3/7 Base, Wenquanshan Special Zone.

The minibus moved slowly as if it was crawling. A handwritten temporary pass with three stamps was taped to the inside of the windshield. The trees on the roadside were covered with dogs, pedestrians and vehicles. Any living creature that could move would make the nervous driver suspicious. From beginning to end, the car was silent.

Finally, the minibus stopped in front of a gate at a fork in the road. Compared with other forks in Wenquan Mountain, where there is a guard post every three steps and a sentry every five steps, or luxurious and spectacular gates, both the guard post and the gate itself here are quite low-key and simple. A strong man in military uniform walked into the car and said in a relaxed tone: "All teachers are here, let's drive!"

The words were spoken to the people in the car, but the intercom on the waist made a rustling sound, and the gate at the fork in the road opened. The man had a few pieces of paper in his hand, and he flipped through them one by one. Every time he flipped a piece, his eyes looked at someone. Although he had a very kind smile, his eyes gave people a feeling of swords, spears, halberds, axes, hooks and forks.

"This. Um. Who are you? What's your name?"

The atmosphere was solemn and weird, and I didn't know how to address him. I couldn't call him the commander, because this was not a system.

"No need to bother, Xu Hongfeng." The man smiled, "I'm old, so I was sent here to be a security guard for the instructor to watch the door and buy groceries. Don't be nervous, everyone. The instructor heard that you were coming, so he took a special leave and waited for you at home for a long time. Well, here we are!"

When they got off the car, they looked like 12 zombies tied to the execution ground by chains.

"The last one"

"Are you going in?"

"I know it's the last one, so move!"

"Who's knocking on the door?"

"No, I dare not, this is the instructor Rao's home."

"Don't go in? I can't explain if I don't go in. I've visited the whole school. We can't treat them differently here. Do you want performance?"

"Teacher Liu, you are in good health, come!"

"What do you mean I came because I am in good health? I am just an ordinary physical education teacher who was sent to drive. I have nothing to do with home visits!"


"Teacher Zhao, how about you come?"

The door opened.

Rao Qifang leaned sideways: "The three little guys said they heard some noise outside, so I guessed that the teachers had arrived. Please come in!"

The three little ones poked their heads out and timidly said in unison: "Hello, teacher!"

Tea, snacks, and fruits were quickly served. The eleven teachers each had three long holiday homework books and were thinking hard as if they were meditating. There were sixteen people in the room, but there was no noise at all. The sound of flipping pages was like a horn of war.

Dabai and Ah Fei passed by the living room in the middle and slipped away on tiptoe in less than two seconds.

On the surface, the air condensation index was as high as 300%, and the three-court trial was just like that. In fact, the eleven unlucky teachers were more nervous than the three little ones whose homework was checked. Not only nervous, but also excited. Not only excited, but also trembling!

Rao Qifang: "Where did that damn goldfish go? He hasn't come back yet. What if these guys ask me about tutoring homework?"

"Silence him?"

"Wouldn't it be a bit obvious that 12 people came in and one person went out?"

"What's wrong with the three little things? They haven't done their homework for several lifetimes and someone came to their house to check their homework. Should I beat them up first to show my sincerity to these debt collectors?"

With our instructor Rao dropping out of school at the age of 16 and gradually moving towards burning books and burying scholars as he grew older, now let alone tutoring the three little ones to do their homework, to put it bluntly, the three little ones can tutor her!

It's not that Rao Qifang is not good at dealing with people like her son, but her family background belongs to the type of people who are virtuous and tolerant. She has a natural fear of teachers, such a magical creature. With such a family education of respecting teachers and respecting the way of the family, she would really be beaten and punished if she couldn't learn the tricks of her family.


The head teacher coughed, and the remaining 15 people sat up straight.

The female teacher felt that this was really not going to work.

Ah, in other people's homes, you all pointed fingers at the country and were once nobles, but here you can't even fart. Do you have any attitude towards educating children? I have seen it. If I don't say anything, you really dare to pretend to be deaf and dumb until the end. When you leave in shame without saying a word, won't the principal eat me alive as the class teacher when you go back?

The head teacher was a woman in her 40s, surnamed Zhao. She wore glasses with a very high degree and had a very gentle temperament. She took a deep breath and smiled, "Ms. Rao, I heard that Cloris, Irene, and Aurora are your direct disciples?"

"Hmm? Hmm! I just taught them a few tricks!" Rao Qifang said modestly, "Are they not well behaved in school? Don't be angry! You teach! I educate! I'll just give them a beating later!"

