The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 998: Angry Beauties (Fourth Change)

Hearing Leng Chan's words, the monks present felt that they were going crazy.

Du Yuesheng didn't know Leng Chan, but all the monks present did.

On weekdays, he is a super master who is high above the ground, and everywhere he goes, the golden spring emerges in the sky.

The Holy Lord of Mad Sword Holy Land, the existence of Jiugong Sanxian level.

But it was such a master who surpassed everyone present in terms of status and strength.

He actually walked in front of Du Yuesheng, called Du Yuesheng a senior, and said such humiliating words!

How humiliating it is to let him go to the Holy Land of Mad Sword. Who else in the Fairy Market said such humiliating words?

The pride of nine heavens, ten places, three mountains and five sects collapsed in an instant, just like Mount Tai!

For a moment, the world was quiet, only that sentence was still echoing between the world, for a long time!

At this moment, the word Du Yuesheng might start to spread throughout the Fairy Market.

With his own strength, he forced the Holy Master of a Holy Land to humbly beg for mercy!


Everyone's eyes fell on Du Yuesheng, they all knew that even if Du Yuesheng forced him to subdue and beg for mercy, it didn't mean he was incapable of fighting.

The family only said such things in order to protect the holy land from being destroyed. If Du Yuesheng really wanted to fight to the end, it would still be very dangerous.

Therefore, the best thing Du Yuesheng can do at this moment is to accept it as soon as it is good, turn around and leave, and then become famous all over the world!


Du Yuesheng opened his mouth, but he said something that chilled countless monks: "This Heavenly Emperor said one thing, either I will give Zhu Jianxue to this Heavenly Emperor, or this Heavenly Emperor will level the Holy Land of Mad Sword.

Then take Zhu Jianxue away, I gave you the one before, and you chose the second one! "

Hearing this, the hearts of many monks went crazy again, Du Yuesheng, why did you accept it before you got better?

And that Zhu Jianxue, Zhu Jianxue, who is Zhu Jianxue? You did such an earth-shattering event for her!

"Senior Du, why do you bother with a young disciple of my Mad Sword Holy Land? If you have a lover for Jianxue, then come back in three days, and my Mad Sword Holy Land will definitely help the Emperor of Heaven to hold a double cultivation ceremony for you and Jian Xue, so that you can form Daoist, how are you?"

Leng Chan said with an aggrieved look.

Hearing this, many monks were stunned. It turned out that Du Yuesheng liked the so-called Zhu Jianxue?

It's understandable to be angry as a beauty.

But afterward, Du Yuesheng grinned slightly, and said lightly: "You think too much, I don't have any admiration for Zhu Jianxue, but I feel that I owe her life, so I have to pay her back."

Many monks were instantly dumbfounded. At their level, and at this time, Du Yuesheng didn't need to lie. In other words, he really owed his life to the one who didn't know why he came, so he wanted to destroy the Mad Sword Holy Land!


Everyone yelled in their hearts.

But Leng Chan gritted his teeth and said, "One day! One day later, Zhu Jianxue can be taken away by you, and I won't say no more!"

"It seems that you are delaying time?" Du Yuesheng frowned, and immediately discovered Leng Chan's intentions.

He stopped talking nonsense, and when he moved his body, endless rays of light suddenly appeared from his body, and he rose from the ground like a little god.

With the Immortal Execution Sword in hand, he shouted in a low voice, "Sword Formation of Ten Thousand Immortals!"

"Du Yuesheng, you're bullying too much!" Leng Chan yelled, stretched out his hand to volley the sky, he also had a sword in his hand, and the Mad Sword Holy Land is also outstanding in swordsmanship!

Above the sky, the Ten Thousand Immortal Sword Formation has been condensed and formed, and countless sword lights rumble down. With a wave of Leng Chan's great sword, the sword lights spread out in a fan shape, and ten thousand sword lights spread across the world, covering half of the sky.

This sky-filled sword light, this howling sword energy, is extremely powerful and overwhelming.

Seeing this scene, countless monks couldn't help trembling in their hearts, shouting that it was worth coming this time, to see such a wonderful battle.

And it was a battle between a Five Elements Sanxian and a Nine Palaces Sanxian!

The sword light of the Ten Thousand Immortal Sword Formation disappeared very quickly, and the sword light in Leng Chan's hand was also depleted. Under one strike, the two were evenly matched, and there was no winner!

Leng Chan was terrified, he didn't expect that Du Yuesheng not only had a strange and powerful guqin in his hand, but also his swordsmanship could be said to be unparalleled in the world.

If this son reaches Liuhe Sanxian, how many people in the world can control him?

The more terrified he was, the fiercer the sword in Leng Chan's hand, he must kill Du Yuesheng today!

On the contrary, it was Du Yuesheng himself who was smiling. The Ten Thousand Immortal Sword Formation was no longer a powerful move for him now. Unexpectedly, his strength is becoming more and more powerful now. Even Jiugong Sanxian can't stop him!

As far as his mind was concerned, he let out a low shout, and the emperor's prestige burst out instantly, with ten times the strength blessing!

Then he slashed with his sword, this sword didn't have any spells, it was just an ordinary sword, but the sword light pierced the sky like a rainbow piercing the sun and went straight to Leng Chan.

Leng Chan knew that this sword was extremely powerful, so he cast his strongest spell without hesitation: "Ten Thousand Swords Without Trace!"

In an instant, in the battlefield between the two, the air suddenly became distorted, and after a short while, invisible sword qi condensed out, and looking around, in the entire battlefield, everywhere as far as the eye could see, there were There is such a concentration of sword energy.

Du Yuesheng is surrounded by hundreds of sword qi, it seems that as long as Leng Chan moves his mind, these sword qi can kill Du Yuesheng instantly!

Naturally, Leng Chan would not wait, at the moment when the sword energy was condensed, it was just a five-finger grip!


There was a burst of sound of sword energy piercing through the air, and the sword energy that filled the air rushed towards Du Yuesheng's sword light to assassinate.

Du Yuesheng's sword light is as long as a mountain, but there is only one. Leng Chan's sword energy has thousands of paths, but it is only the size of a normal sword.

Thousands of small sword auras strangled together, the huge sword aura moved forward like a mountain, and thousands of small sword auras hit it, like countless ants moving a mountain.

Explosive sounds kept coming out, light waves rippling and agitating non-stop, the billowing air waves spread and caused gusts of wind, directly blowing away the clouds in the sky, and the eyes shined down, making the sword light and sword energy look more energetic and dazzling!

The monk in the distance looked at the scene in front of him, his shocked expression froze on his face.

This is definitely a world-shocking battle!

But if they knew that Du Yuesheng's strike was not his last strike, the shocked expression would become even more exaggerated!

After the sword light and sword energy consumed each other, they finally dissipated in the air.

Leng Chan was out of breath, even though he had a deep cultivation, after using the magic of Wan Jian Wu Ting, he was still exhausted, he looked up and wanted to see Du Yuesheng as well.

In the end, all he saw was Du Yuesheng's iconic smile: "This Heavenly Emperor only used one sword, and you are so tired.

Then... the Emperor of Heaven strikes another sword, you can catch it! "

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