The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 969 Forbidden Mountain (Fifth)

Du Yuesheng frowned, Wang Kaixuan must be very aware of his strength, but since Wang Kaixuan talked about troubles, the things ahead must not be easy.

After Wang Kaixuan took a deep breath, he continued: "If you want to get to Poshen Mountain, you have to pass through this mountain, but this mountain is full of ancient prohibitions, so tyrannical, even the Seven Stars Sanxian can carry it." If you don't stop, you will be bombarded!"

"Oh?" Du Yuesheng raised his brows, the restriction that could kill all the Seven Star Sanxians is indeed a trouble: "Then there are so many people, has no one broken the restriction and passed by?

There are quite a few monks stuck here in front of them, and all of them are frowning. Some of them are courageous and rely on their own understanding of the restrictions, so they walked up the mountain.

Wang Kaixuan shook his head and said: "Someone has broken the restrictions, but these restrictions are extremely weird. Even after being broken by the people in front, the people behind will go up, and these restrictions will be restored!"


Hearing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help raising his brows, Long Qi's eyes lit up, and said: "Really? Then I want to try it, the strongest of my Dragon Clan is not the blood of the Dragon Clan, but the blood of the Dragon Clan." It's a ban and formation!"

Dragon Artifact did not lie. Although the Earth Dragon Clan has dragon blood, it is not strong or rich. After years of exploration, the restriction and formation of the Earth Dragon Clan have developed.

In Dilong City, the big killing formation that Wang Kaixuan encountered was just a low-level formation in Dilong City, but it still almost forced Wang Kaixuan to death, which is also evident!

"Let's go, go and have a look!"

Du Yuesheng didn't rush to make a decision, and took the lead to walk towards the foot of the forbidden mountain.

Soon, the three of them mixed in the crowd and walked to the foot of the Forbidden Mountain. At this moment, many monks were still discussing the Forbidden Mountain with their companions.

"Troublesome, I didn't expect to encounter such a troublesome Forbidden Mountain, what should we do? Shall we take a detour?"

"It's okay to take a detour, but the time wasted will definitely not be less than ten days. After ten days, when you arrive at Poshen Mountain, what else will you keep?"

"Ah? So what should I do? I don't know anything about prohibition, so is it possible that I want to try it with my life?"

"Oh, that's all, but the people in front have figured out the rules just now. If you want to climb the forbidden mountain, you only need to go through twenty prohibitions, and you only need to kill one person in each prohibition to pass safely. So now everyone is getting ready to pass in formation!"

"Twenty bans will kill twenty people. If we can form a centurion to pass through, the damage will not be much!"

"Dream, a ban can accommodate up to forty people to enter, otherwise it will cause other bans to attack jointly, and then everyone will die together, but if forty people die and twenty people die, the chance of 50% is not small!"

Just when these monks were about to unite with the people around them, many people had already started to act. For a moment, there were voices shouting and walking in groups everywhere.

In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen teams of monks were ready to go, but no one took the lead, or no one dared to take the first step.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in front of Du Yuesheng:

"Everyone, I am Xu Fu from the ancient place of hidden swords. Now the law of the Forbidden Mountain has been figured out, so I, Xu Fu, will gather thirty Five Elements Loose Immortals and follow my people from the ancient place of hidden swords. Safety must be guaranteed! "

Hearing this voice, many monks rushed towards the Xu Fu in this ancient sword hiding place without even thinking about it.

The disciples of the ancient land must be tyrannical. Following the disciples of the ancient land may save two people from dying. In order to have a chance of life, these monks all moved forward one after another.

When there are more people, the crowd immediately becomes crowded. In order to survive, these monks are no different from ordinary people.

Coincidentally, Du Yuesheng happened to be standing not far from Xu Fu, but he was not interested in following Xu Fu, and only focused on checking the forbidden mountain.

But he didn't move, but someone squeezed beside him and yelled, "Hey, bastard, don't you stand in the latrine and don't shit, get out of here!"

Du Yuesheng narrowed his eyes and looked at the speaker. He was a loose fairy of five elements, five big and three rough, and looked like a loose fairy with a way of body training.

This body-refining Sanxian is named Qi San, and his body-refining spells are so powerful that even monks of the same level have to bow their heads and make way when they see him.

He came over and yelled, thinking that Du Yuesheng should obediently get out of the way, but he didn't expect that Du Yuesheng not only refused to give way, but also looked him up and down, as if he had been greatly insulted, he raised his palm and pressed it on Du Yuesheng's shoulder.

When this palm was pressed, at least one hundred thousand catties of force was added to Du Yuesheng's body.

"Boy... I asked you to make way for me, didn't you hear me!" After Qi San slapped his palm, he said with a sly smile. In his estimation, with his own palm, Du Yuesheng, a little boy, would Sixiang Sanxian, I am afraid that the shoulder blades will be broken.

However, what I didn't expect was that Du Yuesheng's expression didn't change at all, and his figure didn't move. Instead, he gently raised his right hand, stretched out two fingers, and squeezed Qi San's hand like pinching a bedbug. Let go.


Qi San's complexion changed, he used so much strength just now, Du Yuesheng not only didn't respond, but easily took his hand off.

Moreover, his hands are still aching. How much strength is there on Du Yuesheng's seemingly understated two fingers?

"Hey... Isn't Qi San very powerful in body training, why was he dealt with like this by a Four Elephant Loose Immortal?"

There was also a sound of whispering around immediately.

Qi San's face flushed instantly, and the murderous intent in his eyes slowly permeated: "Boy, you have offended me."

Du Yuesheng glanced at Qi San, and said lightly: "So what?"

Qi San didn't want to waste his energy and kill people here, and the sentence you pissed me off was to make Du Yuesheng retreat.

"Then I'm going to kill you!" Qi San practiced physical skills, and he was also very rough. When he disagreed, he took a step forward and punched Du Yuesheng directly in the head.

Immediately there were exclamations from all around: "Qi San's body is a magic weapon, and his punch is a tyrannical spell. Last time I saw him kill a Wuxing Sanxian with a punch!"

"This Immortal Si Xiang San is too courageous, he dared to anger Qi San, it's too much life!"

"Hey, which one here doesn't have a bit of arrogance? It's a pity that his arrogance is used in the wrong place. I hope he will be smarter in his next life!"

While everyone was talking, Qi San's punch had already struck, but a strange scene also happened at this moment. Qi San's fist suddenly stopped less than a foot in front of Du Yuesheng, and circled Ripples in the air visible to the naked eye surged open.

Du Yuesheng raised his head slowly, narrowed his eyes, and said, "That's all?"

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