The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1510 A wonderful development (2)

Chapter 1510 Wonderful development (+2)

Li Leisi's watery eyes narrowed, and a narrow and full arc slit flashed with light. There were drops of crystal formed by mist on her eyelashes. Her face looked both sexy and dangerous. She said a few words from her teeth: "When Rao Qifang retires in the future, I will definitely sign her up for more interest classes to enrich her old age life. Wait~"

"A great filial piety!"

"Who told her to treat me like this back then." Li Leisi said while grinding her teeth. When Kong Jingqiao came over, her expression quickly changed to a sunny and bright one, "Thank you, Aunt Kong!"

Kong Jingqiao glanced at Li Leisi and teased: "You should be more careful! You are still thinking about eating rabbits in this state? Is it not hot in summer? Doesn't your shoulder hurt when you play games? Can you turn over by yourself when you are insomnia?"

Li Leisi:

Aunt Kong, why are you talking so sweetly now? You are like a black sheep. You need to stand up and act like a tyrant!

There are so many gluttons to feed. Although it is a dessert to help digestion after a meal, only a few pounds of meat can be taken out of a rabbit. Therefore, Kong Jingqiao not only prepared luxury rabbits with saffron as marinade, but also deer and sheep with Yanchuan flavor. Of course, she did not forget Lao Wang's soup.

"Hot soup with hot soup, it is very nourishing, drink it up while it is hot!"

Lao Wang was so moved that his face turned green.

No matter the three pieces of rabbit, deer, and sheep were wasted, they were all in the soup. Whether this thing nourishes physiologically or psychologically is a matter of opinion, but the taste is absolutely infuriating. It is well known that it is eye-irritating as soon as the lid is opened.

Kong Jingqiao watched Lao Wang finish the soup. At least he didn't let him put the medicine residue in. She was satisfied and put away the shiny clay pot that had been used to cook soup. It smelled of medicine for a long time. "There are so many things. It's almost done after soaking for several hours. How about you come out to the pavilion to eat?"

A group of people put on refreshing silk shorts and walked over there, talking and laughing. Even the three little cats were damp and lazy, like a few soft seaweeds.

Rao Qifang walked beside Li Cang, her face flushed and her eyes clear: "I'm so lucky to have you here today. If you hadn't come back, Jin Yujing and I would have had to beg her for a midnight snack, not to mention such a complicated meal. She's very impatient with us!"

There are four cats in the house, including Ah Fei. In order to appease the emotions of these things and reduce the psychological shadow area, Li Cang was barefoot and didn't dare to wear slippers: "Aunt Kong is too hard every day. I don't sleep anyway. How about I arrange tomorrow's meals?"

Rao Qifang never dreamed that it would unfold like this. Her mind was full of frogs and toads, and she was visibly panicked: "That. son. son smash"

Kong Jingqiao couldn't help laughing, pointing to the huge pot and solemnly introducing it: "It's really thanks to Li Cang and Xiao Zhong. Look, Fangfang, come and praise the dishes I prepared for you!"

When the wooden pot lid was opened, there was indeed something that would jump around inside.

Jin Yujing knew of course that Princess Cangcang had done something to move heaven and earth with filial piety in her childhood, and she laughed so hard that she almost died.

Rao Qifang: "Hey, a female leopard, I thought it was a frog!"

Roasted whole lamb, roasted whole deer, roasted whole rabbit, all served in wooden square plates, placed on the table with a built-in stove. The pot was similar to the Northeastern one-pot dish, with long-stewed chicken, grouse and pheasant, stewed with chicken feet and pig feet tendons, supplemented with various dried mushrooms and dried vegetables. The female leopard was finally put into the pot with the pancakes, and it was fragrant and dry.

"Luxury! Too luxurious!"


"Then don't just stand there!"

