The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1435 What on earth have you been protecting?

In order to avoid irritating the Zerg and causing them to engage in unnecessary extreme behavior, Li Cang stayed quiet for two consecutive days. He was busy setting up various entries, sorting out equipment, and distributing mill materials. He stayed on his own empty island and seemed as quiet as That Shi Wengzhong guarding the mausoleum.

Don't ask, ask just to be out of sight, out of mind, and hide in peace. Damn Leizi, that girl only plays games and beats him. In addition to playing games, she just plays.


The island over there was about to be demolished, and the whole place was shaken to the ground, making it difficult for people to live in peace. After all, in addition to insects and jumps, Lao Wang would have to face things in the future. Lao Wang really had no idea, and he didn't even wait for Li Cang to speak. Breathing fragrance, fully automatic, super hard work.

"Emmm, emotions are a good thing. I really hope bugs don't have them."

No matter in various film and television works or novel genres, Zerg seems to always be missing about emotions. In fact, it is right to think about it. It is like ants and other truly social animals. People have died countless times from the Cretaceous to the present. Competitors rely purely on destiny algorithms engraved in DNA and extremely detailed division of labor systems rather than redundant emotional expressions.

The Zerg always only needs one brain, and even if each bug is assigned a few neural circuits, at most the entire accessory brain will be enough. It mainly focuses on the collective intelligence woven by a spiritual grid. Individual individuals are not worthy of such extravagant free will. thing.

As for why the current alienated bloodline system strengthens only the body but not the brain. After all, it is easy to blow up a mountain with one punch and it is difficult to blow up the brain. Goldbach's conjecture is difficult. If you can't, you can't. At this point, the Zerg live quite well. through.

However, such a transparent thing has now become a little confusing for him. This is a shortcoming that Li Cang cannot understand. I, the magician, have always taken elegance, order, and harmony as my motto. Insects are like this

Is it polite?

With this thought, Li Cang entered the hall of the underground shelter: "You two are hiding here too!"

Suo Zhihui and Qin Zhenzhen wore Li Cang's shirts as usual. They were silk, light in texture, loose and wide, and looked like nightgowns on their bodies.

This kind of shirt is the same standard equipment on the sky island as my mother's super pretty pink shirt facing the enemy's corpse brother Sangouzi's tuxedo, but Lao Wang and Li Cang actually don't wear it very much, but Miss Li Lace and the others I especially like to use it as pajamas.

But I have to say that the feeling of wearing this thing on a woman is different from that on a man. It seems that they are not the same type of clothes. Therefore, what appeared in front of Li Cang were two people under the old dim marsh gas lamp of the shelter. The beautiful smile on her face particularly highlights the highlights and shadows of her collarbone, making even Qin Zhenzhen's gadget look a little more sexy because of its whiteness.

The light shadows are embossed and the lines are exquisite, inadvertently carving out a bit of liveliness and agility, which inexplicably creates a sense of sight of a cute little white rabbit illuminated by a halo.

"Are you done?" Suo Zhihui breathed a sigh of relief and quickly tore off a large number of notes stuck to his chin, "How was it?"

"Ahem, it's just entry presets and routine raw material inspection." Li Cang looked away from Qin Zhenzhen, wondering if the nutrition that should be supplied to the brain was used in the wrong place, "When did you come here? "

"Eat!" Qin Zhenzhen held a lot of snacks from the underground supermarket and distributed them to Li Cang generously. "I came here in the morning. I greeted you when I came down and you agreed. , they are simply blasting over there, and Sister Leilei is really unstoppable."

She keeps chattering without stopping for a second, and then if you want to say that she is making trouble, she is still very self-conscious, blinking her eyes: "Oh~ I understand, I understand~ I will go look out for you~"

"Go!" Suo Zhihui's face turned red, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

However, Comrade Guangbo could only hear what he wanted to hear and only eat the part he wanted to eat: "Oh my, my, what are you urging me to do? I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry. I have to wear shoes. This Just go here."

Suo Zhihui grabbed her ears and pushed the jar back to the sofa to give her a lecture. He heard her still talking nonsense and saying, "Although we are dog-headed, we are really loyal and loyal ministers." "The cunning rabbit is dead and the running dog is cooked" and "I have shed blood for the party and the country and I want to see the leader" and other strange words, which made him even more angry. He picked up something from the sofa and stuffed Qin Zhenzhen's mouth.

