"Hahaha, as expected, the number one is mine!"

Half a year later, the rapidly growing Ace has grown into a big boy. After he closed his eyes and brewed his feelings, he suddenly opened them!


To those who don't know, it's just an inexplicable roar.

However, following Ace's angry shout, an invisible mental shock spread out around him, and a circle of insects and birds fell from the surrounding woods... and the brown bear who was the target of the experiment rolled his eyes, and on the spot He passed out straight away.


Ace cheered happily, making Luffy next to him curl his lips.

"It's nothing,"

"Hehe, it's already very powerful."

Luffy's left half of his face opened, and Rossi's voice came.

"Although you two, Luffy and Sabo, don't feel much, but for ordinary people, this move is a full-screen instant kill stunt!"

Luffy itself has the talent of domineering and domineering. Sabo can call Lufei and Ace brothers, and the talent is also top-notch. Naturally, they have no feeling for Ace's "overlord color impact", but if they are replaced by normal troops, pirates The regiment, now there are only a few leaders left who can stand.

For Ace now, the simple number of people is meaningless.

"According to the agreement, Ace, you have left the teacher!"

Rosie, who was attached to Luffy, nodded. Ace was able to master the 'overlord color impact' so quickly, which shows that the talents are indeed one-on-one powerful. and also:

"I'll try it too,"

Sabo, whose height began to soar, took a step forward and closed his eyes.

"What I want to challenge is 'knowledge and domineering'."

Luffy and Ace nodded, quietly picked up a wooden stick from the ground, waved it silently at Sabo's head from left and right!

brush, brush,

Sabo, who closed his eyes tightly, just shook his head and flexibly dodged the attacks of the two, while Ace and Luffy didn't stop, the sticks in their hands danced like spears stabbing straight, chopping vertically like knives, and It was like a huge stick hitting horizontally, and the moves were constantly changing, but the turning and changing moves were not chaotic at all, like a dozen people using different weapons, besieging Sabo from the front and back at the same time.

However, let Ace Lufei's feet advance and retreat with justification, and the wooden stick in his hand continued to swing attacks. Sabo, who closed his eyes, dodged all these attacks——

"Hey, isn't it?!"

Everyone in Lufei was stunned. Ace understood the "overlord color shock", and Sabo mastered "knowledge color domineering". How come he is the only one who didn't learn anything?

Lu Fei knelt down, doubting his life.

"Hahaha, we are older brothers~~ If you are so easily surpassed by your younger brother, wouldn't the past few years be in vain?"

Ace and Sabo looked at each other and smiled, and Luffy's left half of his face had already spoken:

"That's because Luffy still needs to develop the devil fruit, which dragged down the training of domineering—"

"Teacher, you dote on Luffy too much!" X2

Facing the jealous two older boys, Luffy rolled his eyes on the left side of his face.

"Yes yes yes~~"

Now that he has passed the examination, under Rossi's training, his strength has greatly increased, and he has mastered the primary domineering Ace, and the junior knowledgeable Sabo is ready to go to sea.



On the cliff on the coast, Rossi, who was completely attached to Luffy, found Ace who was staring blankly at the sea.

"I have something to tell you, Luffy is sleeping."

'Luffy' with arms folded on his chest walked to Ace's side and looked at the stormy sea.

"Ace, there is a flaw in your character: you will never back down in the face of the enemy."

"At best, it's called a hero without fear, at worst, it's called not knowing how to advance or retreat."

Never retreat, sounds tough and handsome, but this world is not gentle enough to solve all problems as long as you are reckless. Any strong person has experienced failure, tears, and helplessness before he is determined to climb to the top.

"Teacher, I..."

Ace's face darkened, and facing Rossi who acted 'omnipotent', he finally asked his inner question:

"I came into this world, is it really good?"


"What nonsense are you talking about?"

The hand controlling Luffy fell on the head of Ace who was taller than himself, and Rosie laughed.

"No one in this world should be born guilty, no one—"

"All those who impose the grievances of the previous generation on children are trash! They are trash that can't even be considered a man!"

After speaking, Rossi controlled Luffy to tilt his head,

"Ace, I know."

"Your father is Roger. Growing up, everyone you came into contact with hated Roger. On the one hand, you hated Roger for 'killing' your mother, disrupting your life, and on the other hand, you have to admit I have Roger's blood in my body, and that's why I fell into confusion."

"Yes, it is,"

Although I don't know how this mysterious teacher knew, but since the other party claims to have been the top powerhouse in the sea, it is reasonable to know Roger.

"So, Ace, you don't have to care about this at all!"

"Your life was protected by your mother for two years. You were sent to this world with love, not resentment."

"Whether others resent Roger or like Roger, what does it matter to you? You are you, Roger is Roger——tell you, your teacher and I, when I was very young, just Once his identity was known by others, he was hunted down endlessly, and was almost hung up and roasted into jerky."

? !

"Those bastards, I'll kill them!"

Facing the angry Ace, Rosie, who controlled Luffy's body, waved his hand

"Those people, I have already repaid them in my own way, and I don't need you to help me out."