"Auntie Kong, everyone is eagerly waiting for you to start the lamb~"

Late at night, Li Cang cooked a big pot of stewed meat and vegetables, and the ginger sweet soup was also simmering on the stove. He couldn't sleep and had nothing to do, so he simply chose to be a ghost fire boy. To be honest, the roar of the motorcycle was really more violent in the middle of the night. Fortunately, after leaving the Wenquanshan Villa District, he could directly get on the ring road around the island without being disturbed by the people.

He had two reasons for this ride. First, he missed the taste of seafood, and second, Martinis mentioned that the island allocated to him last time was now planned in the same sector as the Black Uncle Island.

No-fly zone is no-fly zone. In order to ensure flexibility and maneuverability during normal hours and the response mechanism for complex situations, the base's port ferry freight and passenger transport are all running all night, basically the same as during the day. After turning over several routes in a row, Li Cang was deeply melancholy about his carelessness on the road in front of him. He wanted to drive on this broken road, and he probably thought it was about the same as riding a car.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, Miss Qiu, who was sleeping on her back, was pulled out of the same source channel by Li Cang: "Get up and work!"


From a physical sense, Huahua is undoubtedly the best choice, but the deterrence Huahua suffered is several levels deeper than Miss Qiu. Li Cang sat on it, not to mention rushing on the road, it was good that it didn't pee all over the floor.

The sleepy Miss Qiu carried people and motorcycles, and rushed all the way. The night was like water and the scenery changed, just like the scene in an old movie.

This part of the island chain is already outside the third ring line. What appears in front of Li Cang is a vast expanse of trivial empty islands and a corner of the Black Uncle Island. The lights and sparks complement each other, and the vast blue waves and white clouds are in a line.

Due to some historical reasons, Martinis's tribe is still an outlier in the base. The base is willing to provide them with a place to stay, but it will not support them for nothing. Obeying the law and being self-reliant are only the minimum requirements. If it weren't for the high combat power per capita and the strong folk customs of the Martinis tribe, it would still be unknown how the base would choose.

But now, in addition to playing a hand of tarot cards, a hand of psychic lady cards and making a small surplus, Martinis also has dedicated mercenaries in the tribe.

If conditions permit, most of the armed groups in the base and the surrounding areas will be equipped with a full-time "priest" of the Martinis tribe. Usually, these black guys are bloodthirsty berserkers who chop people. If they really threaten the core figures of the group, they can really save your life. Moreover, due to the tribe's belief inheritance and a series of metaphysical skill settings, they usually don't take death seriously at all. Death is as natural to them as a normal person stepping back to the city, so the compensation after exchanging lives for saving lives can be said to be good value for money and fair to everyone.

In short, Martinis's bad cards have been played out under the command of Li Cang Gougousui, and they have completely established a foothold in the base. Even among two specific groups of people, their reputation can be said to be very upper-class and very decent.

There are numerous empty islands connected by floating bridges, plank roads and hooks, with extremely simple buildings scattered on them. Most of them are tents, animal skins and zombie skins. The slightly more decent ones are straw huts and log cabins. Occasionally, you can see small semi-underground bunker-style buildings with relatively higher safety. Unexpectedly, this place is not only home to black people, but also a large number of white people, Indians, Latinos and Southeast Asian faces. It is also quite lively, much more lively than the 3/7 base island that has already fallen asleep. Various small ships are transformed into islands and shuttle between these stationed island chains. There are cargo islands, stationed merchant fleets, and even tourists who come here for wine.

No need to ask, just like the situation on Uncle Black Island, this is definitely an alternative prosperity driven by the base tax rate.

Several old-fashioned sailing wooden boats, about 700 to 800 meters long, symbolically rowed and passed by in the "river" next to Li Cang. The lights on the boats were bright and neon-lit. Projected in the air was a young Latin American woman dancing erotically. She was tall and plump, and her eyes were charming.

The CBD of the entire area was just a few buildings made up of large kilometer-level sky islands. It was a problem whether the population and buildings on them could accommodate 20,000 people. It gave people the same feeling as Uncle Hei's seafood market, with people coming and going, lazy, chaotic, and simple, but there was only one kind of seafood sold here.

