly. When he looked up, he saw that in the sky, a beam of light suddenly pierced the darkness and shone down.

And within that light beam, a figure swayed and slowly walked down from above the light beam.

That figure is so unrestrained and unrestrained, the first time I saw him, it was as if I saw the unrestrained and unrestrained knight in the world, but it was also like seeing a fairy who can only appear in dreams.

For a moment, an extremely ominous premonition arose in the giant Faxiang's heart!

That figure went straight to Du Yuesheng's side, smiled slightly, unrestrained, and said: "As early as today, my minister Yuan Tiangang pays homage to the world."


Du Yuesheng couldn't help but be very surprised, this Yuan Tiangang came up and said that he had already reached today.

Isn't this TM a bit too powerful, but Du Yuesheng didn't think about anything, and directly stretched out a finger, pointing at the giant figure that emerged.

"Yuan Tiangang, how many seconds can you solve this thing?"

"Three seconds!"

After Yuan Tiangang finished speaking, he turned around with a flick of his sleeves, raised his head, looked at the Dharma figure in the sky, raised his finger, and stroked lightly as if writing in the air.

"Pretending to be a ghost!" The giant Fa Lian hurriedly looked down, but found that there was no abnormality on his body.

He couldn't help but sneered: "This is the person you rely on? But a little..."

"This way is just taking karma from you, because the Emperor of Heaven doesn't want to let anyone in your Wailing Holy Land go, and following the karma to find people in your Wailing Holy Land is the easiest thing!"

Yuan Tiangang was not angry, he still had that immortal appearance, but what he said made people feel cold all over.

Du Yuesheng was even more stunned. Before he could speak, Yuan Tiangang guessed that he was going to destroy the Yaoguang Holy Land.

This Yuan Tiangang's strength was far beyond his imagination.

The giant Dharma Xiang frowned. Although he felt very ominous in his heart, he still couldn't help but said, "Hmph, with my Holy Master here, I want to see how you destroy my Holy Land of Waking Light!"

Yuan Tiangang smiled, raised his finger again, tapped lightly, and said, "That's how it is destroyed!"


Yuan Tiangang was just such a light touch, without any fluctuation of spiritual power, without any light emitting.

Even with Du Yuesheng's cultivation base and strength, he couldn't see through the slightest abnormality, but the giant dharma form in the air burst into pieces like a bubble, and turned into a stream of light and dissipated in the sky.

"One second is enough!" Yuan Tiangang said disdainfully as he watched Faxiang disappear into blisters.

"Du Yuesheng, my Holy Master will definitely not let you go!" The voice of the giant dharma came from the black hole again.

But obviously, the voice this time is the voice of the Lord of the Light, the voice from the Holy Land of the Light.

"court death!"

Yuan Tiangang raised his head and looked at the voice coming from the black hole in the sky, indifferently bursting out with endless killing intent.

However, he turned around and saluted Du Yuesheng: "Emperor, let me go and destroy him, you dare to offend the Emperor!"


While speaking, Yuan Tiangang stepped forward, but with just one step, he disappeared in front of his eyes.

Du Yuesheng looked up, only to find that Yuan Tiangang had already appeared beside the entrance of the black hole far above the sky.

This kind of speed is simply the legendary shrinking of the ground!

"Heaven and earth universe!"

"The senseless hand!!"


Afterwards, Yuan Tiangang stretched out his hand and directly plunged into the black hole, like a fisherman trying to get a fish out of a fish basket. After groping for a while, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and his arm also pulled out.

"Come out!!"


Yuan Tiangang yelled loudly, and then erupted with endless coercion all over his body, stretching out the arm of the black hole and pulling it hard.

With a whoosh, a figure was pulled out of the black hole directly.

The figure rolled dozens of times in the air before stepping on the streamer and barely stopping.

On closer inspection, this figure can be regarded as unrestrained and unrestrained Yushu Linfeng. It looks just like the Dharma Aspect giant just now. At a glance, one can tell that this person is the real deity of the Dharma Aspect of the Giant—Holy Master Yaoguang!

The corners of Du Yuesheng's mouth twitched, never would have thought that the Lord of Light, the first breeze, was caught out of a black hole by Yuan Tiangang like catching a fish.

On the face of the Lord of the Fluctuating Light, there was an unconcealable horror: "You... who the hell are you, and how could you bring me here from the Holy Land of the Fluctuating Light!"

The surprise of Lord Fluctlight is understandable.

You must know that the black hole is just a teleportation array opened by their Waxlight Holy Land, but because the Waxlight Holy Land is the farthest in Zhongsheng Shenzhou, this teleportation array cannot teleport living people.

Therefore, even the Holy Lord of Shaking Light can only send his Dharma image over to kill Du Yuesheng.

He never thought that his Faxiang would meet such a number one figure as Yuan Tiangang and be wiped out immediately.

But what he didn't expect was that he was sitting in the Holy Land of Waving Light just a second ago, when he suddenly saw a big hand descending from the sky, grabbing him like catching a fish, and dragging him to Floating Cloud City through the transmission channel Come.

"This Dao is just a little Taoist priest." Yuan Tiangang looked at the Lord of Light who appeared, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.


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