The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 878: Aspects of Heaven and Earth (Fifth Change)

"Yaodao, what nonsense are you talking about, I want to see if after three breaths, I will die!"

When the other monks heard this, even though they were afraid of Yuan Tiangang in their hearts, they couldn't help shouting.

Even the monk who had a good thing shouted directly: "Come on, let me count the time of three breaths for you, one, two..."

After Er finished speaking, the sky, which was still noisy just now, suddenly became quiet, and the sword that flew up into the sky seemed to have lost all strength, and turned around and fell to the ground.

And looking at those monks, they kept their previous movements and expressions, lifelike, and then many monks flying in the air suddenly fell straight to the ground.

Plop plop, there was a muffled sound from the ground, and many monks fell to the ground directly, their breath was cut off, and the dead could not die anymore.

"These people are not very polite to their own way. They will all be ants in the next life. They will be busy, and then they will be trampled to death."

Yuan Tiangang began to change his fate while muttering.

And Du Yuesheng's admiration for Yuan Tiangang has reached another level.

This kind of strength that says you die and you die is stronger than the ability to see someone dead at a glance, it can be said to be the strongest crow's mouth.

At this moment, Yuan Tiangang suddenly raised his head to look at the sky, and murmured: "Oh, the time is up, it's a pity that I can't leave a seed for my Taoism, Emperor of Heaven, let's take a step forward!"

"See you next time, Heavenly Emperor!"


A breeze emerged from the sky and earth, Yuan Tiangang's figure was pulled and disappeared in the wind!

Du Yuesheng was also speechless, regardless of the fact that Yuan Tiangang had already solved everything for him before he left, otherwise it would be very troublesome to do it by himself.

At this time, there were bursts of system prompts in my ears: "Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player's Wu Clan bloodline promotion!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player for improving his skill: Dharma World!"


"Players will not be able to gain experience points for killing people lower than their own level in the future."

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng's eyes lit up.

The experience value is no longer the point, the important thing is that his skills have been improved.

In fact, Du Yuesheng thought of his own Dharma world when he saw the Dharma world of Holy Master Yaoguang.

He seems to have almost forgotten this skill.

But now, if his Faxiang Tiandi is displayed, I'm afraid it will make everyone tremble.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a twitch in his heart, and simply had a thought, and directly displayed the Dharma Aspect Heaven and Earth.

"Picture Heaven and Earth, open!!"

In an instant, the situation between the sky and the earth changed, only to see golden rays of light emanating from his body, and at the same time, his figure also swelled up like mushrooms after a spring rain.

In just a moment, Du Yuesheng's body turned into an existence like a hill.

When I looked up, the clouds and mists in the sky were floating in front of my eyes.

Looking down, the entire Floating Cloud City is under his feet, and those mountains are like small ravines, which can be crossed by just lifting his feet, which is extremely comfortable.

Some of the monks in Floating Cloud City were looking out through the window. When they saw Du Yuesheng's huge Dharma image, they couldn't help but tremble all over, and hurriedly retracted their heads, not daring to make a sound.

But in his mind, he turned the three words Du Yuesheng into the most mysterious forbidden place, which must not be mentioned, as if something terrible would happen if he mentioned it!

Feeling the changes in the Faxiangtiandi, Du Yuesheng grinned slightly. If he encounters many enemies in the future, he doesn't need to use the Nether Heaven Fire Banner, but directly casts the Faxiangtiandi, and slaps them into meat sauce with one palm!

Then he clapped his hands, put away the photo, found the body of Shengzi Yaoguang, took off the Tower of Rebirth from his body, and found the second fragmented picture of the Immortal Market.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he picked up the second picture of the Xianxu ruins, the system beeped:

"Ding, congratulations to the player for triggering the mission, Xianxu."

"Ding, congratulations to the player's main mission, My Cultivator and Xiyi, which merged with the mission Xianxu, and became a new main mission, Yuxue Xianxu. Players need to go to Xianxu to find clues to the fifth-level area!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng frowned slightly, did something from the fifth-level region finally appear?

But it sounds like it's just a clue. I don't know when it will happen if I want to really enter the fifth-level region.

You must know that he still has to go through a catastrophe to reach the stage of crossing the catastrophe, and there is a stage of Mahayana beyond the catastrophe, that's all.

The world of comprehension has a long history and has been inherited for millions of years. Who knows if there will be a few immortals or something, and it may be even more difficult to reach the fifth-level area by then.

Du Yuesheng let out a long sigh before putting away the remnants of the Immortal Ruins, and raised his head to look in the direction of the Dragon Clan.

After a few days of delay in Liuyun City, I don't know if Long Wushuang is still alive and well in the Dragon Clan.

Don't waste any more time here, Du Yuesheng made a thought and rushed directly towards the Dragon Clan.

As soon as Du Yuesheng left, the monks in Floating Cloud City dared to open the door and come out.

When they saw the corpses all over the ground, they were all powerful monks who were usually aloof, they couldn't help but raised their brows.

Immediately afterwards, one after another, the monks stood up with their swords and left Floating Cloud City, not daring to stay here anymore, for fear that Du Yuesheng would kill Chi Yu if he returned to his carbine.

And Du Yuesheng's reputation slowly spread at this time.

It's just that Du Yuesheng spread much faster than his name.

Until he came to Shenlong City, it was still the original scene without any change!

Divine Dragon City, a huge city in front of the Dragon Palace of the Dragon Clan, it was from this Dragon Clan that the Dragon Clan entered the world.

At this moment, the Divine Dragon City was decorated with lights and festoons everywhere, and all powerful monks were walking towards the interior of the Divine Dragon City.

Even the monks of the fifth and sixth levels of fusion are not very powerful people here. Du Yuesheng saw one of the masters of the ninth level of fusion at a glance.

There are beaming smiles on people's faces, and everyone is as happy as Chinese New Year.

After all, this time it is time for the princess of the dragon clan to get married, and this time the princess of the dragon clan is still a tyrannical figure comparable to a dragon son. In the future, she will inherit the existence of the god of the dragon clan.

So her marriage can definitely be said to be a rare event in ten thousand years.

As for Long Wushuang's fiancé, he was even more famous in the center of Shengshenzhou, and even the Ji family who would be suppressed by an inch of such a powerful force as the Yaoguang Holy Land.

So this time the wedding is definitely unprecedentedly grand, and there are so many monks who come here to watch the ceremony, so powerful!

Walking through the crowd, Du Yuesheng's face was still calm, but his eyes were cold, and there were slight ripples in his heart.

After working hard all the way, finally arrived here, Long Wushuang was still waiting for him in the Dragon Palace.

"I'm here, to promise your oath, the emperor is here!!"


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