Zhao Chunhua choked for a moment, fearing that it would cause unnecessary misunderstandings, and hurriedly said, "No, no, how could it be, the three little ones are extremely well behaved, every teacher likes them very much, and they study hard. When they first entered school, I was worried that they couldn't speak the language, but they made rapid progress. This time was just a home visit arranged by the school. Ms. Rao, you can't be like this to children. Hmm. It's not recommended now. Last exam, this exam, this long vacation"

Rao Qifang felt like an emotionless machine, and her head was almost dizzy.

Zhao Chunhua found that Rao Qifang seemed to be no different from other parents, and gradually got into the mood: "Everything else is fine. The three little guys are still too shy in character. If possible, I, as the head teacher, It is still recommended that you participate in some parent-child activities organized by the school, such as going out of the campus to popularize alien bloodline creatures and base safety laws and regulations, exhibitions of handicraft class works, and charity retail. These small activities are very meaningful. Especially for children with weak and timid personalities like Cloris, Irene, and Aurora, their academic performance and moral character are impeccable, but they still need parents to set an example in terms of interpersonal communication. The children will You should learn from your parents’ behavior. Don’t be too strict with them, especially Balabala.”

Rao Qifang didn't know how she sent away these plague gods. After many years, she once again regained the painful memories of being stared at by her class teacher with death.

"Hiss~" Rao Qifang rubbed her arms and shuddered, "Is your teacher usually like this?"

The three little ones even blinked neatly, with blood on their faces: "Yes, yes, Teacher Zhao is very nice, but he is very reasonable. Wu Douzi was naughty, so Teacher Zhao called his father to the school." , Wu Douzi said that his father seemed to be crying when he came back!"

Rao Qifang's scalp was numb and she was still a little unconvinced. She waved her fist and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm also good at reasoning!"


At this time, Jin Yujing and Kong Jingqiao actually opened the door and came in at the same time, talking and laughing.

"Jin Yujing, what's your promise to me? You actually have the nerve to come back? You can just die outside!"

"What. Oh." Jin Yujing threw her handbag on the sofa, "It's been a bit rough lately. I've been delayed by something. Are the teachers here?"

"Oh, everyone is gone!"

"That's it, then I'll go to the head office for the next parent-teacher meeting and the next one after that!" Jin Yujing smiled and touched the heads of the three little ones who were busy serving tea and water one by one, and said lightly, "Princess Cangcang is the I haven't come back for a few days, and the rumors are spreading. They are as outrageous as they are. Today, the guy from the America Federation actually came over to stop the car and asked me if I would consider selling Goldfish Logistics, whether it was coins or empty islands. As a condition of the deal, Toad groaned so loudly, he is really not afraid that the base will come over and take a hard look at his water meter! "

"You are the same brat. It doesn't make me, a mother, worry at all." Rao Qifang reached out and grabbed Ah Fei and hugged her in her arms. She said with a lifeless voice and a bit of viciousness: "I should have tied him up with a rope at home last time." Yes, but my son is still famous. With such a big base there, no one takes a second look at it. He has been silent for a while, and even cats and dogs dare to come out and bark! "

"I just don't know how surprised your dear eldest son will be when he comes back and finds an old acquaintance next to the base." Jin Yujing took off her shoes and nestled on the sofa. Her sharp eyes finally relaxed and turned into maroon. Her hair exuded a mature and beautiful charm, "Recently, not only the base, but people inside and outside have suddenly grown grass. By the way, have you found out who was responsible for the C-436 missile attack? I'm still waiting for you in the newly built comprehensive shopping mall over there. You have to pay compensation! Fangfang, you can't go on like this. As the saying goes, Shang Wuguan is uneasy. Seeing that Tian'er is serving you so hard, sister is just counting on a nest of snakes and rats. Besides, you are the best. If you want to show off, you have to show off your complicity and seek personal gain, otherwise all the people in the base will have to lose sleep all night long!"

Kong Jingqiao interrupted: "No, Old Man Bei knows she doesn't have the brains."

Rao Qifang was very good at selective filtering and kept stroking her hair: "What's c436? I don't remember it. I looked upset and didn't want to get involved. Meng Liang or someone over there should be in charge. Now there is the third island chain." It's like a hornet's nest outside. Throwing a stone at it can trigger a riot. It's funny to see that old man Bei Zhikang frowning every day. If I had known this, why bother in the first place? Now that the stall has grown, it's too late to close it down. "

Jin Yujing pointed out: "Why can't there be conflict first and then inclusion? Those who engage in politics have bad hearts, and they must have an explanation for defecting. They must see both sincerity and benefits."