That's right, it was another kind besides one.

Li Cang sent a message to Martinis: "What the hell is going on here. I won't go the wrong way again."

There was no trace of the public security personnel, outposts, and checkpoints at the base, but instead there was a strong smell of the American settlement area.

"Hey, boss, where's the Mickey Noodles?"


Li Cang looked at the almost invisible Druid who suddenly ambushed him with a bewildered look on his face. The tall and thin young black man made a very professional noodle sucking gesture: "Mickey Noodles, dili dibang! Palm powder, tabang!"

When Li Cang's eyes fell on the dark iron shed behind him that was less than ten square meters, he realized what he meant -

Fuck Mickey Noodles!

Fuck the sound!

The whole wall was covered with rats and thick dried noodles, each of which was half Li Cang's arm long. A huge aluminum pot that could be held by two people was placed on the ground. The pot was filled with hot red palm oil. The cassava flour was fully immersed in the oil. Occasionally, a dried fish with eyes wide open would poke its head out of the noodles and stare at him with its empty eye sockets. There were even thin tails of unknown creatures shaking with the slightly bubbling red oil.

Li Cang's appetite was excited by such a devastating painting. He couldn't help but recall the grim years in the past. When he didn't have a stable job, he would go into the mountains every day. That scene was not much more civilized than the one in front of him now.


another midnight snack?

However, Li Cang was a little disgusted by the sticky state of the rat noodles with soup and water: "A whole one, roasted!"

The artificial translator with eleven languages ​​was really unable to handle the bulky and arrogant languages ​​in this area. The two of them gestured and shouted for a long time, and finally the black guy came to the conclusion: the boss needs to pack ten roasted chickens!

This is a big business. In the past, even if a hunting team came, they might not be able to order ten chickens. There were so many people doing business in front of the houses nearby. When have you ever seen such a lavish and extravagant customer? The black guy shouted a series of rap-flavored calls, and five or six small black guys who were only slightly higher than the door sill suddenly rushed out from nowhere. Although they were afraid of Miss Qiu's scarlet, green and blue lantern eyes, they were just like the children in the difficult areas of Africa before the disaster. They only knew that this thing was awesome and expensive. As for what was awesome about it, only God knew. They chattered and exchanged for a while. Some caught chickens, some made fire, and some even tore newspapers, urea and cement bags.

"Nonono!" Li Cang was a little anxious, pointing at the wall and starting to gesture again, "That, that!"

The black guy's language comprehension ability was obviously limited to the previous two sentences. He stared with wide eyes and exchanged secret signals with Li Cang for a long time, and concluded: The boss wants to eat roasted rats, freshly slaughtered!


Little black buddy was busy again with laughter.

In normal state, Li Cang was willing to treat every ordinary person around him equally, or rather, compared to subordinates, he would sometimes be more willing to deal with ordinary people, after all, these people don’t understand, and won’t look at people with tinted glasses, saving trouble and effort.

Li Cang looked around and found that face blindness between races was common, and no one in this place could recognize him, so he was completely relieved.


Pick the big ones.

At this time, the back.

Martinis hesitated for a long time, and finally chose to bite the bullet and walk over: "Holy Spirit, great Cang"


Martinis braked smoothly: "Respected Cang, I miss you very much. Since you came last time, the young men and girls of the whole tribe have missed you very much!"


Damn, how about I run in the dark?

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, I've never seen a big rat from Africa. I'll take a bite and remember my childhood." Li Cang pointed at the rat's huge teeth. "This thing must be considered a specialty of your place, right? Such a big rat, it looks quite impressive. Do you also show it off in your tribe?"

Martinis noticed the boss's inner joy at the moment, and said honestly and conscientiously: "Well, occasionally, we do treat them as food, but the tribe is more accustomed to and likes creatures with a single diet. We believe that the souls of vegetarians or meat eaters are purer. Eating is a sacred, universal, and life and holy spirit. The moment of direct communication is very important for our faith. "

"Why don't you just say it directly! What did omnivores do to you? Wait? You don't want to express your tribe's advanced concept of only pulling people to bleed for sacrifice and not eating people through this?"


