The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 898: The Ancient Corpse from the Immortal Market (Fourth Change)

The appearance of Du Yuesheng talking to a white jade bed looked so weird, but Bai Xiu and Wang Kaixuan didn't feel that Du Yuesheng was joking.

The two immediately stood around Du Yuesheng, looking at the white jade bed vigilantly, Wang Kaixuan clenched the shovel in his hand, as long as anything came out of it, he would shovel it!

Bai Xiu frowned, and he was making a tactic with both hands, the spell was ready to be released, only Du Yuesheng was still looking at the white jade bed with a smile.

The tomb suddenly fell into a dead silence, and the sound of panting was so clear in the ears.

Just when Wang Kaixuan began to wonder if Du Yuesheng guessed wrong, a sigh came out suddenly: "Oh, it's only a month away, and the deity will come out, why do you force the deity? Little baby, you are looking for death ah!"

This sound suddenly sounded, like two pieces of sandpaper rubbing together, it was extremely unpleasant.

The sound continued to echo in the tomb, as if it was ringing right next to his own ears. Wang Kaixuan, who was so scared that his nerves were tense, glanced around to find the source of the sound.

But at this moment, there was a chirping sound, and a pale hand suddenly stretched out on the white jade bed!

This hand was white without any blood, and what was even more frightening was that the skin on the hand was as dry as old tree bark, full of wrinkles, and tightly attached to the bones, as if it had been air-dried.

"Fuck, what the hell!" Wang Kaixuan was so frightened that his whole body shuddered, subconsciously picked up the shovel and chopped it down.

There was a crisp sound of clang, but that seemingly withered arm exploded with a hardness comparable to that of white jade, and it directly bounced off the sky shovel, flying his whole body against the white jade wall.

"What monster!" Bai Xiu's complexion changed, and one hand was as hard as white jade. How powerful this person must be!

"Jie Jie... This deity... is not a demon!"

There was a chirping sound, and another hand stretched out from the white jade bed, the palm spread out, and some white jade powder fell to the ground.

This hand can directly crush the extremely hard white jade into fine powder, which shows how terrifying its strength is!

Immediately afterwards, the "person" sat up from the entire white jade bed, and the extremely hard white jade seemed to him not much better than tofu, and it couldn't stop him at all.

After this "person" stood up completely, everyone realized that this is not a person, it is clearly a corpse, and it is still a mummy!

The face of this corpse was pale, with high cheekbones, and the flesh was tightly attached to the bones, like bark that had withered for three years. The two eye sockets were deeply sunken, but the cloudy eyeballs could still be seen in the eye sockets.

And the clothes he was wearing turned out to be clothes that were only popular thousands of years ago, which meant that this "person" hadn't been out here at least thousands of years ago!

"No breath?" Soon, Bai Xiu and Wang Kaixuan discovered a more terrifying thing, that is, this "person" has no breath!

Although the level of cultivation has reached a certain level, it is completely possible to hold your breath, but in fact, every living monk still has to breathe, but what they breathe is the aura of heaven and earth.

But the guy in front of him is not breathing at all, that is to say...he is a dead person, or a mummy from ancient times.

Wang Kaixuan was so frightened that his face almost huddled together, but he still said to Bai Xiu: "I didn't expect there to be such a thing in your patriarch's tomb. Your patriarch's hobby is very strange!"

Du Yuesheng grinned, and said to the ancient corpse: "You can live for thousands of years, it all depends on absorbing the cultivation of the ancestor of Stepping Xianmen!"

The ancient corpse grinned, and said in a dismal voice, "I was seriously injured in the Fairy Market, and I had to be captured by Gu Taxian. He thought he could control me and absorb my cultivation, but in the end he was restrained by this deity, who extended the deity's life for a few days. Millennium lifespan...

Originally, in less than a month, I would be able to return to the Immortal Market, but insist on bothering me! "

Du Yuesheng burst out laughing when he heard this: "The Emperor of Heaven is going to the Fairy Market too, why don't we get together?"

"This deity likes to be alone, hey, it seems that you guys are not bad at cultivation, use it to make up, maybe the injury can be cured again!"

Before he finished speaking, the ancient corpse suddenly moved. The seemingly crumbling corpse was so fast that people couldn't understand it, but in the blink of an eye, he disappeared before everyone's eyes.


Before everyone could react, Wang Kaixuan let out a scream, was hit on the back by the palm of the ancient corpse, flew out with a bang, and slammed into the white jade wall fiercely.

"Oh my god..." Wang Kaixuan immediately lay down on the ground and yelled after falling to the ground.

Bai Xiu concentrated his energy and wanted to turn back to fight back, but when he turned around, he saw an empty space behind him, and instead a sneer sounded in his ear: "So weak, the cultivator who crossed the tribulation is too weak..."

Bai Xiu was shocked, this ancient corpse actually circled around him again? It was so fast that even he couldn't react!

"Really?" At this moment, Du Yuesheng's voice sounded faintly, and then there was another muffled bang. It was Bai Xiu who had time to turn his head around, but what he saw was the ancient corpse flew out and smashed hard on the ground. On the white jade wall, there was a bang, and most of the white jade wall collapsed in an instant!

"Huh? Little baby, it's impossible for you to cross the tribulation!" There was also a hint of surprise in the voice of the ancient corpse, but it disappeared in place again in an instant.

Du Yuesheng grinned, waved his hand, and a gust of wind blew up his sleeves, directly throwing Bai Xiu and Wang Kaixuan out of the grave, and then he said: "You are at most the strength of a Liangyi Sanxian, and you have been seriously injured for so many years. You haven't healed, and your strength is not as good as that of a Sanxian with one yuan, so I advise you to accept death obediently!"

While speaking, Du Yuesheng shouted directly in his heart: "Rage!"

At this moment, Du Yuesheng's meridians surged, and his aura suddenly increased, reaching an unprecedented peak. Afterwards, without even thinking about it, he lifted the Immortal Execution Sword, and stabbed out in the air ahead!

There was a muffled bang, and in the next second, the Zhuxian Sword directly stabbed the ancient corpse!

"You have just crossed the catastrophe period and can keep up with my speed!" The ancient corpse was horrified, he never thought that with his own speed, he could still be seen through.

"I'm sorry, but this Heavenly Emperor is not an ordinary Transcendence Tribulation!"

Du Yuesheng sneered, he had eaten the Da Huan Dan back then, and his strength was ten times that of his original strength, and now he turned on the berserk, and it was ten times more, a total of twenty times his strength, even when he encountered the peak of Transcending Tribulation, he could beat him .

Unless you meet a real one-yuan Sanxian with complete strength, you may suffer a loss. This ancient corpse is stronger than the Ji family Sanxian, but it is still a step behind the real one-yuan Sanxian!

Unexpectedly, the ancient corpse was not so frightened, but pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled: "Hey, I have some strength. After the deity absorbs you, I'm afraid the injury will recover even more!"

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