The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 979: The Power of a Sword (Fifth)

Taking a closer look, a total of three monks appeared. They were all men, with a strong and boundless aura, and their blood was unstoppable. Their cultivation bases were all at the level of Liuhe Sanxian, which was eye-catching!

However, before Du Yuesheng could speak, Feng Jian jumped out, his face was cold and his anger couldn't be suppressed: "How dare you rob me?"

Feng Jian's words were so powerful that they frightened the three thieves and monks, but soon, the three came back to their senses, sneered, and said, "Grandpa was scared to death, I thought you were The senior of Qixing Sanxian, I never thought that he was just Liuhe Sanxian!"

Feng Jian was taken aback when he heard the words, he didn't check the cultivation of these three people just now, but when the other party said this, he just checked, and his complexion suddenly changed.

There are three Liuhe Sanxians, and they are all big thieves, so it will be troublesome.

You must know that the big thief has been licking blood all the year round, and his actual strength is much stronger than the average Liuhe Sanxian. If there are only two Liuhe Sanxians, he is not afraid, but if there are three...he can only run away!

For a moment, Feng Jian's complexion became extremely ugly: "Three Liuhe loose immortals turned into bandits and became big thieves. It is really a big joke in the world. Do you dare to fight with me?"

"Boy, do you think I'm stupid?" The three big thieves said in unison: "Since we are big thieves, we are not prepared to lose face. Hand over all the magic weapons on us, or don't blame the three of us for being ruthless!"

As he said that, a person took out a dark object from the storage bag and threw it in front of everyone.

If you look carefully, it turned out to be a human head, and you can feel the remaining blood on the head, and you can find that it is the head of a Liuhe Sanxian!

The viciousness of these three people can be seen from this.

"You are so bold, how can you know who I am!" Feng Jian was startled and angry, and couldn't help shouting: "I am the Holy Son of the Mad Sword Holy Land, you will rob me, and I will die!"

Hearing this, the big thief was taken aback, and Du Yuesheng couldn't help saying: "Idiot!"

"Bastard!" Feng Jian's face was cold, he turned his head and glanced at Du Yuesheng, and shouted sharply: "The enemy is in front of me, how dare you insult me?"

"He is right, you are an idiot!" But at this time, the big thief said: "If you don't tell your origin, I will only treat you as an ordinary monk, and I will let you go if you rob the magic weapon!" I left, but I didn't expect you to be a figure of the Son of God, if I let you go, wouldn't it be letting the tiger go back to the mountain, hehe, now you hand over the magic weapon and you will die!"

Hearing this, Feng Jian's pupils shrank suddenly. He hadn't thought of this at all just now. Thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant, and he quickly said, "I promise that I will never hold you accountable in the future!"

"Idiot!" Wang Kaixuan couldn't help but speak.

"You!" Feng Jian gritted his teeth and turned his head to stare at Wang Kaixuan fiercely: "How dare you, a little Sancai Sanxian, insult me?"

"Am I wrong?" Wang Kaixuan asked back: "At this point, I'm afraid you don't even believe your nonsense, and you want these big thieves to believe it?"

Feng Jian gritted his teeth tightly and trembled with anger. It was nothing more than being robbed by a big thief, but now he is being treated as an idiot again and again, who can bear it?

He couldn't help shouting: "Are you two anxious to get rid of my relationship so that you can survive? You are really cowardly! Junior sister, you have misjudged these people!"

Zhu Jianxue was full of anxiety, but her hands were behind her back, and her fingers were pinching her fingers. Obviously, she was already starting to make a move, so she couldn't care less about talking to Feng Jian.

On the contrary, it was Feng Jian's words that directly drew the eyes of the three big thieves to Zhu Jianxue: "Fairy don't need to make spells to cast spells, otherwise I will kill you first, you are a loose fairy of the five elements, we have to kill you!" It only takes an instant to kill you!"

Zhu Jianxue's complexion was bleak upon hearing this, she let out a wry smile, and let go of her pinching fingers.

"It's so stupid!" Du Yuesheng sighed for a long time.

Seeing this, Feng Jian knew that he had done something wrong again, but being arranged by Du Yuesheng in this way, he still couldn't help shouting: "If you are smart, you can come up with a way to get me out of here!"

"Then what else can we do? Aren't you the holy son of the Holy Land, aren't you the Sanxian of Liuhe, aren't you a noble person who likes to overwhelm others with power, you should go." Wang Kaixuan stood aside and said yin and yang, and finished speaking Only then did I feel refreshed all over, and I spit out all the suffocation I received before!

"I...I..." For a moment, Feng Jian was speechless when asked, his face was flushed, and he took several steps back feebly, but he couldn't utter a complete sentence.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, ignored him, but raised his head to look at the three thieves, and said calmly: "Okay, the farce should be over, go now, and you can still live."

"Hehe? A little Sixiang Sanxian has such a big tone!"

"I wanted to kill that Holy Son first, so let's kill you now!"

While speaking, the three Liuhe Sanxian moved, advancing and retreating at a pace, as if they were one, they rushed towards Du Yuesheng in unison.

Du Yuesheng didn't change his face, and raised his hand, the Pillar of Rebirth just now flew out, stood in front of him, and a wave visible to the naked eye rippled away, covering a distance of ten feet around.

Coincidentally, the three big thieves happened to enter within the range of ten feet.

At this very moment, the three big thieves who were aggressively advancing together suddenly stood there in a daze, as if their eyes were blind, looking up to the left and right, but they couldn't see their companions in front of their eyes at all. !

"What's going on here?" Seeing this, Zhu Jianxue's beautiful eyes widened, and she was immediately stunned.

On the contrary, Wang Kaixuan's eyes lit up, and he said happily: "Boss, this is the magic weapon you just got. It's very strong. Can you kill these three people directly?"

Du Yuesheng shook his head and smiled, and said: "It's not that easy, they are just trapped in an illusion and can't help themselves, if they want to kill them, they can only do it themselves."

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand, ready to call out the Zhuxian Sword to kill people, but at this moment, a cold light shot out from one side, and rushed in front of the three of them in a blink of an eye. Between Zhaxie, bloody flowers fluttered.

Taking a closer look, it turned out that it was Feng Jian who made the move, and as soon as he made the move, it was like a gust of lightning, killing the three thieves in an instant!

On the contrary, Du Yuesheng raised his hand and froze on the spot. He really didn't expect Feng Jian to show his might and come out to kill people at this moment.

He couldn't help but smiled helplessly, put down his hands, put away the Pillar of Rebirth, and shook his head in silence.

After Feng Jian killed the three big thieves, he seemed to have completely forgotten the previous humiliation, and his confidence returned to his face, and his voice became arrogant: "Three big thieves at the level of Liuhe Sanxian, but mere, block Can't stand the power of my sword!"

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