The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 991 The Five Elements Sanxian Tribulation Comes (Second Change)

Not only Chen Fengzi and other monks around, even Wang Kaixuan and Long Qi were shocked.

If Du Yuesheng got so many natural and earthly treasures from Baibao Garden, he would immediately become the target of public criticism. Why did he do this?

But despite their doubts, Wang Kaixuan and Long Qi took out their storage bags without hesitation, and chased after Du Yuesheng.

Only then did Du Yuesheng lift his foot and walked towards the hut. When passing by Chen Fengzi, Chen Fengzi smiled slightly and said:

"Thank you fellow Taoist Du Yuesheng, I can give you a ride later, so that you can run more easily when you are hunted down!"

Du Yuesheng grinned and said: "Then there is no need, the Emperor of Heaven never said that he would run away!"

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng continued to move forward, Wang Kaixuan hurriedly approached and said in a low voice: "Boss, did you invite some other expert to sweep everyone present?"

Du Yuesheng shook his head: "No."

"Then... who are you, boss?"

Wang Kaixuan wanted to speak, but he saw Du Yuesheng's figure move, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the Baibao Garden outside the thatched hut.

This Hundred Treasures Garden is not big, less than a mile in radius, but the treasures of heaven, material and earth in it are densely packed, and a treasure comparable to seven-colored mountain lotus can be crushed with one foot.

Du Yuesheng didn't plan to take the treasures to stay, this time he wanted to move the entire Baibaoyuan.

So with a wave of his hand, a burst of spiritual power directly attacked and killed, and under the envious and jealous eyes of everyone, he directly lifted up a large piece of land, and then he turned around and shouted: "Wang Kaixuan! "

Wang Kaixuan quickly opened his storage bag, and the large piece of land plus the countless natural materials and treasures on it, all entered the storage bag in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, the monks outside were almost drooling with envy.

Even a thousand-year-old monster like Mo Wen's face was flushed, and his hands were shaking non-stop. If so many treasures were given to him.

It is not difficult for him to break through the cultivation base of Bagua Sanxian, and it is only a matter of a moment for Jiugong Sanxian!

However, all the treasures are now being dug into their storage bags by Du Yuesheng and the others, like digging grass.

At the beginning, Wang Kaixuan was very careful in digging the treasures of heaven, material and earth, and only dared to dig a little bit of dirt with the jade ring.

When he finished digging a plant of Tiancaidibao and looked up again, he found that Du Yuesheng collected these Tiancaidibao, still as rough as before, raised his hand and waved his aura, hundreds of thousands of Tiancaidibao fell into the storage bag.

"Ah, more than a dozen plants of heaven, material and earth treasures have been damaged!" Wang Kaixuan shouted anxiously, but Long Qi said disdainfully:

"If you are like you, you won't know when it will be until you dig all these treasures!"

When speaking, Long Qi pointed to the top of his head.

Wang Kaixuan was taken aback for a moment, and looked up at the sky, and found that at some point, there had been more dark clouds in the sky, covering the original appearance of the sky.

For this kind of scenery, Wang Kaixuan can be said to be very familiar with it, it is a sign that Du Yuesheng is about to pass the catastrophe!

When the catastrophe falls, I am afraid that none of these treasures of heaven and earth will be left behind!

There was no need to remind him any more, he quickly waved his hand, and a burst of spiritual power gushed out, and he scooped up more than a dozen plants of heaven, material and earth treasures in one breath, which was not fast enough.

He also took out his own sky-opening shovel, and with one shovel down, he shoveled up a small half of the Baibao Garden.

This scene fell in the eyes of the monks outside, and the sound of shouting and cursing immediately rang out.

"Bastard Du Yuesheng, these treasures must be carefully dug out, what do you mean by doing this!"

"Waste, waste, the natural materials and earthly treasures you have wasted are enough to raise a Jiugong Sanxian!"

"Wang Kaixuan, your magic weapon has evil spirits, which will affect the effectiveness of heaven, material and earth treasures. Put it away quickly and dig it with jade rings!"

These monks were in a hurry, but they forgot that these treasures of heaven and earth did not belong to them at all.

They are so eager now, that only shows one problem, they will grab these natural materials and earthly treasures later, so they are already keen that these natural materials and earthly treasures belong to them!

Of course, none of them noticed the dark clouds floating in the sky at all. Even if someone noticed, they didn't think it was strange. After all, there are so many monks here, even if some people survive the tribulation, it would not be surprising!

Wang Kaixuan naturally found that everyone wanted to snatch the treasures in their hands, so he quickly sent a voice transmission to Du Yuesheng: "Boss, what should we do? They want to snatch it!"

"Leave immediately and give me all the treasures in the world!" Du Yuesheng said lightly.

When Wang Kaixuan heard this, he went down again with a big shovel, and cleaned up the last piece of heaven, material and earth treasures in the Hundred Treasures Garden, and then threw the storage bag in his hand to Du Yuesheng without hesitation.

The dragon device imitated the example, and handed the storage bag to Du Yuesheng. Then, he cupped his hands and immediately transformed into the earth dragon body. Wang Kaixuan immediately jumped and stepped on the earth dragon's head. In a flash, it immediately flew out of the sky.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the monks wondered why Wang Kaixuan and Long Qi had to leave, but when they saw that Du Yuesheng had taken away all the treasures, they didn't bother to chase them, but their hands were already on the ground. On your own storage bag, the magic weapon is ready to come out!

At this time, Du Yuesheng, who had collected all the treasures from heaven, material and earth, smiled slightly and looked at Chen Fengzi, and said, "Are you going to stay here to die, or go far away and watch them die?"

Chen Fengzi smiled slightly, and said: "This place can no longer be my place to practice, what to do if I stay here, I will go!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Fengzi's figure flashed and turned into a stream of light, and he also flew out from the siege of many monks, but still no one stopped him.

Now everyone's eyes are on Du Yuesheng. If Chen Fengzi wants to leave, it means that he will not participate in this battle. Everyone can deal with Du Yuesheng alone. It is better to leave!

As soon as Chen Fengzi left, Du Yuesheng sat cross-legged on the void, smiled faintly at the surrounding monks, and said:

"The reason why you didn't leave is that you want the treasures of heaven and earth in the hands of the Emperor of Heaven, or those who are capable of heaven and earth treasures. Don't talk nonsense, just come and grab it!"

"Huh, you are sensible. The old man has been sitting for a thousand years just for this treasure garden. Now that you are the hundred treasure garden, there is absolutely no possibility that this old man will let you go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, an old monk jumped to kill him, his body was already enveloped by a brilliant light, as if what flew out was just a ball of precious light.

This is a defensive spell and a magic weapon. Everyone knows that Du Yuesheng's guqin is powerful. If you want to kill him, you will definitely protect yourself tightly.

Du Yuesheng didn't intend to use the guqin at all, instead he put away the guqin, then looked up at the extremely low cloud that had gathered in the sky, smiled, and murmured: "It's time to come!"

"Ding, the system prompts that there is only one second left before the arrival of the Five Elements Tribulation, please prepare for it!"

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