The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 995 One person, one sword, proud of the world (first update)

In the ancient times, there were many big clans in the world, and the Nightmare tribe swept all directions, until one day the big clans rose up to kill them.

Sweeping away all the people from the Nightmare tribe, the Immortal Realm Bianxian Market, nine heavens, ten places, three mountains and five gates have been established since then.

For so many years, no matter how the world changes, the nine heavens, ten places, three mountains and five gates have never changed.

If a holy place is suddenly trampled down, the consequences in the fairyland can be imagined.

But Du Yuesheng couldn't care less now, he took out a storage bag full of geniuses and treasures, and said: "Use these treasures, you can improve your cultivation base as much as you can."

After finishing speaking, he left behind Wang Kaixuan and Long Qi, and disappeared into the sky in a flash.

At the same time, streams of light continued to flash across the sky, and they were all monks who rushed over to see what happened after hearing that the Mad Sword Holy Land was closed.

There are many great talents among them, Wuxing Sanxian is already a junior, and Liuhe Sanxian dare not even speak loudly.

Only Qixing Sanxian and Bagua Sanxian are qualified to guide the world.

There is nothing special about Du Yuesheng among them.

When Du Yuesheng came to the outside of the Mad Sword Holy Land, he found that the surrounding area of ​​the Mad Sword Holy Land was already full of monks from all sides.

The monstrous aura emitted by each of them is enough to make those monks with low cultivation base want to burst to death.

Du Yuesheng looked up at the huge mask outside the Mad Sword Holy Land, and couldn't help but chuckle softly.

This kind of mountain sealing array is probably not too difficult for him.

"System, help me detect the flaws in this formation!"

"Ding, the system prompts that there is a flaw in the mountain gate of the Mad Sword Holy Land's Fengshan Formation. If you want to break this large formation, you only need to strike it with lightning from the sky, and the Fengshan Formation can be cracked!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng just smiled. If it was someone else, I am afraid that to crack the mountain sealing formation, they would have to attack hard.

But he has systematic prompts, it's as simple as that.

But just when he was about to step forward to step on the Holy Land, a loud shout suddenly rang in his ears: "Du Yuesheng, you dare to come here!"

"Du Yuesheng? Haha, the old man has been looking for you for a long time, but you are here, you are courting death!"

"Du Yuesheng is here?"

"Where is Du Yuesheng?"

After a loud shout, followed by a series of angry shouts, Du Yuesheng looked up and saw many acquaintances around.

To be precise, they are not acquaintances, but their clothes are really familiar.

The Luotian Holy Land, the people from the Huofeng clan, the silver-winged rocs, the people from the Black Eagle clan, the ancient place of Tibetan swords, the ancient place of burial of gods, one by one, they all came.

Moreover, there were many ancient holy places and masters from big clans that Du Yuesheng didn't know also stood aside and looked at Du Yuesheng coldly.

Nine Heavens and Ten Lands have always been in and out of one mind, and now that the Mad Sword Holy Land is suddenly closed, it is normal for them to come here.

The only strange thing is that the people from the Holy Land of Ascension to Immortals did not come, which is a bit weird.

But Du Yuesheng didn't have time to pay attention to so much, he just smiled lightly, looked at the many masters who were glaring at him, and said with a light smile: "I didn't expect you to come here today, you are all here to see the Emperor of Heaven stepping down the mad sword Is it from the Holy Land?"

"What? Is this kid going to crush the Holy Land of Mad Sword?"

Upon hearing this, not only the powerful forces of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, but also the other monks around were stunned.

In the current Immortal Market, such a bold lunatic appeared, and dared to flatten the Holy Land of Mad Sword?

After a moment of astonishment, a loud laugh suddenly resounded: "Boy, can you level the Holy Land of Mad Sword? I don't believe it, let me try your weight first!"

While speaking, a Luotian Holy Land master at the level of the Seven Stars Sanxian and a silver-winged roc master at the level of the Seven Stars Sanxian.

