The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 883 Fatty (Fifth)

After Long Wushuang solved the worries of the Dragon Clan, he turned his head to look at Du Yuesheng and asked, "Where are we going next?"

Du Yuesheng just smiled when he heard the words, and said: "Of course we want to destroy the Ji family. If they dare to think about you, I can't make it easier for them!"

Long Wushuang frowned, and asked in surprise: "Mie Ji's family? Is it too urgent? The Ji family is full of masters, and there are dozens of masters like Ji Kuang.

Moreover, their people are all over the world. Once the main family is attacked, they will definitely rush to help immediately. Maybe there are other forces that will help...

It is even rumored that the Ji family has a celestial being beyond the Mahayana period! ! "

Long Wushuang expressed her worries in one breath. What she said was not unreasonable. The Ji family was a top family in Zhongsheng Shenzhou.

The power and background of this kind of family are far beyond ordinary people's imagination. If they attack rashly, it will be extremely dangerous!

Du Yuesheng curled his lips and said: "It doesn't matter, you just come with me, the Ji family dares to attack you, if the Emperor of Heaven does not destroy him, people in the world will say that the Emperor of Heaven is incompetent!"

After all, Du Yuesheng pulled Long Wushuang into the sky.

Although Long Wushuang didn't have the slightest confidence in his heart, but seeing Du Yuesheng's firm gaze, for some reason, he felt relieved, and followed Du Yuesheng without saying a word.

She has already made a decision in her heart, and if there is any danger at that time, she will definitely not live by idling.

But at this moment, at the home of the head of the Ji family, which is located on a snowy peak, when Ji Chunfeng and Ji Kuang's soul jade slips shattered, the entire Ji family was immediately enveloped in a tense atmosphere.

"Ji Kuang is a cultivator in the Transcending Tribulation Period. He can be killed. Can anyone tell me what happened to the Dragon Clan?"

An old man with gray hair bent his back and glanced coldly at the many clansmen, and asked sharply.

He is the ancestor of the Ji family, the ancestor of the Ji family, and his cultivation has reached the peak of crossing the catastrophe.

"Reporting to grandpa, I heard the news from some monks from Dragon God City, it seems that a young man named Du Yuesheng went up to snatch a marriage.

He also brought an extremely powerful master to kill Chun Feng and Ji Kuang! "A clansman replied quickly.

"Oh? Are those masters of Du Yuesheng still there?" Patriarch Ji asked with a frown.

"Reporting to Grandpa Zu, that expert has already left, and now Du Yuesheng is alone, but it seems that he is heading towards our Ji family now."

A murderous look suddenly lit up in Ancestor Ji's eyes: "Hmph, if you dare to come here to seek death without the help of a master, immediately let all the masters in the master's house gather together, and after this kid arrives, he must attack you with the force of a thunderbolt." kill!"

Some members of the tribe couldn't help but asked suspiciously: "Grandfather, it's just a Du Yuesheng, why is there such a big fanfare?"

"This time our Ji family has lost all face. If we don't use some thunderous means, the rest of the forces will probably laugh at us!" Ji Patriarch said coldly.

Some members of Ji's family frowned and said: "We are almost certain that in Floating Cloud City, the person who slaughtered Yaoguang Sheng must be a master brought by Du Yuesheng."

Old Ancestor Ji snorted coldly, and said: "Of course I know, this Du Yuesheng seems to know a lot of unknown masters, so we immediately set up a bully array to isolate all information from our place and the outside world.

Except for us, no one can send messages to the outside world, not even the Yinchuan Yujian. At that time, even if this kid knows 10,000 masters, no one will come to help him! "

Many masters of the Ji family nodded one after another, thinking that this plan was very good, they all got up and went down to arrange a big bullying formation.

In this battle, if they win Du Yuesheng, then the reputation of their Ji family will not be damaged, but will become even more prosperous.

When the time comes, it is said that the Ji family is the largest family and the most powerful in Zhongsheng Shenzhou, who dares to say no to the world?

