The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 962 Charged (Third)


The sword light shattered the purple light, and there was an inaudible explosion. Immediately afterwards, the purple light turned into a purple mist, which instantly diffused with the wind. The speed was so fast that it was eye-catching.

Seeing this scene, Long Qi quickly shouted: "Be careful, this is the Thousand Gods Weeping from the Ancient Land of Burial Gods, it's very poisonous!"

Du Yuesheng knew that it was poisonous mist without shouting with the dragon weapon, so he immediately grinned, and waved the Netherworld Heavenly Fire Flag.

A gust of black wind whizzed away, this gust of black wind was tyrannical, swept across the place visible to the naked eye in a blink of an eye, the purple mist did not have time to spread to Du Yuesheng's body, it was swept up by the black wind, and went straight to Qinghua and Qingyu flew over!

"not good!"

The two of them were startled, and quickly jumped up and flew backwards, but the black wind emitted by the Netherworld Skyfire Banner was the Netherworld Wind, extremely fast and powerful, and where two Sixiang Sanxians could escape Passed?

In a blink of an eye, the two were overtaken, and the black wind hadn't completely enveloped them when they saw their complexions suddenly turn purple, with purple poisonous blood overflowing from their mouths, and they were dead in a blink of an eye!

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player who killed Qingyu and got 3.732 billion fairy points!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player who killed Qinghua and got 3.631 billion fairy points!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations on the player's level upgrade, the current level: the peak of Sancai Sanxian!"

"Ding, the system prompts that since the player's experience value has reached the highest current level, the Four Elephant Tribulation is coming, and there are ten days left before the catastrophe arrives!"

Hearing the system's prompt, Du Yuesheng grinned, finally arriving at Sixiang Sanxian.

"What a strong poison!"

But Wang Kaixuan couldn't help gasping when he saw this scene. There are such sinister and vicious things in the ancient land of burying the gods. No wonder it is called the strongest ancient land. Not to mention their powerful spells, just say this A poisonous insect is probably enough to make other ancient lands stay away!

Du Yuesheng said lightly: "If you do many injustices in the ancient place of burying the gods, you will kill yourself. This time, Qingyu and Qinghua died under his own poison, which is the best proof!"

Long Qi is not like Du Yuesheng and Wang Kaixuan, who can still be so relaxed after killing the disciples of the Ancient Burial God.

At this moment, he was full of panic: "You two, I'm afraid we can't do good by killing the disciples of the ancient land of the burial god. Now let's think about how to explain it with the people of the ancient land of the burial god... These two people were killed by my thousand God weeps to death, we will say..."

"Hey, Long Qi, you are too timid!" Wang Kaixuan was very dissatisfied with Long Qi's timid appearance, and said, "You follow me and the boss, and the boss and I will definitely protect you!"

After speaking, Du Yuesheng also smiled slightly, and said: "It's just the ancient land of burial of gods, don't be afraid!"

"Don't be afraid?" Long Qi looked at Du Yuesheng and Wang Kaixuan as if he was looking at a fool, and said, "Don't you know how strong the Ancient Burial God Land is, let alone how powerful the Ancient Burial God Land is? None of the forces are easy to mess with!"

Du Yuesheng grinned, and said: "That's not too good, I killed the holy son of Luotian Holy Land, the holy son of Shengxian Holy Land, and several of their quasi-sage sons, and ate the fire phoenix, ink eagle As well as the meat of the silver-winged roc, they are all chasing and killing me now, by the way, the Empress of the Holy Land of Ascension to Immortals should also be looking for a chance to kill me now."

"Ah?" Long Qi was dumbfounded. When he saw Du Yuesheng and Wang Kaixuan eating the phoenix bird, he thought they were eating it secretly.

But listening to it now, it's clear that it's being eaten upright. Moreover, how daring Du Yuesheng is, he killed the two holy sons of the Holy Land.