The men and women of the tribe who followed Martinis and finally got the opportunity to accompany him through duels and beauty pageants on the spot looked at each other in surprise. They really couldn't connect the strong, iron-blooded, and wise Holy Spirit of the time with the guy who wanted to taste the taste of big rats and roasted rats. They stared at each other and felt that the trip was worthwhile.

Yes, due to Martinis's unreliable words and deeds, Li Cang has gradually become a god in the hearts of the tribesmen.

The kind of reverence and pilgrimage-like mentality cannot be described in a single word.

If Martinis hadn't warned them not to do this before coming, I would have been the first to do it, and it would have made you little bastards look bad. These young people probably wanted to kneel down and kowtow to him when they saw this face. Faith may not always lead to enlightenment, but this young living Holy Spirit not only gradually overlapped with some images of the Trinity in their faith, but also gave everyone in the tribe a chance to live again.

Several tribal men and women bowed their heads humbly, dedicating their loyalty and faith to the man and the beast, picked up a strand of dirty braid that Miss Qiu had fallen off the ground, carefully tore off a corner of her clothes and wrapped it up, and put it in his arms, closest to his heart.

On the red soil road, Li Cang held a large string of meat in one hand and dried meat in the other.

The spicy taste of the yellow and white African peppers that looked like ghost peppers was too strong, making him a little overwhelmed: "Here~"

Martinis was stunned by the dried meat skewers for a moment, then took them overjoyed, picked up a piece and put it in his mouth, motioning several young men and women from the tribe to come over and line up to thank him: "Cang, it's really unimaginable, even for someone as noble as you. Well. In your words, is this called being down-to-earth?"

"This is called the daring die of overeating and the timid die of starvation!"

"Respected Cang, you always say such philosophical words, I"

Li Cang was too lazy to respond or take the food back, he was just curious and wanted to taste it, but he was not actually hungry.

"So, what exactly is this place? Am I going the wrong way?"

"Yes, you should take the land-based green channel at the previous ferry point. The ferry point below is no longer a public one, but a private one, to facilitate the passage of caravans and the transportation of goods. In fact, this is the airspace at the junction of the three areas of ABC, which can basically be described as a no-man's land. Of course, the people living here are all refugees who escaped from area B or somewhere else. This place is very chaotic. The base has been arguing with America for a long time and has not reached an agreement."

"It's better than that at that time. "Is it more chaotic than the Black Uncle Island?"

"More chaotic!" Martinis nodded repeatedly, "Although there are wars on that floating land, they have their own land and property, and resources that can be used to survive. There is nothing on this island. Haven't you noticed that these islands are actually scraps abandoned after praying and fragments of mining islands with exhausted resources. Even the most basic crop harvest is difficult to guarantee. Pay attention to the land under your feet. This red piece can't be called soil at all. It is completely different from the common red soil in Africa. These are gravel, very broken gravel."


"Yes, their settlements have always been doing things in the name of certain things. The seemingly glamorous floating land is home to a large number of refugees who may starve to death at any time, but they are not like the base. They can only To provide some people with the best environment for survival and enjoyment. So, you see, this area appeared, and they exiled these poor guys who clearly had nothing but were still squeezed out of everything. They didn't even bother to see these. People died on their islands, fearing that their rotting and stinking corpses would contaminate the land born of freedom and equality.”

Li Cang nodded to express his understanding, then suddenly stopped and walked towards a rough alley with forked roads.

This place is more than a little bit dilapidated than the "Main Street" outside. There is basically nothing that can be called a house. Most of them are just some red clay gravel piled on the ground as a place to live. This place even has mud to cover the walls. They can't get along, and they are so poor that they have no soil to eat.

