The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 880 You are blind to find this kind of person (second more)

"you wanna die!!"

Ji Chunfeng looked at Long Wushuang's expression, he raised his palms down, killed the two maids and threw them out.

The rest of the Dragon Clan maids had already seen the strangeness, lifted the corpse and walked out.

It has to be said that it is a tragic thing for the arrogant and tyrannical Dragon Clan to have fallen to such a state.

"It's sad for my Dragon Clan. I think that my Dragon Clan was Megatron Central State back then, but it's a pity that it's now."

Long Wushuang's heart also sank to the bottom.

But... At this moment, she suddenly saw, in the distance, a stream of light rising into the sky from the Dragon City.

That stream of light was so bright, as if afraid that no one would be able to see it, it was so bright that it directly illuminated the entire Shenlong City as if it were daytime.

And this streamer is not the monochrome of ordinary streamers, but multicolored. At first glance, it seems as if it is stepping on a colorful flowing cloud and rising into the sky!

In an instant, almost everyone in Shenlong City squinted their eyes and looked up into the sky.

"Who is so bold and dares to fly over Shenlong City? Doesn't he know that flying over Shenlong City is not allowed, otherwise he is the enemy of the Dragon Clan!"

"Hehe, it must be someone who wants to take advantage of this grand event to get the limelight. He did get the limelight. Unfortunately, he is going to die soon!"

The monks in the Dragon City talked a lot, but in the depths of the Dragon Palace, Long Wushuang in front of the window saw this scene, his eyes flashed, and two lines of tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

She knew that Du Yuesheng was here!

He really came here on auspicious clouds, he didn't lie to me!

Not only Long Wushuang.

At this moment, Ji Kuang also discovered Du Yuesheng, and saw that Du Yuesheng stepped on the colorful auspicious clouds and directly illuminated the entire Shenlong City.

Even after Dragon Palace was affected, he couldn't help but sneered, and said, "You're looking for death with such a big fanfare?"

"Okay, I'll satisfy you and order all the ambush masters to take action. They must kill Du Yuesheng in front of everyone!"

Long Yun nodded, he knew that it was because of Du Yuesheng's appearance that Long Wushuang had such a change, so this time he must kill Du Yuesheng here!

And looking at Du Yuesheng again, at this moment he ascended to the sky, his gaze shifted, and immediately saw that there were more than a dozen monks soaring into the sky, flying straight towards him.

Observing their aura, I found that the cultivation base of each of them is the existence of ancestors in Tiannan.

But now, these people are like ants in his eyes, and they won't get much experience points if they are killed. You must know that he is about to cross the catastrophe!

Seeing this scene, the monks in Dragon God City couldn't help but gloat.

Soon, the dozen or so monks appeared within a hundred feet of Du Yuesheng.

Only at this time can we see these monks clearly. Each of them is a dragon monk, wearing a dragon-patterned battle robe, holding a long spear, with a strong aura and a majestic face, which makes people feel intimidated at first glance.

More than a dozen Dragon Clan monks spread out and surrounded Du Yuesheng in the center, and the voice sounded like thunder:

"Who dares to fly above the Dragon God City? This is showing contempt for my Dragon Clan, Long Wei. Quickly kneel down and beg for mercy. My Dragon Clan is magnanimous, and I can leave you a whole corpse!"

Du Yuesheng just sneered when he heard the words: "Your Dragon Clan is supported by the woman of this Heavenly Emperor, what dragon's prestige and dignity do you have??

If the Emperor of Heaven were you, he would have committed suicide in shame, would he still have the face to talk about the power of the Dragon Race here? "

Du Yuesheng's voice was mixed with cultivation, when he said a word, his voice rang out, and in an instant, the entire Dragon God City heard what he said!

"What? What did this man say? His woman supports the Dragon Clan?"

"This... the one who kept the dragon clan from falling is obviously Long Wushuang... What does he mean, Long Wushuang is his woman?"

"So this kid is not here to show off, but to snatch women, haha, I just don't know how the Long and Ji family are feeling now!"

"Ha ha!"

"There's a good show to watch today, I didn't expect to see a wedding robbery!!"

In an instant, countless monks in the entire Shenlong City whispered to each other, each with a strange look in their eyes.

When more than a dozen dragon monks in the sky heard Du Yuesheng's words, they immediately became angry from embarrassment, shouted sharply, and all of them held long spears in their hands, and rushed towards Du Yuesheng to kill.

"court death!"

"Insulting the Dragon Clan, die for me!!"


"Can a group of four or five layers combined kill me?"

Du Yuesheng snorted coldly, and shook the Immortal Execution Sword in his hand. In an instant, Lei Yu Jiutian suddenly appeared, and thousands of thunderbolts fell from the sky, and each thunderbolt was powerful.

"What a powerful spell!" The dragon monks were shocked, and quickly cast dragon spells to defend.

For a time, countless brilliance flowed, and thunder light shot out, running through the long night, illuminating the night sky, making countless monks dare not open their eyes to see.

As for the three dragon monks, without making a sound, they were directly pierced by the thunder light and fell from the air, turning into a huge dragon, falling to the ground.

It was just a face-to-face meeting, and the three monks in the fusion stage died directly. Even if they were dragons, they were considered as masters like clouds. Seeing this scene made my heart ache.

Ji Chunfeng saw this scene from a distance, and couldn't help but said: "Uncle, let's just watch like this and not make a move? What if all the members of the Dragon Clan die?"

"If it's all dead, it's all dead. Anyway, what we want is not the dragon clan, but the blood of Long Wushuang." Ji Kuang said with a smile, and Long Yun stood on the side without any shyness.

What is even more surprising is that after hearing this, Long Yun only looked ugly, but did not argue.

"Dare to kill my Dragon Clan member, court death!" The rest of the Dragon Clan body monks became crazy when they saw that their companions had died, and kept attacking and killing Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng counts one as ten, but he is still able to handle it with ease, but there is already an expression of impatience on his face.

"Hmph, a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals, the Emperor of Heaven is not interested in wasting time with you!" After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng shouted: "Rage!"

In an instant, the meridians all over Du Yuesheng's body exploded, and an incomparably tyrannical aura spread out from the depths of his body.

Under ten times the violent strength, Du Yuesheng swung his sword, and the sword light shot out like a rainbow, just sweeping across, within a radius of ten miles, it was completely filled with the sword light.

The remaining dragon monks didn't even have a chance to escape, and were cut into pieces by Jian Guang!

In an instant, countless pieces of blood rained down on Dragon City, and a breeze blew in, with a pungent smell!

Countless monks in Dragon City were stunned.

No matter how they thought about it, Du Yuesheng, who was also in the Fusion Realm, faced the attacks of more than a dozen monks of the 4th and 5th level of Fusion. Not only did they not lose, but he swung his sword and killed them all.

In the Dragon Palace, several elders rushed to Long Wushuang's room angrily, and shouted coldly: "Humph, this is your lover, you see him beheading my dragon monk, he is ruthless, you are blind to find him!" Such people!"


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