And the Empress! That is one of the strongest younger generation in Xianxu, even she wants to kill Du Yuesheng? How did Du Yuesheng survive till now?

Thinking of this, Long Qi wanted to turn around and go back to Dilong City without saying a word.

Wang Kaixuan was stunned: "Hey, you are not so timid, are you afraid?"

Long Qi shook his head and said: "You have provoked so many forces, if you don't live long, it doesn't make much sense to follow you!"

Wang Kaixuan paused, a little helpless, but Du Yuesheng smiled slightly and said: "Then you follow us to see, and you go back after we die, how about it?"

Only then did Long Qi look back at Du Yuesheng, thinking of the tyrannical strength Du Yuesheng had shown, finally gritted his teeth and said, "Okay."

The three of them discussed it, and then they lifted their feet to the void, and continued to rush towards Poshen Mountain. As for the corpses of Qingyu and Qinghua, they were covered with poison, and Wang Kaixuan dared not touch them.

The Poshen Mountain is located in the mountains, and the continuous mountain range surrounds the Poshen Mountain layer by layer. If you want to go to the Poshen Mountain, you must pass through these mountains.

But none of the monks dared to fly directly from the sky with their swords. Those monks who dared to do so had long been strangled by the prohibition in the mountains below, and their corpses were all turned into bones.

Therefore, if you want to reach Poshen Mountain, you must walk through these mountains step by step.

When the three of Du Yuesheng and the others arrived here, many casual cultivators and monks from small forces had already gathered here. These monks were all buried in the roads that their predecessors had stepped on, and walked into the endless mountains. middle.

Du Yuesheng didn't delay either, and plunged in right away.

Wang Kaixuan was impatient with walking so slowly, and wanted to fly fast with his sword sticking to the ground, but Long Qi said: "Don't do this, in the mountains outside Poshen Mountain, there are ancient restrictions everywhere, tyrannical and boundless, who dares to fly , even if the flight is only half an inch above the ground, it will trigger the ban, causing people to die instantly!"

"So strong?" Wang Kaixuan stuck out his tongue, but he didn't dare to think about flying again.

The three of them mixed in the crowd, and soon they came to a valley. Seeing this valley, Long Qi frowned, and said: "Although there are many roads in the mountains that have been stepped on by the predecessors, there are still many roads on the road." There are many restrictions, and every time you pass by, you have to break it once, and this Valley of Broken Soul is the first checkpoint."

While speaking, a group of monks walked into the valley together.

Strangely, after the group of monks entered the valley, their figures disappeared immediately, and the valley still looked empty, as if no one had entered just now.

Wang Kaixuan looked at the valley in surprise, and was about to speak, when suddenly there was a movement in the valley, and then with a whoosh, a pile of bloody corpses flew out of the valley and landed in front of everyone.

Du Yuesheng narrowed his eyes and looked at the valley. After a long time, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Wang Kaixuan looked at Broken Soul Valley, twitched the corner of his mouth, and said, "It's so dangerous, can we take a detour?"


A sneer came out from one side: "If you want to go to Poshen Mountain, this Valley of Broken Soul is the only way to go, other places are dead places, and the restrictions are boundless, even Jiugong Sanxian may not be able to pass, you From where?"

Hearing the sound, Wang Kaixuan turned around, and saw that the person speaking was a middle-aged man with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks and a pair of red phoenix eyes. He didn't look like a good guy at first glance, but he was not angry. Said: "This fellow Taoist knows this place very well!"

"That's right!" The middle-aged man chuckled and said, "I'm not afraid to tell you directly, I've been here for hundreds of years, and I'm familiar with every plant and tree here!"

Wang Kaixuan nodded again and again, and said, "Then, fellow Taoist, can you take us to the Valley of Broken Soul?"

"Yes!" To Wang Kaixuan's surprise, the middle-aged man agreed directly, but then he said, "But I charge a fee. By the way, let me introduce myself, my name is Ge Dingshan!"

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