The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 886: Old Devil Wang (third update)

"This is……"

Seeing this scene, the face of the ancestor of the Ji family changed greatly. Why did another master appear, and he still appeared in front of Du Yuesheng!

Impossible, he obviously used the bullying array that has been passed down by his family for thousands of years, even if he is a master in the Mahayana period, he should not even think about spreading news under this bullying array.

But... why is there another master here!

Thinking of the vision of heaven and earth just born, a gleam of coldness suddenly appeared in the eyes of the ancestor of the Ji family.

"Heavenly Emperor, who did you call me here to kill?" Wang Lin said, although his tone was calm and his eyes were kind, but the murderous aura between his words was compelling.

When Long Wushuang saw such evil gods, if it wasn't for the tyrannical dragon blood, he might have taken two steps back.

Wang Kaixuan, who was usually joking and joking, frowned even more, subconsciously stepped back a few steps, and distanced himself from Wang Lin.

Du Yuesheng was countless times better than the two of them, he didn't think it mattered, but he still felt that Wang Lin was extraordinary.

Is this Wang Laomo who proved the way by killing?

But it doesn't look like a demon, does it? ?

Du Yuesheng looked at Wang Lin, and then said: "Kill the Ji family!"

Wang Lin nodded and said, "Okay."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at the patriarch of the Ji family who was suspended in the air, and his complexion had changed drastically. He smiled slightly and waved his hand out. Suddenly, a stream of light flew out. The stream of light rose into the sky, turned into eight small flags, and landed on Ji Wangcheng eight directions.

In an instant, a colorless barrier rose up, enveloping Jiwang City and even within a hundred miles of Jiwangcheng, even the Great Formation of Deceiving Heaven.

"What's this!"

The patriarch of the Ji family's complexion changed, and with a pinch of his fingers, a sword light shot up into the sky, but when the sword light hit the colorless barrier, it shattered instantly as if it had touched an extremely hard wall.

Seeing this, a monk of the Ji family didn't believe in evil, so he stood up with his sword, rushed straight to the outside, hit the invisible wall, and exploded into nothingness with a bang!

But looking up, the frightened birds in the sky can enter and exit the wall without hindrance!

Now all the Ji family members understand that this is a big formation, and all the Ji family members are trapped in the formation, they can only enter but not exit!

The ancestor of the Ji family hurriedly shouted to the people behind him: "Quickly, call back all the monks of my Ji family, and at the same time ask for help from all my allies of the Ji family. The Ji family is now at the point of life and death!"

The patriarch of the Ji family is ready to fight Du Yuesheng to the death!

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help but sneer, if Wang Lin could be dealt with by the people of Zhongsheng Shenzhou, it would be a waste of his practice for so many years.

Wang Lin was very calm. After setting up the formation, he sat down cross-legged, very leisurely, as if he was waiting for something.

Wang Kaixuan glanced at Du Yuesheng, but couldn't help but whispered, "This Wang Lin is being ruthless. He set up this big formation that allows everyone to come in and not leave. It's clearly for the purpose of bringing back all the Ji family members, and then killing them all in one go." , I am afraid that from now on, the surname of the Ji family will no longer appear in Zhongsheng Shenzhou!"

Long Wushuang was not stupid, and she also saw this, so she looked at Wang Lin with vigilance.

On the other hand, Du Yuesheng knew in his heart that Wang Lin proved the way by killing, and countless families were wiped out. A little Ji's family is nothing!

At this moment, Wang Lin suddenly opened his eyes and said softly, "All the Ji family members have been found."

After finishing speaking, Wang Lin's figure moved, and a figure exactly like him flew out of him, soaring into the sky. When it flew high into the sky, the transformed figure shook again, transforming into hundreds of avatars, heading towards different direction to fly.

He turned out to be an incarnation from outside his birth, and wanted to kill all the monks outside the Ji family at the same time!

Seeing this scene, the patriarch of the Ji family finally couldn't calm down anymore.

It's nothing more than tens of thousands of clones formed in one breath, but the most important thing is that these tens of thousands of clones flew out, and they all flew in the direction of their Ji family.

This means that just now Wang Lin was sitting there, seemingly resting, but he was actually looking for members of his Ji family, and in just a few breaths, he found all the members of the Ji family who were outside.

This kind of heaven-defying means, where can Zhongsheng Shenzhou have, even in the history of thousands of years, no one can do it!

This proves that Wang Lin's tyranny has far surpassed his imagination. Let alone his Ji family and allies, even if his Ji family can gather the masters of the entire Zhongzhou, so what?

It is common for monks to block everything with one blow!

"Senior!" Thinking of this, the patriarch of the Ji family hurriedly shouted: "What kind of benefits Du Yuesheng has given to senior, if you want senior to destroy my Ji family, my Ji family is willing to pay a hundredfold, just to survive!"

"There is no benefit, how can you pay a hundred times?" Wang Lin's deity suddenly opened his eyes, raised his hand and pointed at the dozens of monks behind Patriarch Ji, and said, "Destroy!"

Boom boom boom!

A series of explosions rang out, and the dozens of monks behind the Patriarch of the Ji family exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

Before the patriarch of the Ji family came back to his senses, Wang Lin stretched out his hand and grabbed the air, only to see illusory figures emerging from the air.

Those phantom figures all had hideous faces, howled miserably, and sometimes turned into terrifying looks with green faces and fangs, all of them were the souls of those Ji family monks.

"Go, kill all the monks in your clan!" Wang Lin said lightly.

When those originally violent souls heard Wang Lin's words, they trembled all over, then turned their heads suddenly, turned into hideous and terrifying appearances, and rushed towards the rest of the Ji family monks.

Seeing these souls attacking, the monks of the Ji family were terrified, and quickly cast spells to blast them out, but those spells had no effect on these souls. Instead, those monks who stayed behind were immediately rushed up by the souls and bit them With a strong pull on the body, the monk's soul was pulled out of the body!

And those souls who were pulled out of their bodies lost all their minds in just a moment, and joined the ranks of attacking and killing their own people.

In the blink of an eye, these souls changed into two, then four, and the number reached a terrifying and abnormal level. Looking around, the Jiwang City is full of ghosts, crying everywhere, and ghosts are everywhere. All the monks fell to the ground and died, only some mortals who had no cultivation base trembled from fear but couldn't speak a word!

"No..." The ancestor of the Ji family saw that the Ji family had turned into such a miserable state, and couldn't help but yelled.

But just when everyone thought he was going to fight to the death, they only saw the ancestor of the Ji family spit out a mouthful of blood, took out a piece of jade pendant and crushed it.

In an instant, the air in front of him began to distort, and bursts of space fluctuations came out, and the ancestor of the Ji family wanted to escape at this time.

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