Seeing that Du Yuesheng's target turned out to be Jieyun, many monks were surprised from the beginning, but directly changed to disdain:

"He actually wants to kill Jieyun?"

"There is a legend that when a tyrannical person crosses the calamity, he can cut the calamity cloud with a single sword, and the calamity cloud will dissipate immediately, and the tribulation is successful, but those calamity clouds are all tribulation clouds, and even Lu Jiutian The robbery cloud, the ninety-nine-day robbery cloud, the more it is broken, the more powerful it is, this kid is courting death!"

"Ignorant people, even if they have all the skills, they will die!"

Even Wang Kaixuan, who has always believed in Du Yuesheng, has a puzzled look on his face: "No, last time the boss shattered the Jieyun of the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation, but Jieyun sent down an even more powerful Heavenly Tribulation, which even shattered the void." He even sucked the boss into the void and teleported him to another place, how could the boss repeat the same mistakes this time?"

Long Qi, who was beside Wang Kaixuan, couldn't help but change his face when he heard this sentence: "What, the Heavenly Emperor really shattered the calamity cloud of Ninety-Nine Heavenly Tribulation, and was also smashed into the void by the descending Heavenly Tribulation!" Not dead?"

Wang Kaixuan nodded: "Of course, otherwise, why did I come to your Dragon City alone?"

When everyone was talking, Du Yuesheng's sword had already been thrown out, straight to the sky, and the robbery cloud in the sky also spat out a black thunder calamity, but the sword light directly went against the trend, and the sword slashed nothingness.

Afterwards, this sword directly slashed towards Jieyun, passing through the body, and the huge Ninety-Nine Heavens Jieyun was directly divided into two!

But that's all, Jieyun hasn't changed at all, and is even condensing a new thunder disaster!

When the monk below saw this scene, he immediately said, "Did you see that the cloud of the ninety-nine heavenly calamity cannot be broken!"

Many monks who originally wanted to kill Du Yuesheng were secretly happy in their hearts and prepared to continue to attack.

Even Ge Dingshan exhaled a long breath, and said with a faint smile, "I'm finally going to die!"

But at this moment, an exclamation suddenly sounded: "Look at that robbery cloud!"

Everyone hurriedly raised their heads to look over, through the huge gap cut by Du Yuesheng's sword from the robbery cloud, they finally saw a black as ink hole appearing above the robbery cloud.

The opening appeared suddenly, and it appeared even more strangely, as if a huge wound had appeared above the blue sky.

At the moment when everyone was stunned, a well-informed person finally spoke, his voice was full of horror: "That is... the void that was cut into pieces..."

"One sword... smashed the void!"

"What exactly does he want?"

Before everyone had time to be surprised by Du Yuesheng's sword shattering the void, they saw Jie Yun, who was so tyrannical, suddenly flew towards the void.

At this time, everyone remembered that the cracks in the void have great suction. If anyone approaches, they will be sucked in immediately.

And now the one closest to the crack in the void is the robbery cloud!

The rift in the void is still slowly healing, but Jieyun was sucked in front of the rift in the void in a blink of an eye. The rift was like a greedy mouth, swallowing more than half of Jieyun in one gulp, and the remaining half Jieyun was struggling, and he didn't even have a moment to support it, and he was swallowed up in the blink of an eye!

Jieyun disappeared and was swallowed by the void opened by Du Yuesheng's sword!

At the same time, a series of system prompts sounded in Du Yuesheng's ears:

"Ding, the system prompts congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for successfully surviving the tribulation, the current level: Sixiang Sanxian first level!"

"Ding, the system prompts that the player's stored experience points will start to be distributed!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng's level upgrade, the current level: Sixiang Sanxian 2nd level!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng's level upgrade, the current level is the third level of Sixiang Sanxian!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng's level upgrade, the current level is the fourth level of Sixiang Sanxian!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng's level upgrade, the current level is Sixiang Sanxian fifth level!"


After successfully crossing the tribulation, he raised his cultivation to the fifth level in one breath, and finally a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Du Yuesheng's mouth.


But before he was happy for a long time, he heard another wave of attacks from the prohibition below, attacking and killing Du Yuesheng. He is still flying in the air and will still be attacked!

"Huh!" Du Yuesheng narrowed his eyes, swung Zhuxian Sword, and turned around, a circle of sword light immediately sprinkled from his body, which seemed to be in a mess.

But if you take a closer look, you will find that every sword light is flying towards a restriction, and the attacks issued by those restrictions are instantly broken, and the sword light is still moving forward, falling in the direction of the restriction!

"He still wants to destroy those restrictions?"

The faces of many monks who saw this scene changed drastically: "Those restrictions are hidden in the mountains, and they are integrated with the mountains. He wants to destroy the restrictions unless he cuts off this mountain range!"

"Although he can shatter the void with one sword, break the calamity cloud with one sword, and block the forbidden attack, but it is still too..."

Before I finished speaking, there were bursts of rumbling loud noises, and I saw the sword light falling, tyrannical and unparalleled, those huge mountains were as fragile as tofu under this sword, and when a sword light fell, there was a mountain directly Collapsed, countless sword lights fell, and dozens of nearby mountains were razed to the ground in just an instant!

A monk, a cultivator, a monk who calls the wind and rain, drives mountains and seas, just like Du Yuesheng is now!

For a moment, the whole room was silent, and no one dared to make a sound.

Too strong, Du Yuesheng is too strong, everyone kept repeating this sentence in their hearts.

Those monks who had attacked Du Yuesheng before had a sudden change of face and a turmoil in their hearts. They knew that if Du Yuesheng wanted to kill them, it would not take much effort.

Ge Dingshan's face was even more ugly. He thought that Du Yuesheng was going to die, but who would have thought that Du Yuesheng's strength was so tyrannical that he could smash the void with one sword, and shatter mountains and rivers with one sword!

After the surrounding ban on flying was completely destroyed, Du Yuesheng lowered slightly, looked down at the people below, and said word by word: "Who just wanted to kill the Emperor of Heaven?"

There are not many people who are still alive just now, but there are people who have the idea of ​​killing Du Yuesheng in their hearts, and there are all of them present!

But since you thought about it, then you, Du Yuesheng, would not be able to guess it even if you have the ability to reach the sky, so those monks who had the idea of ​​killing Du Yuesheng all gritted their teeth and kept silent.

The mountain wind blew in, and the surroundings were cold and silent.

Du Yuesheng grinned, he had already thought of such a situation, so he said word by word: "Since you don't say a word, it means that you all acquiesce, since you all want to kill the emperor, Naturally, the Emperor of Heaven will not spare you!"

That's all the words, murderous intent!

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