The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 947: Demon Sealing Nest (3rd update)

Luo Hong was taken aback.

Taking a closer look at Du Yuesheng again, he thought to himself, with my cultivation level at the 4th level of Tribulation Crossing, even if an expert at the peak of Crossing Tribulation stands in front of me, I can see through it. Oh, it's impossible, this kid must be just a mortal, but it's just a shield put out by the master hidden in the Wanxiang sect!

Thinking of this, Luo Hong immediately opened her mouth, sneered, and said, "Boy, I won't believe that you are that master even if you tell me what you say, but if you insist on me believing, then you can come and give me a punch." , let me see how tall you are!"

The idea in Luo Hong's heart was very simple, since Du Yuesheng would be used as a shield by that master, maybe he had a special status, when Du Yuesheng came to beat him, he could take the opportunity to catch Du Yuesheng and blackmail the master hidden in the Wanxiang sect!

When the members of Wanxiang Sect heard Luo Hong's request, they all looked at each other with strange expressions on their faces.

Let Du Yuesheng go over and punch him, will you, Luo Hong, still live?

The disciples of Luotian Holy Land saw this scene, their eyes sparkled, and they said in a low voice: "Look, the disciples of the Wanxiang Sect look a little ugly. They must not dare to let that kid come over and punch Elder Luo Hong!"

Luo Hong also looked at Du Yuesheng proudly, as if I had exposed your tricks.

But what I didn't expect was that after Du Yuesheng touched his head, he smiled: "I have never seen such a cheap request, so I will come here and punch you to satisfy you!"

When Luo Hong heard this, he became even happier. He was afraid that Du Yuesheng would change his mind, so he quickly said: "Come on, I will stay here and never move!"

Du Yuesheng immediately raised his feet and walked in front of Luo Hong. Under everyone's gaze, he gently raised his hand, and slowly punched out, and lightly landed on Luo Hong's chest.

The disciple of the Wanxiang sect was stunned. This is not a punch, but a touch is more or less the same.

And Luo Hong looked down at the fist imprinted on her chest, and suddenly raised her head to the sky and laughed loudly: "Haha, this is your punch? You can't even kill an ant with this punch..."


As soon as Luo Hong spoke, a wave of light suddenly burst out in front of Du Yuesheng's fist, and at the same time as the light wave spread, a force comparable to the collapse of a mountain burst forth, hitting Luo Hong's chest fiercely. superior.

In that instant, Luo Hong seemed to have turned into a cannonball. With a bang, she flew backwards, drawing an arc in the air, and after a dozen or so breaths, she hit a mountain ten miles away. .

Booming, the mountain collapsed and fell down!

And Luo Hong's aura disappeared even at this moment. Under this punch, let alone a cultivator in the fourth level of tribulation, even a one-yuan loose immortal can only lose his soul!

In an instant, both the disciples of Wanxiang Sect and the masters of Luotian Holy Land were stunned.

This is because Du Yuesheng's punch was too soft and weak when he punched out, but in the end he broke out with such a powerful force, the huge contrast was unacceptable.

At this moment, Wu Ming directly estimated Du Yuesheng's strength, and increased it by a few levels. The masters who can burst out with this level of strength with one punch are at least the best among the peaks of crossing the catastrophe!

If Wu Ming was told at this time that Du Yuesheng was actually a Sancai Sanxian, he might collapse immediately.

The mountains in the distance were still collapsing, and the rumbling sound was like thunder rushing, but among the disciples of Luotian Holy Land, there was silence.

Even Luo Hong was killed, did they hit a big iron plate this time?

A master of the ninth level of fitness stood up tremblingly, bowed his hands respectfully to Du Yuesheng, and said: "Senior, my cultivation is Tongxuan, I just offended you, please forgive me, and finally, please let me go!" Wait, after all we are all disciples of Luotian Holy Land..."


This talking fit master exploded in the air, splashing a cloud of blood mist.

At this time, Du Yuesheng curled his lips and said lightly: "Did you talk?"

The corners of Luotian Holy Land's disciples' lips twitched. They didn't expect Du Yuesheng to kill another master of them because of this reason. Moreover, Du Yuesheng just took a look, and a master of the nine-fold body was killed. What should we do?

The disciples of Luotian Holy Land looked at each other in blank dismay, regretting why they came here.

But soon, a fit master stood up, his face was full of horror, but he didn't speak, just raised his hand, indicating that he wanted to speak.

Du Yuesheng nodded and said, "Speak up if you have something to say!"

The fit master quickly said: "Senior, we are all disciples of Luotian Holy Land. There are so many masters in Luotian Holy Land, even if they are loose immortals, there are countless. Senior, please take care of Luotian Holy Land..."


Before the man finished speaking, he exploded in the air.

Afterwards, everyone heard Du Yuesheng's voice sounding again: "Use Luotian Holy Land to overwhelm this Heavenly Emperor, do you think Luotian Holy Land is very powerful? Do you think this Heavenly Emperor will be afraid?"

The disciples of Luotian Holy Land were dumbfounded, and they finally understood that it is impossible to be kind today!

Thinking of this, the remaining few fusion masters looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and shouted: "Brave maniac, my Luotian Holy Land is powerful in all directions, and my masters are like clouds. I don't believe you dare to really slaughter us!"

Boom boom boom!

A series of explosions sounded one after another, as if there were bombs in the monks' bodies. As soon as they spoke, the bombs exploded one after another, row by row, and directly blasted those monks into a blood mist!

The sky was immediately filled with blood mist, and the blood dripped down like rain, instantly dyeing the front of Vientiane Mountain a blood red, and the air was filled with the smell of blood, which made people chill.

But Du Yuesheng, who caused all this, just stood there indifferently, killing this group of monks, with his current cultivation level, he didn't even need to move a finger, he only needed to move his mind!

After the blood rain, the sky became clear again. At this time, everyone realized that not all the monks in Luotian Holy Land were dead, and there was a monk in the Nascent Soul stage standing on his flying sword, staring blankly. Looking at all of this, his face was full of fear, as helpless as a child separated from his parents.

"come over!"

Du Yuesheng raised his hand, and the Nascent Soul cultivator was out of his control immediately, and flew directly in front of Du Yuesheng.

"Senior, please forgive me!"

After being brought over, the Nascent Soul cultivator immediately yelled, knelt down on the ground, and yelled loudly, for fear that Du Yuesheng would kill him.

Du Yuesheng curled his lips, never bothering to deal with such weak and incompetent people: "Where are the rest of you Luotian Holy Land?"

"Senior, it's at the entrance of the Demon Sealing Nest three hundred miles to the east. Do you want to kill them? I'll take you there. Seniors don't have to worry about the other masters in Luotian Holy Land, the Sanxian-level masters, have entered the Demon Sealing Nest. The most powerful monk out there is only at the peak of the tribulation!"

This Nascent Soul cultivator knew everything, and immediately sold out Luotian Holy Land.

Du Yuesheng raised his brows, his eyes flashed brightly: "Sealing Demon Nest?"

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