The Most Wasteful Fruit Among Pirates

Chapter 5 The Situation in Another World

"Stop it, Doflamingo!!"

In a parallel time and space, on the sea outside the city, the waves are rough, the warship capsizes, and a large number of naval soldiers are struggling to practice their swimming skills in the sea, all because of a guy who is tearing up the battleship.

"Fufufu, I remember you—"

Although he has changed from a spirited guy to a bearded uncle, this Navy Dover who uses the 'magma ability' still has an impression: in the battle that happened before he was thrown into this world, the Navy was the only one who worked hardest, and then was killed He vomited blood and flew backwards.

"A lackey of the world government in the navy,"

Compared with other high-level naval officers who are witty and paddling, in Dover's view, this guy who uses magma ability must be a diehard loyalist of the world government, so——

"Five-color thread!"

As Dover waved his hand out of thin air, a large number of warships brought by Akainu were cut to pieces out of thin air on the spot, making Akainu furious, and black and red magma burst out all over his body.

"Big fire!"

Akainu standing on the warship punched out a distance, and a huge amount of magma spewed out, forming a huge fist made of magma and rushing towards Dover who was destroying the warship! Wherever the magma went, the air was baked by the high temperature to form circles of turbulent air waves, the power of which could blast through an iceberg in an instant.


But for Dover, who can predict the future and can turn flexibly in the air, this kind of direct attack doesn't even need to take a second look, and the figure easily dodges while moving sideways out of thin air.

? !

"It makes no sense—"

Akainu, who missed a punch, pulled his arm, and the huge amount of magma fired by him suddenly shaped into a giant dog, rolling up and down with black and red magma that could melt steel with just a drop, opening a huge mouth full of lava , chasing and devouring Dover in the sky like a living creature.

"The dog gnaws the red lotus!"

"Hmph, it's interesting..."

Facing the lava that was being chased by a hound, Dover grabbed it with five fingers, and a large number of silk threads were quickly entangled and closed into a long whip. After being covered with armed domineering aura, he waved his hand, and immediately turned over like a black dragon, with layers of white aura The waves are drawn towards the giant lava dog!

"The dog will lie down for me obediently—"

crackle! ! !

The pitch-black long whip with black lightning lashed fiercely at the lava dog's body, causing it to explode in an instant.

The shock waves and vibrations of the confrontation between the two spread crazily in all directions. The lava fire waves rolled over, and countless hot sparks sprayed away in all directions, just like a volcanic eruption. Blossoming gold sparks, dazzling!

"Be careful!"

"Get out of the way—"

Dover is alone, of course it doesn't matter, but there are a lot of naval soldiers in this sea area: Seeing the lava belonging to Admiral Akainu explode, these soldiers immediately evaded in horror, even if they were only splashed by a little lava, there would be an explosion on the steel battleship immediately. A terrifying hole, not to mention their flesh and blood?

Not everyone has an armed domineering body protector!

Besides, Akainu's lava is not ordinary magma, otherwise Ace and Jinpei who were pierced would not have appeared on the top battlefield two years ago.

"Damn guy, don't hide if you have the ability!!"

The angry red dog stepped on the foot, and the whole person soared into the sky, waving his fists and blasting Dover in the air.

"Fufufu, you told me not to hide..."

Facing the red dog who was going up into the sky on moon steps, Dover in the suit smiled mockingly, and the figure flickered, as if preparing to avoid it.

But in the next second, Dover's pink feather coat swallowed thunder and spewed electricity, and thousands of thunder snakes ran wildly, and spread all around in an instant, densely intertwined into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning!

? !

In Akakenu's surprised expression, thousands of sharp electric lights suddenly converged into one, all gathered on Dover's feet, and kicked out with his kick! The white electric lightning and the jet-black overlord color intertwine to form a black and white dazzling thunder sword, which is invincible and invincible, stepping towards Akainu's fist!

"Kongba·Electric·God Execution!"

This kick was unimaginably sharp, Akainu could only use his full strength in the blink of an eye, the entire arm was completely turned into lava, and then under the terrifying pressure of a volcanic eruption, the arm was suddenly launched——

"Ghost dog!"

