The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1261 Plastic Sisters Night Talk

Rao Qifang originally wanted to discuss chess skills with Kong Jingqiao, but found that Kong Jingqiao, who was suffering from the same disease, hid out early in the morning and was not in her villa at all. She was like a silent cat with smooth fur, and her facial mask cracked twice. Jin Yujing, who was driving, glared angrily at the two uninvited guests who showed up at her home and interrupted her bath, spa, facial mask, body care and other services: "You guys are treating me as a shelter. Really? You two are so funny!"

Rao Qifang stared at the checkers board, fearing that Kong Jingqiao would steal her own pieces. She impatiently waved her hands to shoo away the flies: "Go and do what you have to do. Just pretend that the two of us don't exist. We'll meet you when we're thirsty for tea." Make it by yourself, we will eat by ourselves when we are hungry, and we will sleep by ourselves when we are sleepy.”

Kong Jingqiao didn't know what to say: "Ah, yes, yes."

Jin Yujing felt angry for a while, narrowed her narrow eyes and said in a sinister manner: "Instructor Rao, you have been working very hard these days. What is that young man's name? Why didn't he come to block your door today?"

"He dares!"

"Hey, my fair lady is so handsome. He is much younger than you. Isn't he still twenty years old?"


Jin Yujing was surprised. Usually it would make her hairy to prick her like this. Why was she silent today? Is there really something going on inside?

Kong Jingqiao whispered: "You haven't been discharged yet. Last weekend morning, you were slapped by this violent maniac and the ambulance was called. You didn't hear the big noise? Oh, I guess you were still sleeping at that time."

Jin Yujing said speechlessly: "I didn't say it, but you are really capable of doing this. That little puppy's hair is so tender and juicy!"

"He's a bastard who doesn't know what's good and what's good. I've already warned him, don't say good things to him twice!"

"Who dares to do this after you do this?" Jin Yu's beautiful figure was lying in the bathtub, "Tsk, why, do you really want to find someone who can calm you? Others still pray in a normal way, but you are almost doing it yourself. How is it possible for me to become an immortal? There is little hope!"

Kong Jingqiao dropped the chess piece and stopped playing, listening carefully to the two men's conversation.

"I'm quite good myself!" Rao Qifang exclaimed: "Do you think I'm you, tinkering with those shady aromatherapy products every day, and secretly hiding small toys that can be arranged in a military parade, right?"

There were only three people present, and even the usual bodyguards and three dogs were out. With Jin Yujing's face, she wouldn't be afraid of this, but instead asked with a smile: "What's wrong with the little toys? Everyone has their own preferences for carrots and vegetables." , Besides, I am very stupid, but I am not as clever as you!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was killed, and Kong Jingqiao, whose face turned black, was looking for a knife.

Jin Yujing continued to output steadily: "Sister Kong, you are the same. You have been alone since you beat Xiaoyi. Normally it is fine. But when these two children come back, tsk, pity the three of us who have families and can't go back." Women, we can only hug each other to keep warm!”

Kong Jingqiao was not like Jin Yujing and Rao Qifang who had been together for many years. How could she stand such harsh words? Her face was as red as blood but black, and Ai Ai couldn't even understand her rebuttal.

Rao Qifang knocked on the coffee table: "To be serious, it doesn't matter if you are an old woman, but you and I, unless you leave home and start your own business, don't talk about certain things. Some people will take your jokes seriously. Please be careful. Getting too close to outsiders.”

"You still need to remind me about this kind of thing? The day lilies will be cold by the time you think about it!" Jin Yujing rolled her eyes disdainfully, "I'm serious, you, a cultivator, still have hundreds of dollars at least. If you have a thousand years to live, you really don’t want to think about it anymore?”

"Shut your mouth now."

"Hey, Rao Qifang!" Jin Yujing poured a handful of water with petals over, "What happened to the other two world lines? Seeing that you have been so mysterious all day, something is obviously wrong here. Can you tell me about it?"



Jin Yujing stared suspiciously at Rao Qifang, whose expression suddenly changed for a long time. He looked thoughtful, and Rao Qifang was on pins and needles. Then she suddenly choked out a sentence for some reason: "You are also a criminal with a criminal record. Li Cang, you are the best." Please restrain yourself, my family, it’s not good for people to misunderstand me.”