"You have a mother who loves you very much since you were born, and that grandpa Garp who often came to visit you. Here, there are Dadan, brother Luffy, and Sabo who are like family... In your life, there are Why do these important family members care about what strangers say?"

"When you encounter a crisis, think more about your family and your brothers. This is the sign of a mature man."

Desperate in anger? Regardless of life and death?

Any reckless man can do it, but the only man who can think about his family and brothers is a real man.


Ace, who was about to go to sea, turned around and bowed seriously to thank Rosie who was attached to Luffy.

"Thank you teacher for teaching!"


a few months later,

"Well, did you hear anything?"

Facing the question of Rossi who controlled Luffy's body, Torrebol and others looked at each other, and finally had to shake their heads in disappointment.

"Look, as I said earlier, the only one who can receive my 'signal' is this Luffy who has the talent of 'listening to the voice of all things'. Otherwise, why do you think I can only be attached to him?"

Rossi, who was attached to Luffy, shrugged. It was difficult enough for him to upload his voice back from the sun. The knowledgeable and knowledgeable people of the general powerhouse could not receive Rossi's information at all.

In fact, there is another person in this world who has the talent of 'listening to the voice of all things', but...forget it.

"Why don't you let the Red Earl have a try?"

For Oni's proposal, Rossi didn't know what expression to answer.

"I won't say whether the Red Earl can accept my voice. There is no need to discuss the question of whether he is willing to 'possess' me."

Luffy is a child, and Rossi helped him solve the previous "Goa Kingdom incident", so he agreed to "transfer" the control of his body to Rossi for a period of time. And who is the Red Earl? Even if his sense of knowledge can receive Rossi's signal, he must not let Rossi control his body.

Besides, in Rossi's current situation, what's the use of just passing the voice back? In addition to being a grandfather for a weak person like Luffy, he can't end the fight by himself.

"In short, I can only follow Luffy to pass the time in a short time."

After finishing speaking, Rossi raised his head and looked around: Torrebol, Diamanti, Jorah, and Oni... Don Quixote's family, most of them, came to this windmill village in the Goa Kingdom of the East China Sea in a low-key manner. Just to confirm his condition.

"Dover, do you have any news?"

Everyone shook their heads collectively, making Rossi, who was controlling Luffy's body, sigh.

"Forget it, I'm sure Dover will be fine."

Rossi can only pray that Dover is not thrown into the sun by Im like himself. Fortunately, after so long, the "Life Paper" stored in Dressrosa is still intact, so everyone is convinced that Rossi and Dover Proof that they are all alive, otherwise the rest of the Don Quixote family would have fought with the World Government long ago.

"You guys make the 'Proverbs Ark' first, and I'm ready to go to sea with Luffy."

When Luffy hits the new world, the fruit development is almost enough to drive the "Proverbs Ark", and then go to the universe to retrieve Rossi. Then overthrow the World Government and Im again, as for Dover's whereabouts...

"Everyone has their own adventures, and Dover is not a kid to take care of."


Now that Rossi said so, Torrepole and others nodded. They also want to return to the New World to stabilize the family: Although the Don Quixote family does not have a top powerhouse, but a few second-tier powerhouses join forces, even the legendary powerhouses dare not insult the family.

Besides, Rosie and Dover were missing, not dead!

If they return suddenly at any time, then those who dare to trouble the Don Quixote family at this time will have to sit in wax.


After another few months,

"Thunder Light Fist!"

The thunder and lightning light as thick as an arm blasted into the sea, turning into crackling electric light and spreading out. A few seconds later, a huge 'octopus' with a length of more than ten meters surfaced from the water covered in green smoke, and everyone in Fengche Village sighed calmly:

"Even the 'King of the Near Sea' has been murdered, Luffy, if you are a fisherman, just picking up fish is enough."

"Hee hee hee~~~"

Standing on the shore, the half-grown Lu Fei clenched his fists, making Rossi, who was watching him closely, couldn't help but use his left face to say:

"Electric fish is illegal..."

"Hey, what's the law in that country?"

"It's alright, as long as you're happy—"

Under Rossi's training, Luffy's current strength can easily kill these 'small' sea kings that are more than ten meters away, even if he doesn't use the fruit ability. What's more, he also has the thunder fruit ability that is the same natural enemy for fish.

When a thunderbolt strikes, a large piece of fish floats out of the sea on the spot, which is simply the ancestor of fried fish.

"Teacher, I'm going to sea too!"

Ace and Sabo have gone to sea one after another, and now it's time for Luffy to leave the lair and spread his wings.

"Although I am not proficient in knowledge and domineering, but..."

"Go ahead,"

Rossi has seen all of Luffy's efforts. He is no longer a 'kid' who can only deal with ordinary gangsters, but has grown into a young man who can call the wind and rain. It is meaningless to continue squatting in this corner of the East China Sea. Only by experiencing the wind and waves on the sea can one become a real strong man.

"It's decided, I want to be—"

Standing on a small boat bought in exchange for fish, Luffy shouted with open arms.

"King of the world!"

···Rosie, who was hanging on the sun, rolled his eyes at the fact that Luffy had snatched his 'title'.

Come on, Luffy.

Let me see how your disciple can become the king of the world: I am waiting for you on the sun!

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