The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 976 Hallucination (Second)

This illusion on the Bridge of Rebirth is really too real.

Before Du Yuesheng could make another move, the voice behind him continued: "You come to help me, I just ask you to help me this time, in the future, I will never ask you to help me, I will definitely stay by your side obediently beside……"

Long Wushuang's voice became more and more sad and deep, as if it was about to disappear.

And at the head of the bridge, the eyes of many monks fell on Du Yuesheng. In their eyes, Du Yuesheng was only one step away from getting off the bridge, but at this step, Du Yuesheng stopped.

"Trouble, it seems that this kid is also confused by the illusion!"

"The environment on the bridge to life is too powerful, if one out of ten people can walk over it, it is considered tyrannical!"

"It's a pity, it's a pity, this kid has been walking smoothly, but it's a pity that he stopped at the last step!"

When everyone was talking, Wang Kaixuan's heart also raised his throat: "Boss, you will not be confused by illusions..."

On the bridge, Du Yuesheng hadn't turned his head yet, but he spoke slowly: "I know you are an illusion, I know that if you turn your head back, you will be in danger of being buried, but... you shouldn't, never should, take my family as your own. illusion..."

"The family of the Emperor of Heaven, how can you get close to them?"

"How can you touch the heavenly emperor's reverse scale?"

The dragon has reverse scales, if you touch it, you will die!

Du Yuesheng didn't hesitate any more, and turned his head suddenly, but when he turned his head back, there was no Long Wushuang's figure, only the dense crowd of other people who suddenly appeared, such as Patriarch Teng, Patriarch Jinmu, Luohe, Huowei, etc. The enemy killed by Du Yuesheng!

At this moment, they crowded the entire Xiangsheng Bridge, and even the air was crowded with dense figures, making one's scalp numb just by looking at it.

On the shore, many people saw that Du Yuesheng had turned his head back, and they couldn't help sighing: "It's over, this kid is also over!"

"I haven't seen anyone walk across the bridge unharmed after looking back!"

"I thought this person could walk over, but now I still look up to him!"

On the bridge, countless enemies who had already died opened their mouths to Du Yuesheng, their mouths were full of blood, and their eyes were full of murderous intent: "Jie Jie, Du Yuesheng, you still turn back, you can't survive, come down and accompany us!"

Tens of thousands of people shouted at the same time, overwhelmingly attacking Du Yuesheng, the momentum seemed to directly drown Du Yuesheng.

The killing intent in Du Yuesheng's eyes was like a rainbow: "If you kill you the first time, you will be able to kill the second time. If you dare to threaten me with the person I love, you will be killed without mercy!"

While speaking, he waved his hand, and the Immortal Execution Sword jumped out of his hand. With a wave of the sword, the sword light burst into the crowd, and the tyrannical sword energy cleared out half of the sky in an instant. I don't know how many people died under this sword, but the strange thing is that the system didn't send out an experience point prompt.

Obviously, these people are all hallucinations, what's more terrible is that at this moment, those people who were killed by Du Yuesheng's sword, at this moment, unexpectedly condensed out of the void again, as if they could not be killed and could not be killed !

"Hahaha, unexpected, die!" Countless people shouted together.

But Du Yuesheng closed his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Since it's an illusion, if you want to kill you, you can't use a sword... but use the Dao Heart of the Emperor of Heaven!"

The shouts were getting closer and closer to his ears, but Du Yuesheng's mood became more and more peaceful. In the end, his heart was like a pool of autumn water, an ancient well without waves.

"Death!" Patriarch Teng's voice was the fastest, and he had already come to Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were clear, without any hostility, only peaceful.

But at this moment, his eyes seem to have a great magical power. Just looking at it like this, the old ancestor Teng, who was screaming to kill Du Yuesheng, instantly turned into a cloud of smoke and rushed towards his face!

"Sure enough!"

Du Yuesheng knew in his heart that this Bridge to Rebirth was actually a place to test his Dao Xin. If his Dao Xin was not firm enough, he could cover it up with a heart of iron and stone, but if his Dao Xin was truly firm, he could turn back. Don't turn back? joke!

So what if he turns back, as long as he is firm in his Taoism, the heavens and the earth will not be able to stop him!

Thousands of figures rushed forward densely, Du Yuesheng put away the Zhu Xian sword, and swept his gaze, all the places he saw, those figures instantly turned into a cloud of dust and disappeared.

The roaring sound in the ear changed from earth-shattering at the beginning to silence, and after a short while, the world became clear, and Du Yuesheng realized that he was already standing at the end of the bridge of death. under the bridge.

Looking up at the other side of the bridge, Wang Kaixuan and Long Qi were still worried.

Du Yuesheng raised his hand and waved at the two of them.

For a moment, many people were stunned: "This... this kid is waving at us?"

"It shouldn't be, he should be waving at the hallucination..."

"Yes, yes, it must be like this. I haven't heard of anyone who can turn around on the bridge of death. This kid will either die suddenly, or jump off the bridge by himself. He won't wave to us."

When Wang Kaixuan saw Du Yuesheng waving, he felt that Du Yuesheng was waving to himself. He was absolutely right. Hearing the people talking in his ears, he couldn't help but said: "Everyone, my boss must have cracked the bridge of death. illusion!"

For a moment, everyone seemed to have heard a big joke, and couldn't help laughing out loud: "Haha... Did you hear that, this fat man said that someone can crack the illusion of the bridge of death!"

"Ignorant junior, do you know how powerful this Rebirth Bridge is? How could it be cracked by a little Sixiang Sanxian?"

"Boy, take care of yourself. It won't take more than three quarters of an hour. Your boss will either die suddenly, or turn over and jump off the bridge of death. I'll bet you a magic weapon!"

But when everyone was discussing, Du Yuesheng suddenly turned around, took a big step forward, walked directly down the bridge of death, and stepped on the ground on the other side.

At this moment, the people who were still laughing at Wang Kaixuan just now were all dumbfounded. Their eyes were all bigger than eggs, and their eyes were full of inconceivable expressions: " is this possible?"

"He turned his head back on the Bridge of Rebirth without dying, and even walked across the Bridge of Rebirth, this he a human, or are we all hallucinating?"

"Which family is this boy...!"

"He...has actually cracked the illusion of the Bridge of Rebirth, so he can turn back freely?"

Wang Kaixuan breathed a long sigh of relief, laughed three times, and said: "Come on, come on, those who just said that my boss is going to die, and still bet on the magic weapon with me, take out the magic weapon, Fatty, I am childless!" bully!"

The monk who just said that he wanted to bet couldn't help but twitched, turned around and slid into the crowd, it seemed that he wanted to renege on his debt!

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