"Rao! Qi! Fang! What do you mean by this?!"

Rao Qifang also realized that she was confused and said the wrong thing, and she still said hard: "Hey, what are you excited about?"

"I" Jin Yujing's body trembled: "You are such a wolf-hearted person, do you speak like that?"

"What did I say??"

Kong Jingqiao said quickly: "What are you arguing about? Why are we arguing again? You violent man, please stop saying a few words. What you said is too much!"

"Old woman, you don't know, forget it." Rao Qifang waved her hands dejectedly, "Xiao Cang, this kid, has no concept of right and wrong, and his temperament is very similar to Dasheng, even straighter than him, Goldfish Jing, what have you done for so many years? I know the taste very well, so what happened in the past is in the past, just treat it as if it never happened, but I will say something ugly ahead of time."

"Hey, look at how wronged you are. Come on, come on, let's talk it over in front of Sister Kong today. Just pretend it never happened. What do you think happened? Let's talk about it. Do you want to talk about it? I have been with you for many years, just like feeding the dogs——"

"Yang Yinan."

Jin Yujing's voice stopped suddenly.


Rao Qifang smiled: "I know there is nothing, but you have stayed in Yanchuan for so many years even if you abandon the outside industry, and you have also started so many inconspicuous small businesses with a little-known person like me. Let's get to the bottom of it. Isn't it still because of him? Well, at least most of it is because of him. It's okay for me to say so. I believe our friendship is real. He has been gone for so long, and I don't care about it for a long time. In fact, I don't care at all. I almost forgot what he looked like, Li Cang is different."

"Oh~" Jin Yujing coughed up her nose in an inconspicuous manner, "Princess Cangcang always reminds you of her greatness, doesn't she? There is definitely something going on between you and Li Cang in the two world lines that you are so nagging about!"

Rao Qifang was stunned: "You, you, you."

"Actually, even I can see it." Kong Jingqiao sighed and pinched her eyebrows: "I said you are a violent maniac. Don't forget how far your mental age has dropped since then. Besides, you are not originally A man who can hide things on his face.”

Jin Yujing almost used a squinting expression to care for Rao Qifang in an all-round and three-dimensional way. She changed her previous angry or weeping look. Most of those emotions were pretended, and now she is her true face: "Tell me, tell me, this is so stimulating. Tell me and let everyone help you appreciate it from an artistic perspective. The authorities are obsessed with the beholder. Come on, I always hold it in my heart. Sooner or later, I have to go to a psychiatrist every day."


(Author's words: This paragraph is not billed, just a daily comment.

Things start from last month. Sister-in-law Guan got a bunch of exercise equipment, just barbells and other messy things, and she pulled me to practice together, but I was actually too lazy to move. I saw her practicing vigorously last week, and I Just casually asking about the price, she clicked on a certain item with great interest, saying that she was very budget-conscious and able to pick and choose, calculate and take advantage of discounts.

I was so distressed that I burst into tears. One bar cost hundreds, and one bell piece cost more than three hundred. I looked at that pile of things, this wasted bitch!

She actually had the nerve to ask me if I practiced.

Me, of course I practice! !

I do aerobics and barbell equipment for more than two hours every day. It was exactly one week to yesterday. She lost 7 pounds and I gained 3 pounds. Yes, this is the first time I have gained weight in three years. The sky is clear and the water is clear for me. I felt that I was good, and it was no longer difficult to go up to the 7th floor. She finally took a vacation yesterday, and I suddenly thought that I should go and go up to the reservoir to watch the river break through the ice and see the flowers.

She said yes.

Hiking 15 kilometers, walking and playing for 5 hours.

This directly led to me having three dinners when I came back, and lying in bed for 14 hours, unable to code, what a sin.

The good news is that exercise really helps my family. My body is getting better steadily. I eat well and sleep soundly. The bad news is that there is no muscle or muscle in my body without pain. When I go out for a walk, people say I look like a zombie when shopping, which seriously affects my wisdom and stature. A charming image. )

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