Just when the Ji family was immersed in the prospect of becoming the first family in Zhongsheng Shenzhou and receiving everyone's admiration, Du Yuesheng and Long Wushuang were on their way to Ji's house.

Along the way, they were not stopped by any members of the Ji family, but Du Yuesheng still found two spies from the Ji family, and he didn't take action, but let the other party leave directly.

Long Wushuang couldn't help but asked in doubt: "They exposed our whereabouts. If they bring back the news, what will the Ji family do if they plan to plot to kill us?"

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, and said: "Don't worry, this Heavenly Emperor is a group of ordinary people who say they can kill you? Haha!"

Long Wushuang glanced at Du Yuesheng, and wanted to refute, but for some reason, he believed Du Yuesheng in his heart.

Du Yuesheng said he would come to pick her up, but he came, Du Yuesheng said he would take her away, and he took her away, now that Du Yuesheng said he would help her destroy the Ji family, she had no reason not to believe it.

Thinking of this, Long Wushuang felt relieved and said nothing more.

The two moved forward at an extremely fast speed, and soon they covered half of the distance. So far, all the spies of the Ji family disappeared completely. It seemed that the entire Ji family had shrunk back, waiting for Du Yuesheng's arrival.

"This is the ground level of the Tianxia League." Long Wushuang knew Zhongsheng Shenzhou quite well.

Du Yuesheng nodded, and the two walked into the city. Because of their strong breath, vigorous blood, and handsome men and women, when they walked into the city, they attracted the envious eyes of countless monks. A road is blocked.

The two of them ignored the envious gazes of those monks and prepared to pass through the city directly.

Unexpectedly, when they arrived in front of a restaurant, a voice suddenly came from the restaurant: "You two, stay!"

"Huh?" Du Yuesheng frowned, and looked at the source of the sound, only to see a fat man with a face like a round wooden barrel, who walked out of the restaurant, stood in front of Du Yuesheng, and looked up and down for a while.

Du Yuesheng frowned slightly, and was about to speak, when the fat man's eyes lit up suddenly, and he said loudly, "You are Du Yuesheng?"

This time, it was Long Wushuang's turn to be puzzled: "How can you recognize him?"

Although Du Yuesheng was majestic in all directions in the Dragon Clan, news might have spread, but it was impossible for Du Yuesheng's appearance to spread to Tianshui City so quickly.

The fat man chuckled, and said to Long Wushuang: "I guess, I saw your golden eyes, and I can feel the dragon aura from you even with your eyes closed.

I knew that you must be the legendary Long Wushuang, and the man walking with Long Wushuang can only be Du Yuesheng! "

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly and asked: "Then you should know that I am not a kind person. If I come out to block the way, I must have an explanation, otherwise..."

The fat man quickly waved his hand and said, "I'm here to bring you good news, you can't kill me."

Du Yuesheng frowned: "Oh? What good news?"

Speaking of this, the fat man's small eyes kept rolling around, as if he was very worried that someone would hear the news.

After making sure that no one was eavesdropping on them, he said in a low voice, "You have the Immortal Market Map, but you don't know how to use it, right?"

Du Yuesheng's eyes narrowed. After he killed Shengzi Yaoguang, he obtained two fragmented pictures of the Fairy Market. After putting them together, they became a complete map of the Fairy Market.

Later, he also looked at it, but he really couldn't find the location of the fairy market on the picture of the fairy market.

In short, the Fairy Market is not on Zhongsheng Shenzhou, it should be on other planets or continents of cultivation, but Du Yuesheng is not sure which one, that is to say, this map of Fairy Market is basically a waste, unless Du Yuesheng was bored and searched every planet and continent of cultivation.

But according to the fat man's words, it seems that he knows.

For a moment, Du Yuesheng also became interested: "You know it very well, what benefits do you want?"


The world of comprehension has only just begun, and Zhongsheng Shenzhou is just a stepping stone.

Vast comprehension! !

Waiting for your arrival.

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