Li Cang pinched his chin: "The mask is good, oh, it's exquisite, and it even has ears. It's a bit childish for elementary school students, but it's just right for college students. But why is this Pikachu white?"

Suo Zhihui may also be a little confused: "Yes, why is it white?"

Qin Zhenzhen had a mask in her mouth and one hanging down her face. A visible blush rose from her face and spread to her earlobes and neck: "Uh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!"

Li Cang walked to the sofa and sat down, casually throwing an oversized tiger skin pillow on Qin Zhenzhen's struggling little buttocks to block it. Qin Zhenzhen immediately collapsed like a deflated rubber ball and placed it directly rotten.

"The one-way jump point has not responded yet, but you should be able to return to the base after passing the joint interference jam point between the illusion and the Zerg in front." Li Cang tore open a pack of shrimp crackers, "Although there are anti-teleportation arrays on the island now, But there are still very few situations that can be predicted. This time is an example. From now on——"

"The loot I exploded in the lawn illusion is more than all of you combined!" Suo Zhihui Nuonuo retorted, rolling her eyes, "I have the ability to protect myself!"

Li Cang was stunned for a moment when he was interrupted from casting the spell. His professionalism developed from years of scraping land made him subconsciously ask: "How much?"

"She came out with 1.02 million coins." Qin Zhenzhen, who was so embarrassed that she had no love left in her grandma's family, uttered an ancient whisper at the end of her life: "There are also more than 3,000 fantasy plant seeds, one alienated egg, two The seeds of alienation, twelve limited skill seeds, a bunch of things, I have counted them, and they are indeed more than what your little Miss Leilei, Master Wang, has put together."

Li Cang smacked his lips: "Lao Wang and Dalei Zi couldn't get anything from the 1ss, and they were just blown up by you?"

"I told you that I am capable of fighting~" Suo Zhihui continued to emphasize, "Look down on others!"

"Are you sure? Is there a chance to do it again later?"

"Teacher Wow Cang, you actually hit a woman. You are putting the face of all Northeastern men and Northeastern ladies on the ground and trampling on you with spiked shoes. Are you worthy of being the only male domestic violence shelter in the Northeast?"

Li Cang was furious, and he and Suo Zhihui gave the poor-talking strategist a mixed doubles match.

"Come on, don't slap me in the face. You really don't need me to look after you?"

"Hit her!"

"Gag and then beat me!"

In short, no matter what happened, Huatou had already made amends with him, and his refusal to visit ended in vain.

"So, those bugs are scary, even you are so nervous."

Suo Zhihui gently stretched her legs onto Li Cang's legs. The arches of her feet were graceful and slender, and her toes were round and round.

Two or three years ago, Suo Zhihui would never have done this. She would not even wear shoes with exposed insteps. People who practice dancing all year round have hidden wounds all over their feet. They would not look good. No matter how good her family conditions are. There is no secret recipe passed down from Rao Shi's family background, and the guy sitting opposite happens to have some weird little hobbies.

But now it's good. Not only can she pray for healing of hidden wounds, but she also has good things like Han Gong Beauty. Suo Zhihui can finally find some confidence in front of Li Cang and Dalei Zi.

Sure enough, this guy held it very smoothly, and he might not even have noticed it. Huh, man, there are so many habitual little moves.

"It's hard to say." Li Cang lazily leaned on the back of the sofa. "The Zerg have the ability to jump through space. Even if they haven't caused an insect disaster now, they will always become a threat in the future. In my opinion, even if their original combat power is not taken into account, the Zerg The growth and destructive contagiousness will be much more terrifying than that of ordinary zombies. The most important point is that I may not have a particularly ideal way to eradicate it. "

Little JIO's warmth made Suo Zhihui blush, and she stammered: "Do you mean that this kind of bug poses a greater threat to non-orbital settlements and bases?"

"Let me put it this way, when encountering bugs, a strong base can only cut their flesh and feed it to the eagles. Those who are a little less powerful will not even have a chance to cut their flesh. The Zerg Clan, these creatures are really extreme."

"Like, like your servant of fate?"

Li Cang was stunned for a moment and said truthfully: "Maybe I'm a little more extreme, well, just a little bit."

"Pfft! Teacher Cang, why didn't I realize you were so cute before?"


"I used to think that you would get angry at any time and eat someone alive," Qin Zhenzhen pouted, "You almost killed someone when we first met! I have never seen a terrorist like you in the base for so long!"