This move, which had blown off half of Whitebeard's head two years ago, was Akainu's killer move!

In an instant, the two sides who had been wandering and probing just now unleashed big moves at the same time. The kicks twined by two-color lightning, like lava fists erupting from a volcano, slammed into each other fiercely!

Both of them are top-notch powerhouses, with fruit ability and arrogance without fancy collision, from quantitative change to qualitative change to fission and fusion-like terrifying chain reaction... In the end, only the purest and most noisy and explosive energy is derived , collapse all matter, burn everything, as gorgeous and bright as a real nuclear weapon explosion!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom! ! ! ! !

With the collision of fists and feet, the indescribable boundless heat and shock waves erupted with the two of them as the core, burst out with incredible domineering aura, and crushed out in all directions in a brutal and terrifying manner. The fleet brought by Akainu was instantly devastated, and the hulls were cracking, decomposing, smashing, and gasifying everywhere.

In the monstrous waves, the magnificent city of advancement next to it shook violently. In the cell, countless prisoners were lying on the ground in horror, as if the end of the world was coming!

"Oh my God···"

"Is this guy really Doflamingo?"

Even those strong men who escaped from prison looked at each other in dismay. Akainu is the world's "number one attack power" strong natural system. Two years ago, he went to the battlefield and beat Whitebeard to death, and killed the son of Pirate King Roger. Ace, not only has nothing to do, but he has also been promoted to become the admiral of the navy. Needless to say, his strength is strong.

Originally thought that the 'Different World Dover' would suffer a big loss, but unexpectedly it was evenly matched? !

"No, it's that Dover who has the upper hand."

Trembling above the city, the 'Golden Lion' Shi Ji, who was watching the battle, squinted his eyes. Although his strength was no longer at its peak, his eyesight was still there. In this fight, Dover from the other world has the upper hand!

Although they were incredulous, Dover in the suit who was fighting against each other frowned dissatisfied, and was shaken backwards with an expression of displeasure.

"I didn't expect you to have such strength, Lieutenant General Akainu..."

"The old man is the admiral of the navy!!!"

On the turbulent sea, a piece of solidified magma was suspended in the sea, and the red dog roared up to the sky, obviously angry.

Originally, he, the 'Admiral of the Navy', was very upset: there were five old stars who did not lie at the top, three generals who did not obey orders at the bottom, the straw hat regiment who was stirring the wind and rain outside, and the secret troops led by the Warring States Period inside. Sword's secretive actions have long been full of fire.

"Who are you, Doflamingo?"

However, no matter how angry Akainu was, he had to admit that the "Doflamingo" in front of him was not something he could manipulate at will. This made him couldn't help but wonder, could it be that Jinjin City is really an excellent training place: after many people came out of a circle, they sat on the ground and upgraded one after another?

If Rossi were here, he would definitely complain: Even the world of Pirates is popular in Longchang Enlightenment.

"Fufufu, of course I am Doflamingo!"

Suspended in mid-air, Dover opened his arms with an arrogant expression on his face.

"Go back and tell Yinmu to wash her neck and wait for me! The throne of the king of the world belongs to our Don Quixote family..."

Cough cough cough! ! !

A series of violent coughing sounds came from behind, making Dover in the suit turn his head dissatisfied.

Behind him, a battleship belonging to Propulsion City was floating in the air. Torrebol, Diamanti and others on the deck were coughing crazily as if they had collective pneumonia.

Our Don Quixote family is not, our Don Quixote family is not, what we said just now has nothing to do with us, we just want to live--they were about to cry out after the young Dover from another world savaged a wave of hatred.

"Dover, the other world, let's get out of here first."

Known as the 'Golden Emperor', Gilder Taizuolo greeted him, and it would not be a good choice to fight the Admiral of the Navy at the gate of the city: Maybe Sengoku, Garp, and the three generals are on the way now, they don't want to As soon as I escaped from prison, I went back to continue eating in prison.

"Hmph, what are you afraid of?"