Well-dressed people, with skin as white as jade, a ferocious and solemn beast behind them, and a group of humble followers dressed as priests who decorated themselves with bone ornaments, minerals, animal skins, and feathers - this is how they appear in the eyes of the local people The scene is a feeling that cannot be described in their language, even a bit sacred.

They may not understand other things, but it is difficult for some local African-American residents not to know compatriots with distinctive characteristics like the priest. They have longing and fear in their eyes, silently watching the strange group of people walking through the alley, and occasionally someone comes up. They were lying on the ground, hoping that Martinis would help their sick children or other family members.

However, there is obviously a certain deviation between the high priest Martinis and their understanding of the witchcraft walker. What Martinis is best at in this life is to pull enemies or anyone to the cliff, bleed to worship the sky, and sing hymns. , as for any subsequent efforts to help ladies and eldest ladies communicate with their dead family members and pets, they can only be misguided.

Treat illnesses and save lives?

How can you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air?

Fortunately, these people's diseases are really just the most basic ones. A few anti-inflammatory drugs and a few antibiotics can often solve the problem. Even if it doesn't work, there are also prayer-level emergency drugs to cover the problem. Even in Li Cang's three-foot-high iron rooster doesn't seem to be a cost-effective thing at all. It's so cheap that you can just grab a handful of potatoes on an empty island and wish for a copy.

But for this group of locals, it is undoubtedly the elixir.

"Cang, you are the greatest merciful person, but there are millions of people gathered in this place, and no one can save them here." Martinis shook his head repeatedly, "Maybe you will think that this place is a wasteland. But what I need to tell you is that this place is already a paradise for them. It is just barren and poor and lacks resources, but there is no real war. A large part of the people here were already refugees before the disaster happened. Some of them are from Sierra Leone, some are from places like Ukraine, Gaza, Sudan, etc. Compared to today, that may be the real cruelty for them.”

Li Cang casually picked up a stick from the small stall at the end of the alley in front of a beautiful young girl who could not tell whether she was Latina or African and was sitting behind a gasoline barrel oven. He roasted it carefully and did not burn it like other stalls. Basho was given a work score card from the base. After she timidly stood up and thanked her, she couldn't help but stepped forward and asked in Spanish: "Are you also filming a video? Will I look ugly in there?"

The four tribesmen and women behind Martinis were about to stop them when they were forced back by Martinis' eyes.

Li Cang smiled: "No, you are very beautiful!"

With this sentence, Li Cang felt that he had gotten into trouble. More than ten, twenty or thirty people emerged from the red clay house behind the girl. Surrounded them, men, women, old and young, cried, laughed, and sang. They were shouting and dancing as if they were celebrating the New Year, repeating the same Aboriginal words that Li Cang couldn't understand.

The expression on old Martinis's face was quite wonderful: "They hope you can take this girl away."


"You just complimented her on her beauty." Martinis, the high priest of the tribe and the irritable African man, had a trace of rosy on his face, which really embarrassed him, "I'm sorry, I didn't know such a thing would happen. , but they say that occasionally people like you will come here, walk around, take a look, and take away some beautiful girl. Occasionally, these girls will come back, dressed very noble, give some money, maybe alone Leaving may take away one or two sisters. In any case, this is an unattainable luxury for them. They are congratulating her and wishing people like them not to stop them. They said that there was someone in the alley next door half a year ago. A beautiful girl was taken away and followed the Chinese people. The person also said something like this. The girl came back once last month. She was very good and had learned to speak Chinese. That’s why they listened to what you said just now. I understand.”


Martinis said quickly: "I'm sorry, this was my mistake. I really didn't know something like this would happen here, but please don't refuse. You know, such a big psychological gap is enough to destroy a person's most vulnerable Psychological defense, if you don’t take her away, I’m afraid she won’t be able to live anymore. Actually, it doesn’t matter if you don’t like her, I can take her back to the tribe!”

It's rare that you gracefully lead a magician to show off your heart. How can this make me look decent?