"Ma Haizi? That kind of rice insect who only dares to lie in his nest and only lies on his own body to suck blood. It is very annoying to watch him show off his power. What the base cares about is the collective rhythm. I am an individual, and there are occasional incongruities. It's understandable." Li Cang said casually while thinking about things, "Just like no one cared about how much Ma Haizi danced before, naturally no one cared about why Ma Haizi suddenly stopped dancing. As long as he can still save face. It's passable, and the final result will always be to settle the matter. In the final analysis, the base doesn't really care whether he dies or not, and I don't care whether he lives or not. Since we just happened to meet him, I just picked it up casually. Well, Sister A's craftsmanship It’s still good—”

Suo Zhihui squinted her eyes, her eyelashes were long and curved, and she looked like a lazy cat under the dim light. Her body trembled slightly because of itches and she was reluctant to move her feet.

Li Cang paused, looked at Suo Zhihui, then at his own hands, and fell silent.


My hand really has a mind of its own. Is the degree of alienation already so high? If it wants to grow a brain, should it grow on the fingers or the back of the hand?

Qin Zhenzhen really said it right: "This is how the ends of the limbs are controlled. This is a normal phenomenon. It doesn't matter. You can be a little more perverted and I'll help you look out!"

Li Cang looked at Qin Zhenzhen's serious look and couldn't help feeling that the apocalyptic world really corrupts people. Three years ago, he would have felt that if he was late to call the police, he would be regarded as an accomplice. Now...

Beizhi Kangbei, old silver coin, look what you are protecting!

Suo Zhihui asked: "Isn't this jump very dangerous? Can I help you?"

Li Cang sighed: "You and Zhen Zhen just stay in the belly of the dragon louse and live in the mill for a few days without being thrown out. Well, maybe even I will be the same this time. There is no way to judge whether the exit of the illusion is or not. Stable, there is a high probability that it will be disturbed by the jump storm of insects.”

"Li Cang, do you really not feel tired when you are on the track like this?"

"This question is quite sudden, but you can change your perspective and try to ask ordinary people in the base whether they think life is easy. In the end, they are just moving bricks. The nature is similar. In the air island era, there will be wars wherever you go. , the small environment should not be of much significance to the subordinates. Sooner or later, the knife that deserves it will be taken. The difference is just where it is cut. "

Suo Zhihui pursed her lips: "Every time I talk nonsense seriously, it makes me feel like I've gone back to the past. How many people have you deceived with this trick?"

"I should have deceived the primary school teacher the most." Li Cang said seriously. "At that time, I skipped at least half of my classes every day. I am not just talking about being poor at half a young age. My stomach is like a bottomless pit that cannot be filled. And No matter what I do, I have to spend money. I have done everything to catch toads and turn them over. Speaking of which, Teacher Ding is a good person. She understands that I made my first pot of gold from her leave note. , thanks to her, I didn’t starve to death.”

Qin Zhenzhen said: "Teacher Cang, your nostalgia for the past is really more than just being talked about by everyone, but you are obviously only in your twenties."

"I like meaningful things. Memory is a solid line, and people are anchors that are not on the line."

Qin Zhenzhen got angry: "Hey! I don't understand!"

"Teacher Cang! It's done! It's done on the island over there! Huh?" Lao Wang covered his eyes with his five-fingered scissors, using his mind to perceive the state of the three people relying on each other, "Well, we guys didn't come at the wrong time. You see, this matter can't delay me from having my grandson, right?"

"Believe it or not, dad will beat you into a grandson right now!"

"Ahem! Anyway, I'm done over there. The people in the fantasy island chain are really anxious. Hey, I'm not talking about Teacher Cang. These beeps are not very honest. They thought about letting us help share the firepower before they did anything. , or just nip it in the bud to avoid making a mess later.”

"There's no rush. Let's go out first. Then there will be plenty of time and people willing to come over and stir up trouble with them."

People are constantly changing, but refined self-interest can never be avoided. Business bragging is business bragging, which does not mean that everyone is friends after the bragging. In the end, this is just a business where neither party has many options, so Li Cang did not He didn't act as excited as Lao Wang, nor as impatient as the Fantasy Island Chain. There are a thousand words to say: Don't underestimate a businessman's professionalism. Teacher Cang has a moral bottom line.

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