The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 949 Heavenly Court of Immortal Market (Fifth Change)

"Bold madman, you dare to eat the meat of my Silver-winged Roc clan!"

Seeing this scene, the members of the Silver Winged Roc clan burst into anger.

Not only the silver-winged rocs, but also the fire phoenix and black eagles were also very angry, and shouted: "You are looking for death, kneel down quickly, or you will be cut into pieces, slaughtered and exterminated! "

Even the faces of the people in Shengxian Holy Land and Luotian Holy Land were extremely ugly, and they all yelled at Du Yuesheng and the disciples of Wanxiang Sect.


Hearing this, Du Yuesheng sneered directly: "Do you have the ability?"

The disciples of Wanxiang Sect were hesitant at first, but when they saw Du Yuesheng's firm attitude, they immediately stretched out their hands to pluck the feathers from the silver-winged roc in front of them.

But these disciples' cultivation base is too low, and they can't pull out the feathers of this silver-winged roc who has crossed the catastrophe. Du Yuesheng just turned his head and waved his hand, and a wave of spiritual power swept away. In an instant, the silver-winged roc became an infinite hairy bird.

"You, find me, die!" The clansmen of the Silver-winged Roc finally couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed towards Du Yuesheng in unison.

There are quite a few masters among them. At a glance, there are several who have crossed the ninth level of the tribulation, and there is also a master who is only one step away from the peak of the tribulation.

The silver-winged roc moved, the Moying clan and the Huofengniao clan looked at each other, without much hesitation, they turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Du Yuesheng.

The three clans are in the same spirit, if they let it go today, others may ignore it when they encounter danger in the future, and that will be the end of the three clans.

Seeing the Moying clan, the Huofengniao clan and the Silver-winged Peng clan rushed towards this side in unison.

Even though Wuming's mind was calm, he couldn't help trembling his hands.

The masters of these three clans came overwhelmingly, but the leaked momentum made the situation change.

But Du Yuesheng didn't seem to feel this at all. With a wave of his hand, a stream of light rushed away and rushed into the group of the three tribes. There was a loud bang, and at least a dozen masters of the three tribes suddenly turned into A cloud of blood.

The rest of the experts from the three tribes were terrified, and then they realized that Du Yuesheng's strength was extremely powerful, but they were not afraid. Instead, they turned their heads and shouted at the monks in Shengxian Holy Land and Luotian Holy Land: "Don't make a move yet! , when will it be!"

The cultivators of Luotian Holy Land and Shengxian Holy Land looked at each other, and then stopped hesitating. They rushed to Du Yuesheng with their swords, and at the same time shouted: "This kid may be a one-yuan Sanxian level existence. We, the masters of transcending tribulation, must all Join hands, or we won't be able to kill him!"

"Okay!" The rest of the people responded one after another, no longer rushing towards Du Yuesheng, but turned around and gathered together.

Looking at the past again at this moment, there are thousands of people from several clans, and no less than a hundred people who are masters of the tribulation. If this force is placed in Zhongsheng Shenzhou, it can be pushed all the way across, even if it is placed in Xianxu, as long as it is not The central area can also be said to be a tyrannical force.

But now these forces have only one person to deal with, and that is Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng's complexion was as usual, as if the thousands of masters in front of him were just a group of annoying flies, with a wave of his hand, a burst of spiritual power blasted them to death.


Thousands of monks shouted in unison, and cast their protective spells one after another, covering their bodies. In the end, thousands of defensive spells were linked together, directly forming a huge mask, which defended everyone.

"Do you want to defend against this Heavenly Emperor with just such spells?" Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, and said lightly: "Wishful thinking!"

The spiritual power training soon ran into the defensive spells of the thousand people, boom! A loud noise came from the sky, the mountains shook, the mountains collapsed, and the mountain torrents broke out. At this moment, the wind and clouds roared crazily.

And that seemingly tyrannical and boundless defensive spell was torn apart by Du Yuesheng's spiritual force at this moment, like a fragile piece of paper.

As for the monks in the defensive spells, whether they are in the distraction stage or the tribulation stage, as long as they are hit by spiritual power training, they will explode instantly. Into a blood mist.

But in an instant, almost all the monks of the five major forces who were still extremely arrogant just now turned into blood mist flying all over the sky.

The earth quickly returns to silence!

Wu Ming and the disciples of Wanxiang Sect looked at this scene and forgot the silver-winged roc meat in their hands. Wu Liu looked at Du Yuesheng with glistening eyes, thinking in his heart when he could be like Du Yuesheng and face thousands of enemies lightly , At the flick of a finger, the mast and scull fly to ashes and annihilate!

Only then did Du Yuesheng turn around to look at the crowd, and said with a smile: "Everyone, now the troubles are solved, hurry up and eat the meat of the silver-winged roc, first raise your cultivation level to the transcending tribulation stage."

Everyone still stared at Du Yuesheng blankly, motionless.

After a long time, Wu Ming slowly opened his mouth and asked, "Dare to ask... what is the cultivation level of senior? Is senior really a one-element loose immortal?"

One Yuan Sanxian is already the limit height that the disciples of Wanxiang Sect can imagine.

"One Yuan Loose Immortal?" Du Yuesheng was also taken aback, then couldn't help laughing, and said: "When did the Emperor of Heaven tell you that I am a One Yuan Loose Immortal, and I am a Sancai Loose Immortal!"


The Wanxiang sect disciple who had just become active just now turned into petrification again at this moment.

Sancai Sanxian? Are you kidding me, Du Yuesheng is actually a Sancai Sanxian?

In the history of Wanxiang Sect, except for the founding master who reached the level of one-yuan Sanxian, no one can reach this height. Even because they are in a corner, they have never seen a master of one-yuan Sanxian.

But now, a three-talented Sanxian suddenly appeared to lend a helping hand to them. The feeling is simply indescribable in words!

"Senior Heavenly Emperor!" Suddenly, all the disciples of Wanxiang Sect, including Wu Ming and Wu Liu, knelt down on one knee, and said in an extremely sincere voice: "Please, Senior Heavenly Emperor, protect us forever!"

When encountering such a master, if you don't take this opportunity to hug your thighs, you will be a fool.

Du Yuesheng paused for a moment, then came to his senses, laughed, and said: "No problem, it just so happens that the Emperor of Heaven has a sect named Tianting. After I settle the matter here, I will build a Heavenly Court in Xianxu! You are all mine!" Disciple of Heaven!"

"Thank you, Heavenly Emperor!" The disciples of the Wanxiang Sect, oh no, now it should be said that the disciples of the Heavenly Court shouted in unison.

At this time, Du Yuesheng turned his head to look at Wu Liu, and said, "Now are you willing to enter my heavenly court?"

What else is there not to want? Wu Liu nodded directly, and shouted with great sincerity: "!"

Only then did Du Yuesheng smile in satisfaction, pointing to the meat of the silver-winged roc and said: "Well, the disciples of my Heavenly Court sect can't have such a low level of cultivation, just eat whatever you want, the Emperor of Heaven wants to see how far you can improve your cultivation level." point!"

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