Li Cang, who is half socially anxious, would hardly punish others for their own mistakes, except for Lao Wang and Miss Qiu. He continued to smile at the girl and whispered a few words from his teeth: "Martinis, did you understand what those people did before and how they did it?"

"Oh, this is easy. Just say a few words and show that you like this girl very much. Anyway, they can't understand, and then just take the girl away!"

"That's it? Why do I feel like you are setting a trap for me?"

Martinis coughed: "You may not understand that if you take this girl away, it means that this girl will be in a social environment that no one in this area can reach. In terms of status, she will be like the previous ones, no, she will surpass all the previous ones and become a legend. I don't know whether her family will be respected. After all, the kinship of all Africans is very strange, but it will definitely, definitely, definitely be easier for them to live. If you leave her behind, I think you should understand what I mean."

Anyway, Li Cang has become accustomed to such a daily routine on the track line. From the three little ones to Yggdrasil and then to the Fantasy Island Chain, the people he has been stuffed with have already brought him to the point where he can get rid of the lice and worry about the debts. This one is not bad, so he coughed lightly to boost his courage: "That. She is very beautiful."

At the same time, facing so many pairs of eyes that are ten thousand times more eager than ordinary people, it is a mystery to what extent Li Cang's language organization ability can degenerate.

However, those people neither understood nor needed to understand. They only needed to understand the "golden words" that they already understood. The crowd burst into cheers and exclamations. They even quickly took out a roll of hand-woven square scarf with bright red and yellow patterns that looked very gorgeous from the house and covered the girl who was already blushing and speechless, and cheered and pushed her towards Li Cang.

Li Cang took the girl behind him and handed her to a tribal girl. He took out some work points cards from the base, put a few coins in them, and said as loudly as he could to make himself look confident: "She will come back to visit you, understand?"

Martinis handed the cards to the group of people for Li Cang, and grabbed the most prestigious elder among them to translate: "She will not come back, this honorable sir just hopes that you can keep the money from being taken away. Understand?"

"Understand, we understand!"

The old man was terrified, and a trace of worry and fear flashed across his face. In fact, he knew that the girl would never appear again from now on when he saw the coins. As for how - I hope the gods will allow this girl to continue to be lucky.

Li Cang frowned all the way because he had more followers for no reason.

Even Martinis was a little confused, not understanding why such a strange thing happened so naturally and went so smoothly. Our Lord of the Holy Spirit must have some strange physique.

Li Cang, who had to hold back six words for eight kilometers, asked: "Um, how old are you?"

The girl was terrified: "My name is Dai!"


So is this considered a successful communication or not?

Martinis hurriedly asked for Li Cang, and his face became strange: "Respected Cang, she is eight years old."

Li Cang hummed casually, then widened his eyes and pointed at the girl: "You call this eight years old?"

To be honest, the girl is a rare person who conforms to the oriental aesthetic. She is really beautiful. The honey-colored skin of Latin Africans makes her look completely different from her people. She is just like a bulging anthropomorphic sweet candy or caramel jelly. The green eyes are like broken diamonds, reflecting the blue. The wild and tense protruding posture is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Being pointed and yelled by Li Cang, the girl was stunned on the spot, shivering, like a baby bird drenched by rain.

Li Cang was helpless: "I'm not talking about you."

Martinis translated again, and then said to Li Cang: "Well, she was too nervous. I mean, she actually wanted to say that she was eighteen years old, not eight years old."

Li Cang's brows twisted into a black lump again: "Want? So how old is she?"

"Fourteen. Well, thirteen years old."

Li Cang really wanted to kick Martinis, and said speechlessly: "Let her stay in your tribe first, and see if she can adapt. Also, where is your territory?"

"Uh, you don't want to continue shopping, I thought."

"This Timi has walked to the wild meadow, I'm shopping for the hell, I Timi thought your tribe is here!"


Martinis was immediately satisfied. Look, how rich the emotions of our contemporary Holy Spirit are, how real, and how not so illusory. In short, materialism is really fucking great!

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