Although he said so on his lips, he glanced at Torrebol and the others whose faces were full of expressions of "we are afraid", and Dover in the suit turned and landed on the spaceship.

"It's because your mentality is too weak that your strength is so poor."

"Ah yes yes yes~~"

Torrebol has already seen that this otherworldly Dover is simply Kaido 2.0, a model of recklessness when things are indecisive. Even if the other party said that the Don Quixote family in the other world has a bunch of animals, they would not be surprised.

"Asshole, this Doflamingo..."

Seeing the opponent leave in the 'spaceship', Akainu put away the magma on his body. Of course he is not afraid of fighting, but if the opponent wants to leave, he has nothing to do: the magma fruit can't fly, besides, it's hard to say who will win if the fight continues.

When did Doflamingo become so strong?

With this doubt, Akainu leaped into the city and obtained information about 'Dover' from Magellan.


"Doflamingo from other worlds?"


Magellan, who was entangled in his chest by Dover's domineering look and was almost crushed, struggled to explain the information he heard.

"That young Dover in a suit is indeed not the Doflamingo of our world: the Doflamingo we are familiar with was beaten and taken away by him. According to that Dover from another world, the Tang Jike of their world The De Family landed on the Red Earth Continent, and was thrown into our world by Lord Yinmu's ability."


Hearing this information, Akainu couldn't help rubbing his temples.

"Asshole world government, asshole—"


If you can't solve the enemies in your own world, you just throw them into this world? There is no reason for this, isn't this a scam? !

However, no matter how Akainu yells at him, he still has to find a way to deal with this mess: at this precarious time, if people know that there is another large-scale jailbreak in Push City, they don't know what will happen...forget it ,whatever!

"I, the admiral of the navy, really caught up with a 'good time'."

With a sloppy beard, a cigar in his mouth, and bloodshot eyes, Akainu looked old again in an instant. It can only be said that no dog can do the position of admiral of the navy!


"Four emperors?"

"Yes, there are four strong men in the sea in this era..."

With the blessing of the Golden Lion's ability, flying on the deck of a warship in a windless zone, a group of escapees are resting, while Torrebol is a strong man in the world who gave Dover Cop a suit, and let the buzzard next to him who was beaten beyond recognition Dover hesitated to speak.

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"I in this world, what do you want to say?"

Facing the question of the young Dover in the suit, the middle-aged Dover with the cropped hair sighed.

"Four emperors, it's already in the past."


"Among them, 'One Hundred Beasts' Kaido and 'BIG MOM' Charlotte Lingling were defeated just a few days ago."

? !

Except for the middle-aged "King of Newspapers" Dover, everyone else was imprisoned for an unknown number of years. So in their cognition, the "Four Emperors" are still Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, Tiki, and Shanks. did not expect--

"Now the new four emperors are Bucky the Clown King, Shanks the Red Hair, Tiki the Blackbeard, and Luffy the Straw Hat."

"This interesting world of yours really doesn't make people feel bored at all."

Hearing that even Kaido was defeated, the young man in a suit raised his brows,

"Even Kaido's strength is recognized by me, but he actually lost?"

Hearing the domineering words of Dover from the other world, the others didn't know what to say. The middle-aged Dover, who had been tortured by Kaido's blood and had a psychological shadow, replied blankly:

"'Hundred Beasts' Kaido is known as the strongest creature in our world, and it is also recognized as the strongest one-on-one. Some time ago, he was besieged by the Straw Hat Pirates, the Heart Pirates, the Kidd Pirates, and people from Wano Country , and finally lost. The Kaido of your world..."

"If the Kaido of your world used a mace and ate the 'Phantom Beast Blue Dragon Fruit', then it is the Kaido I know."

Dover, a young man in a suit, put his hands in his pockets and looked excited.

"Very well, take me to see the 'New Four Emperors' of your world; if they are strong, they will be drawn into our coalition."

"If you're looking for someone,"

'Golden Emperor' Gilder Taizuolo stood up and patted the prison uniform on his body.

"The forces I left behind should be able to help."

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