The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 939 Who Has Salt, Bring Some (Fifth)

"Eat me?" Du Yuesheng laughed loudly: "It's not certain who eats who!"

Speaking of which, Du Yuesheng simply took out the Qingtian Ding that he had just obtained, and threw it on the ground, and the Qingtian Ding immediately turned into a big three-foot-high cauldron, and hit the ground, raising a cloud of dust.

Seeing this scene, many onlookers were dumbfounded.

What is Du Yuesheng doing? Why did he fight and take out a tripod? Did he want to cook this silver-winged roc?

People don't quite believe it.

On the contrary, Yin Jian in the distance saw the Qingtian Cauldron, and remembered that the younger generation with the strongest blood in his clan was actually killed and eaten by Du Yuesheng. His anger was ignited again, and he raised his head to the sky and let out a long cry. He came straight to attack and kill Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng looked at the silver sword, and was about to kill the silver-winged roc with the method he used to kill the silver-winged roc at the Liangyi Sanxian level, when he saw the silver-winged roc suddenly stop, Stopping at a distance of more than a hundred feet in front of him, he opened his mouth.

In an instant, a gust of wind blew up on Du Yuesheng's side, and even on the distant mountain behind him, trees were uprooted and flew into the air, and then were directly sucked into the mouth of this silver-winged roc, disappearing without a trace!

"Huh? A big silver-winged roc dares to imitate Kunpeng's swallowing and sucking, courting death!"

Du Yuesheng was also pulled by the huge suction force. Seeing this, he couldn't help sneering, and then his body moved, no longer resisting the suction force, but flew straight into the silver-winged roc's mouth.

"Hmph, you are trapped by the magic of my Silver-winged Roc clan!" Yin Jian didn't notice anything unusual, and he was quite proud of it. Du Yuesheng, who was so arrogant at the beginning, has fallen into his hands now ?

In the blink of an eye, Du Yuesheng disappeared into his big mouth.

Yin Jian immediately shut his mouth and let out a long cry, full of pride.

On Yunwu Mountain, Wang Kaixuan, who saw this scene, yelled anxiously: "Fucking bald bird, release my boss quickly, or when your fat man recovers from his injury, he will definitely come and dig the graves of your eighteen generations. Not one left!"

Seeing this scene, the surrounding monks were saddened. Du Yuesheng had already acted very tyrannically, but under the pressure of absolute strength, he still had no strength to resist!

But Yin Jian looked at Yunwu Mountain and sneered: "Hmph, fat man, I'm here to kill you alive, let's see how noisy you are!"

"Come here, come here, Fatty is afraid that you will fail!" Wang Kaixuan thought that Du Yuesheng had already died to save him, and he felt sad because he didn't want to live anymore.

If Yinjian was scolded by Wang Kaixuan, his seven orifices would be filled with smoke, and he would immediately move to kill Wang Kaixuan.

But he just moved, but suddenly stopped.

He felt something moving in his stomach.

Immediately afterwards, Du Yuesheng's loud laughter came from his belly: "The Emperor of Heaven is not dead yet, why are you so happy, you bald bird?"

"What?" Many monks were stunned. They were swallowed by the silver-winged roc, but they still didn't die?

Even the Silver-winged Roc was stunned. In their stomachs, there was actually a pressure comparable to that of mountains and seas. Most people would be crushed into patties instantly when they entered.

But this Du Yuesheng went in, but he didn't die?

There is no problem with a dead person in the stomach, but if there is a living person, it may be troublesome.

The silver-winged roc realized this, and quickly opened his mouth to spit out Du Yuesheng.

But it was too late, the sword tip of Zhu Xianjian sneered, and stabbed out from his abdomen, and then the sword light burst open, directly cutting open his entire abdomen, following a gust of bloody wind, Du Yuesheng transformed It flew out as a streamer, without any foreign matter on its body.

But looking at the silver-winged roc's stomach, it was already rotten into a mess, the internal organs continued to flow out from the huge wound, and the huge body was more like a big stone, and it hit the ground with a red sound.

At this moment, the silver sword has only breath left, and it can't even flap its wings. It's dying.

Only then did Du Yuesheng turn into a ray of light, rushing to Yunwu Mountain, brought down Wang Kaixuan who was covered in scars and was only hanging on his breath, and stood in front of Yinjian.

Seeing that Yinjian had become like this, Wang Kaixuan was overjoyed, braced himself, stepped forward, and stepped on Yinjian's head.

With a bang, Yin Jian's head exploded, and red and white things splashed all over the ground.

After killing Yinjian, Wang Kaixuan sat down on the ground and said: "Boss, let's go, there are too many people here, the Silver Winged Roc clan, the Holy Land of Immortal Ascension, will definitely send people here soon! "

Du Yuesheng sneered when he heard the words, and said: "With me here, don't be afraid, and the boss has even taken out the guy, so what if you don't need to use it?"


Wang Kaixuan was taken aback for a moment, his eyes fell on the Qingtian Cauldron, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "Wow, boss, this magic weapon is amazing, where did you get it?"

Du Yuesheng curled his lips and said: "I picked it up, that's all right, you sit down, and we'll talk about other things after eating this stew!"

As Du Yuesheng waved his hand, a wave of spiritual power swept away, directly condensing into a stream of water, filling the entire Qingtian Cauldron.

All the monks watching the battle in the sky were stunned, not knowing what Du Yuesheng was going to do.

Only Wang Kaixuan saw this scene, and his eyes became brighter. At this moment, he was seriously injured, and he was struggling to stand up, but if he could eat a meal of silver-winged roc meat to make up for it, not only would the injury be restored to its original state, he said Maybe even the cultivation base will have a great improvement!

After Du Yuesheng filled the water, he immediately chopped off a pair of silver sword's wings, shaved and washed them, and threw them directly into the Qingtian cauldron, and used the Netherworld Yellow Spring Skyfire Banner to release a burst of sky fire on the Qingtian cauldron to scare and roast them.

Seeing this scene, all the monks in the sky were dumbfounded.

What is Du Yuesheng doing? Does he really dare to cook the silver-winged roc?

Thinking about it carefully, everyone felt awe-inspiring, as if it was rumored that a silver-winged roc was eaten by Du Yuesheng and Wang Kaixuan. At first, everyone didn't believe it.

It's just that everyone was still terrified. Eating the meat of a big monster like the silver-winged roc is definitely a taboo in the fairy market.

If you eat the Silver-winged Roc clan, the rest of the monster beast clan will worry that you will come and eat their clansmen, so they will definitely unite with the Silver-winged Roc clan to chase and kill you.

In other words, by doing this, Du Yuesheng simply offended all the monster clans.

But there were also people who looked at the meaty wings of the silver-winged roc rolling in the Qingtian cauldron, drooling.

All the monks knew that the meat of the silver-winged roc was very delicious, and they had taken great tonic.

But they only dared to drool, and they didn't dare to let others see him drooling, otherwise, if the Silver Winged Rocs knew about it, it would be a fatal disaster.

But Du Yuesheng didn't care about this at all, smelling the smell of meat, he tasted it, suddenly raised his head, looked at the monks all over the sky, and shouted, "Whoever has salt, bring some!"

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