"I can't understand the mess! I'm too lazy to think about it! What are we going to eat tonight, old lady?"

"Eat, eat, eat, just eat. I brought back the leftover dishes from the banquet just now. Let's join in and eat together!" Kong Jingqiao sat there without energy, "I don't know if the children can eat outside. If you eat well, you must eat poorly! Alas, Xiaoyi told me more than once that when they were fighting outside, they often made dry food and ate it for many days. Do you know what dry food is? It was just seasoned dry meat. Granules, dehydrated vegetables, fruits, grains, dry food, it’s obviously dog ​​food, is it something that humans can eat? Dabai and Ah Fei just looked at it and turned away! It’s true that Xiaoyi has not cared about cooking since she was a child. , look at the things she made, this is Xiao Zhong’s food, otherwise.”

Balabala, balabla.

Rao Qifang felt that she was really short of words today. What happened to each of them? Just as they left, another more capable one came.

A few people were chatting, and they talked about Suo Mingyuan and Yang Yinan's visit yesterday. Jin Yujing said: "Fangfang, look at this girl, she gave birth to a baby girl or something, she came over every now and then to ask, for fear of Princess Cangcang kidnapped the pearl in her palm and ate it up, but it’s better for you to smash me and me all day long~”

"I gave birth to a real daughter, who knows what I gave birth to!" Rao Qifang was still unconvinced, "Although Xiao Suo's child is a little... well... but the little girl is considerate and clingy, she really calls mom every day, and look at my thing, Rao Qifang is polite when she makes a noise, you really don't envy me, what's wrong with me calling him son Zha, I have raised Li Cang as my son since he was a child, if it weren't for me, I would have wanted to train a trumpet for Xiao Cang, how can that disgusting and money-losing thing be worthy of my son Zha, really, I don't know how much virtue the dead girl accumulated in her previous life to be born in my arms, I feel wronged for my son Zha!"

"You get excited when I mention this, tsk" Jin Yujing was about to tease her, but the words The words came to her lips but ended without any progress. "Yes, Princess Cangcang is really sincere to her family, but sometimes she is a little too selfish and keeps everything in her heart. I suddenly became very curious. You have watched her grow up since she was a child. Lei Lei and Xiao Zhong have such personalities. How come Princess Cangcang is not only not socially anxious but also socially anxious when she follows you three socially anxious people?"

Rao Qifang widened her eyes, thought hard for a long time, and gave a positive answer: "Yes!"

"What do you mean by yes? How can you say yes? That was a question!"


Seeing Rao Qifang nodding seriously, Jin Yujing was also very speechless. What is this? Could it be that such a clear and stupid woman is really born with better luck than others?

"Yuyu, look, is there such a possibility?" Kong Jingqiao's expression was more serious than Rao Qifang's: "I forgot the specific reason, but once when Xiao Zhong and Xiao Cang were chatting, Xiao Zhong made fun of Xiao Cang and asked him what he was afraid of. Xiao Cang said, I am afraid of people like you."

Jin Yujing slapped her thigh: "Okay, that's it, Fangfang, you are not really stupid, you are just pretending to be stupid, you are guilty!"

Rao Qifang: "."

I am a military general, not good at speaking, you can slander me as much as you want.

Kong Jingqiao suddenly sighed: "The children are fine, but why is there no movement in the belly? Xiao Wu, who had a wedding some time ago, they said she is pregnant!"

Jin Yujing's eyes wandered: "Yes, if they leave a little baby at the base to keep the balance, they can go out and play as long as they want!"

Rao Qifang suddenly remembered the tragic physical examination of Li Cang at that time. She almost bit her teeth and suddenly wanted to laugh. She said: "I think those people who eat for free in the first and second hospitals are talking nonsense. The matter of Xiao Cang and that dead girl is just a guess. Otherwise, what about Xiao Yi and the other two? It's also that...what?"

"Hey, you violent maniac still have some brains. This idea seems to be correct. That makes sense!"

"Oh! I don't have a brain? Which shameless old woman was so upset that she almost cried the day before yesterday and slapped the chessboard over?"

"Rao Qifang! I just accidentally knocked it over, and I was obviously going to win in the end. Who knows if you were the one who made me stumble? Otherwise, how could I fall flat on the ground?"

"It shows that the old actor's acting skills are online!"


Seeing that the two were about to fight again, Jin Yujing hugged Dabai and moved to the sofa facing the window at the back. It was impossible to stop the fight. It was impossible to stop the fight. Either get beaten or starve. The adult world is so cold and thin. Xiao Cangcang, when are you willing to go home? Do you know how hard your aunt's life is?

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