The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 159 A wonderful way to take the blame

I have water, will you spare me a few more jump points?

Teacher Cang's mood at this time is actually like a little girl who just fell in love. She is afraid that he will not come, and she is also afraid that he will mess up.

Jump points are good things, but they can also easily cause dangerous situations that cannot be resolved without making juice.


The gravel at the base of the island exploded, and the chain arrow with the metal chain penetrated into it for more than several meters.

"Is the geological structure so soft?"

Fortunately, there was no accident when the arrow was recovered, and it was easily hooked back.

The island was almost completely covered with dark brown thorns, and there was no green leaf to be seen. There were only dry and twisted vines, as thin as vermicelli and as thick as arms, and the surface was full of barbed woody thorns.

These thorns twisted and coiled with each other like demons, as if the entire island was made into a huge thorn cage, oppressive and bloated, with no place to step except the water surface.

Li Cang didn't rush to the island, but asked the big corpse brother to pull a thorn over.

"It's all woody, um, it's good firewood."

The share of firewood on the empty island he and Lao Wang have is very limited now, and the appearance of these thorns can be said to be just right.

Speaking of firewood, it is said that Wang is thinking about using the excrement of people and animals on the island, weeds, rotten leaves, etc. these days - he wants to build a biogas pool.

Li Cang always feels uneasy. With this guy's craftsmanship that is essentially completely unreliable but insists on being ingenious, it is not ruled out that he will blow up both islands.

Emmm, the worst result is just to admit defeat and spend a few more coins to improve it well, focusing on safety.

Don't disturb Master Wang's interest.

At least it is cheaper than the small coin guy and more useful than the big corpse brother.


As the big corpse brother pulled hard, this thick vine with a length of more than ten meters and dozens of branches made strange sounds.

It turned out that the part of the vine that touched the ground was full of tiny and tough fibrous roots. When the fibrous roots broke, a sticky yellowish juice began to flow out.

Li Cang had never seen anything like this before and was very surprised.

"It's dead, isn't it? It just doesn't grow leaves at all?"

The big corpse brother was so strong that he actually wrestled with the vine for more than ten seconds before pulling it up by the roots and dragging it to the sky island.

Judging from the thickness of its root system, the underground part of this thing is probably much larger than the above-ground part.

After fixing the wild island in a suitable position, the annexation began.

Li Cang summoned a dozen lackeys and pointed at the wild island.

"Start working!"

The lackeys jumped into the vines one after another, which made Li Cang feel a chill in his crotch.

Then, he began to harvest brutally with those hideous thorns.

"Lao Wang, Lao Wang? Where's your chain saw?"

Not long after, Lao Wang ran over with two chain saws.

"Wow~" he said in surprise, "Awesome, there is water on this island? These old vines are enough for cooking for a year!"

Li Cang started the chain saw, gestured at the roots of the thorns a few times, and then handed the chain saw to the big corpse brother,

"Go Pikachu, open the way, Master Wang, don't you bring your fishing rod? Let's go to the pond above and take a look."

The thorny vines crisscrossed on the surface of the wild island and piled up more than half a person's height. Even with two chain saws in hand, the three people's progress was extremely slow, and it took almost an hour to reach the pond.

It is worth mentioning that the pond is not large in area, but it is surprisingly deep and the water quality is also exceptionally clear.

When the breeze blows, the water surface sparkles like broken gold, and many strips of water plants grow at the bottom, which also reflect the green color of the water. Sometimes you can see a few small fish as long as knuckles swimming leisurely in it.

It was so exquisite that even the scattered stone structures on the surrounding ground and highlands seemed to have been deliberately landscaped and carved, and it was a masterpiece of nature.


Li Cang couldn't help but whistle, and his mood was sunny.

Seeing such a picturesque green water pool under such circumstances, even the careless Old Wang was excited,

"It must be kept, this pool is absolutely amazing!"

Old Wang reached deep into the water and exclaimed,

"Hiss, this water is really cold, it's freezing."

This guy didn't care and scooped up a handful of water,

"Tons, tons, tons, even a little sweet!"

Li Cang didn't even have time to stop him, and said speechlessly,

"You're going to be a fool, let's go back to the island, and go to the line with the little coin kid!"

With the prerequisites, Li Cang got the standard answer at a price that was one-tenth cheaper.

There is almost no difference between the annexation of water sources and ordinary fragments, the water source loss ratio is equivalent to that of soil and rocks, and aquatic plants and animals are treated equally with terrestrial plants and animals.

As for the specific value, the little coin boy naturally did not mention it.

Of course, no one cares about this thing, right?

The more fire you swallow, the more you consume. This is a rule that the survivors cannot change.

Li Caizhu Cang said that he could pay a fortune coin at his discretion to completely preserve all the water sources and the terrain of the pool on the fragment.

The little coin boy did not hesitate to deduct eleven big coins on the spot.

This is already quite expensive. After all, Lao Wang only sells gold.

Well, you get the idea.

Then Li Lasi and Tai Xiaoyi came out to watch the fun.

Tai Xiaoyi stood by the pool for a while, and suddenly "frightened" and hurriedly pulled Li Lasi back to the stilt house.

Lao Wang Li Cang: ? ? ?

Ten minutes later, the two women appeared again, looking brand new.

Lao Wang elbowed Li Cang,

"Hey, did you see that? Lilith seems to have put on makeup."

"It's like a fucking dream. Could this be the legendary raising children?"

"I bet 50 cents, it must be the credit of my little lady! Lilith definitely doesn't have this ability!"

"Nonsense, have you forgotten that she snatched my snake oil cream and Dabao every day when she was in elementary school? What a scumbag's behavior. This woman obviously costs thousands of yuan for a bottle of shower gel."

The two women held hands, took out their mobile phones that had not seen the light of day for a long time, and posed in various poses with their backs to the pool,

"Click, click, click, click~"

They took a series of ten consecutive photos, which was not enough. They also pulled Lao Wang and Li Cang as the background.

After changing three sets of clothes, they were still not satisfied. If Li Cang hadn't stopped them, the two women would have changed into swimsuits!

"No, no!" Li Cang danced with joy, "Touch the water, it's almost freezing and you're still taking swimsuit photos? Are you worthy of your period? It's the end of the world and you still want to post a circle of friends to celebrate?"

"It's late recently, it hasn't come yet, and it's not cold." Li Lasi's eyes lit up and she lied with open eyes.

"Haha! Die! Don't even think about asking me to rub your belly when you scream in pain!"

Tai Xiaoyi was stunned for three seconds,

"Don't you find it strange at all?"

"What's strange?" Lao Wang said, "Is it strange that Teacher Cang knows the date of Lilith?"

"Of course not this!"

Tai Xiaoyi smiled a familiar auntie smile, then stopped smiling and stared at Lao Wang seriously.

It was quite scary, Lao Wang even stuttered,

"What, what's going on?"

Tai Xiaoyi said word by word:

"I think these two people not only didn't get married on the spot, but also treated each other like brothers who had known each other for life. As their childhood friend, you really have to bear a large part of the responsibility."

Lao Wang spat out a mouthful of blood.


"What the hell does this have to do with me!" Lao Wang said viciously and in a very low voice: "Although the saying goes that there must be a gay pair when three people walk together, I never thought that this pair was not me and Teacher Cang."

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