The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 941 In my eyes are all scum (second more)

"Ink stone!"

Huofeng and the silver-winged roc shouted Mo Ying's name, and hurriedly charged over.

The speed of Du Yuesheng's attack just now was really too fast, and there was a little distance between the three of them, so there was no time to rescue them. Unexpectedly, Mo Ying died in such an instant!

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for killing Moshi, a member of the Black Eagle tribe, and getting a reward of 3.196 billion fairy points!"

"Ding, the system prompts that due to the player's experience value is full, it will not be distributed for the time being. After the player has passed the catastrophe, it will be distributed together!"

When the system bell rang, Du Yuesheng didn't care at all. He raised his sword and moved like a ray of wind in the wind and snow, heading straight for the fire phoenix.

"Huopan, be careful, that kid is coming towards you!" After the silver-winged roc discovered this, his eyes were about to burst!

They are all Sancai Loose Immortals, and Du Yuesheng's cultivation level is lower than Du Yuesheng's. Why are Du Yuesheng running around like killing dogs?

Huofengniao was surprised, she didn't expect Du Yuesheng to kill Mo Ying after killing him!

Without hesitation, he shouted loudly: "The flames are overwhelming!"

With a loud shout, only a whooping sound was heard, and a raging fire was ignited all over his body, and the air was twisted by the scorching. Under the high temperature, even the wind and snow could not get close!

At this time, the fire phoenix bird shouted loudly: "Du Yuesheng, aren't you very tyrannical? Come and kill me, come and kill me if you have the guts!"

It has to be said that this fire phoenix has been driven crazy, otherwise, he would not have said such a thing at all, after all, it is clear that he can only passively defend now.

Du Yuesheng in the distance also grinned after hearing this, and said: "Since you like fire, then try the fire of this Heavenly Emperor! Netherworld Heavenly Fire Flag, come out!"

As soon as the words fell, a black and red flag flew out of his hand, and he raised his hand to wave the huge flag. In an instant, a scarlet sky fire roared away, and in a blink of an eye, the fire phoenix was wrapped It's serious.

"Wang Kaixuan! We can still eat roast turkey today!" Du Yuesheng laughed when he saw this.

The complexions of many monks in the distance changed drastically. They just used fire to attack the phoenix bird, so they want to eat roast turkey? Didn't he know that the most powerful spells of the fire phoenix are all fire? Can your fire burn to the phoenix bird?

It seemed to answer everyone's doubts, but after a few breaths, a shrill scream came from the mouth of the fire phoenix: "Du quickly remove your flames from this deity, or the whole family of this deity will definitely die!" I want to take you... ah..."

Before finishing speaking, the fire phoenix fell silent, and looked up, only to see the fire phoenix wrapped in sky fire, falling from the sky, almost exactly the same as a falling poplar.

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for killing Huofengniao clansman Huopan and getting a reward of 2,931,200,000 fairy points!"

"Ding, the system prompts that due to the player's experience value is full, it will not be distributed for the time being. After the player has passed the catastrophe, it will be distributed together!"

Not far away, the silver-winged roc saw this scene, and his complexion changed drastically. He didn't expect Du Yuesheng to be so tyrannical, killing two companions in the blink of an eye!

"Now it is your turn!"

Du Yuesheng grinned, and his eyes fell on the silver-winged roc.

The duration of his snow sword song is less than two minutes, and the battle must be resolved as soon as possible.

But the silver-winged roc, who was still majestic just now, immediately lost the will to fight. With a flap of its wings, it turned into a silver streamer and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye!

"Want to escape? Dream! System, help me lock this kid!" Du Yuesheng is still in the state of Xue Jiange at this moment, and his speed has increased dozens of times. How can you, a little silver-winged roc, escape?

"Ding, the system prompts that the silver-winged roc is in the east of the player and is moving away quickly!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng left with his sword without hesitation. Everyone felt that his figure flashed, and then he disappeared into the sky.

After less than half a breath, everyone looked up and saw Du Yuesheng returning with his sword, and what he was holding in his hand was the silver-winged roc who had run away!


Seeing this scene, countless monks watching the battle took a deep breath.

They couldn't believe their eyes, this Du Yuesheng, with one against three, actually wiped out the three three-talented Sanxian-level masters, and even the silver-winged roc who wanted to escape did not escape.

This Du Yuesheng's strength has probably reached the level of Sixiang Sanxian!

While everyone was secretly startled, they also turned their attention to Du Yuesheng, wanting to see what he was going to do now?

I saw that after Du Yuesheng captured the silver-winged roc, he fell to the ground with a bang, the Zhuxian sword moved, and with a chirp, the silver-winged roc's head rolled to the ground immediately, and blood spurted out.

The corners of the eyes of many monks twitched non-stop, but there was no room for maneuver!

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for killing Yinfei, a member of the Silver-winged Roc clan, and getting a reward of 3 billion 13 million fairy points!"

"Ding, the system prompts that due to the player's experience value is full, it will not be distributed for the time being. After the player has passed the catastrophe, it will be distributed together!"

Hearing the sound of the system in his ears, Du Yuesheng grinned and said to Wang Kaixuan: "Come on, cook all these birds, let's have a bird feast today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the wind and cloud suddenly changed between the sky and the earth. The sky, which was originally gloomy, suddenly became as black as ink, and the day turned into night in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the monks were shocked: "What's going on!"

Wang Kaixuan's expression also changed slightly, not knowing what happened.

Only Du Yuesheng looked up at the sky, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

In the blink of an eye, a ray of light appeared in the sky, which was extremely conspicuous. Looking up, the ray of light gradually condensed into the figure of an old man, and then the old man opened his mouth and said word by word: "I am a silver-winged roc. , There is no enmity between you and Your Excellency, why do you want to kill the descendants of my clan and eat our clansmen?"

Du Yuesheng sneered, and said: "Bloodline legacy? Are you talking about the silver-winged roc with only one Yuan Sanxian cultivation level? Hehe, I do have no grievances with him, but he came up to snatch my brother Baby, if you want to kill my brother and eat my brother, there is no rule in this world where you can only kill me and eat me, and I am not allowed to eat you and kill you!"

Hearing this, the old man's complexion was obviously much worse: "Then what you mean is that you are going to fight against my silver-winged roc clan and all the clans of Jiutian?"

Du Yuesheng narrowed his eyes, grinned, and said very easily: "Whether you represent the Silver-winged Roc clan or the entire Jiutian clan, in my eyes, you are scum. If you are against you, you are against it. How can you f***ing bear me!"

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