One left and one right, they came straight to attack and kill Du Yuesheng.

The Seven Stars Sanxian of the two major forces attacked and killed a Five Elements Sanxian. No matter how you looked at it, the Five Elements Sanxian would have no way out.

But Du Yuesheng remained motionless like Mount Tai, just slapped the guqin behind him, and the guqin flew up and landed in front of him.

With a movement of the fingers of his right hand, he played on a string of the guqin.

A syllable like a broken sound jumped out from the strings.


There was a loud explosion in the air, and the two Seven Star Loose Immortals who came to attack Du Yuesheng died instantly, and exploded into a cloud of blood mist that floated in the air and disappeared.

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for killing a Qixing Sanxian in the Luotian Holy Land and getting 10.7 billion fairy points!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for killing a Yiyi Dapeng Seven-Star Sanxian and getting 10 billion fairy points!"

Hearing the system's prompt, Du Yuesheng shook his head for a while: "Too little, as the level increases, the experience value of killing Qixing Sanxian is not as good as before, and it is not so easy to upgrade. It seems that we still have to kill real masters !"

While speaking, he slowly raised his head, looked at the many gossip immortals in the sky, smiled faintly, and said, "Now I want to flatten the Holy Land of Mad Sword, who will let the Emperor of Heaven warm up first?"

Du Yuesheng said this to Bagua Sanxian, but after hearing this, many Bagua Sanxian couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

This is obviously just a Five Elements Loose Immortal, why is his strength so tyrannical, killing a Seven Star Loose Immortal only needs to play the piano!


There were only these two words left in everyone's mind, and for a while, no one dared to come forward easily.

Du Yuesheng had no choice but to suppress the killing intent in his heart, and looked at the Great Formation of Fengshan in the Holy Land of Mad Sword.

It's not good to waste time here now, wait until Zhu Jianxue is rescued.

So he put away the guqin and carried it on his back, and took out the Zhuxian sword. With the sword in his hand, he didn't intentionally move it. Strings of sword energy arose around the Zhuxian sword and whizzed away. Two people who were standing a little closer to Du Yuesheng Liuhe Sanxian suffered immediately.

If they hadn't sacrificed their magic weapon, otherwise they would have died under the sword energy emitted by the Zhuxian Sword!

"Du Yuesheng... We have no grievances and no enmity! You have done such a cruel thing to us!" A Liuhe Sanxian who saved his life couldn't help but screamed in grief and indignation.

Du Yuesheng was taken aback for a moment, then looked back at Liuhe Sanxian, and said: "You have no grievances or enmity with this Heavenly Emperor, why are you so close to this Heavenly Emperor, don't you want to kill me when this Heavenly Emperor breaks the mad sword holy land and seals the mountain formation?" ?

Leaving your life is already preferential treatment, and you dare to yell, okay, let me kill those bad guys in this Heavenly Emperor to the end! "

An exit with the word Mie was like a mountain falling, and the Liuhe Sanxian Company only had time to let out a scream, and then it burst into pieces.

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing a Liuhe Sanxian..."

The prompt of the system was directly ignored by Du Yuesheng, and his eyes fell on the formation of Fengshan in the Holy Land of Mad Sword.

In the closed mountain formation, the cultivators of the Mad Sword Holy Land had already discovered Du Yuesheng's arrival, but they all looked at Du Yuesheng with mockery.

Some disciples of the Mad Sword Holy Land even sneered and said, "An idiot dares to flatten my Mad Sword Holy Land. If it wasn't for me not being able to get out of the mountain, you would have been killed by us!"


Du Yuesheng moved forward step by step with his sword in hand, the sword energy whipped up a gust of wind, which became stronger and stronger until it turned into a tornado.

The sky is covered with dark clouds, and thunder and lightning are hesitating in the clouds. The end seems to be coming!

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