Li Cang glanced at her and seemed to see through her thoughts. He answered the questions in an understatement: "It's very simple. I need a battlefield. Your value is much lower than Monroe, so this is the battlefield."


I, Shirley, will admit that your unruly appearance is very annoying, but Bro, you are getting beaten from the beginning to the end!

The female iron blood was suddenly a little unsure whether this guy's mental problem was so serious that he needed to call in experts from the entire Chinese base for consultation. Sure enough, some things would not come out of nowhere, but at least he definitely had the capital to be arrogant. The most powerful assistant was directly banned. However, with the strength of the entire American settlement and the various financial support from the sponsors behind it, he just couldn't win over him. This in itself is quite telling.

The iron-blooded woman's gaze boldly scanned Li Cang's face for several times, then she turned her spearhead and pointed her sword directly at the group's beasts, using close-combat cold weapons and long-range hot weapons to unleash tons of output.

"It's great~! I'm finally normal!"

The female iron blood couldn't help but whistle.

After two days and two nights of high-intensity and unrestricted fighting, she gained nothing, but she could really see a word in the gaps between the handsome words on Li Cang's face, and that word was despair.

Damn it, this feels right now. This is called a passionate hand-to-hand fight with fists and fists, instead of hitting the cotton with a light and weak force, and then the cotton suddenly jumps up and slaps you almost to the heart. sudden stop.


Please put numbers on the heads of the numerous Chapter Beasts in front of me!


Li Cang glared at the two people who had completely reached a consensus, and suppressed the words "f*ck" in his mouth. However, as a rare living Bodhisattva on the track, he still had a little bit of moral conscience, so he threw out a huge Sixi meatballs sealed in a red wax shell: "Dazzle your mouth, don't let timi die!"

"You fart! I'm just tired! I'm not hurt at all!"

"Ah, yes, yes!"


The Burning of Isolaye bloomed continuously like a machine gun under the body of the same Chapter Beast. The heat that the Iron Blood woman could not feel in person due to the solidity of her armor and the isolation of the force field was displayed intact. A body that seemed to have experienced thousands of years of She was frightened to see the gray and withered bones that had been weathered over the years - fortunately, fortunately, I didn't have the bad habit of wearing clothes off when fighting!

Li Cang frowned.

He did not receive any life energy feedback from this Chapter Beast whose vitality was completely wiped out. There was only a tiny bit of insignificant calcium energy. The feeling was very uncomfortable, as if the dead Chapter Beast was completely dissolved in the chaotic energy surge. And in the suppression force field, he did not really die, but passed over him and directly transitioned from a separate individual to a void, conceptual whole.

The world has really changed.

What kind of new concept fraud is this timi?

At this time, a group of fish that slipped through the net suddenly seemed to have been pointed out the attack path by the "death" of their companions. They roared at the top of their lungs and rushed towards Li Cang in a hail of bullets, without any hesitation in their steps.

"So, are the life energies of these so-called war group beasts and the members of the war group's subordinates anchored to each other in some way?" Li Cang stared at the escape path of life energy with his eyes blankly, always feeling that these war groups Some of the beast's performances are not the independent behaviors of regular servants of fate, but more like some poor micro-management adjustments that are basically negative improvements based on human thinking. "It's unnecessary and nondescript."

As a staunch fundamentalist of Servant of Destiny, Li Cang's disdain has a certain authority. At least in terms of the various manifestations of Servant of Destiny, it is difficult for anyone to match his height.


Amidst the dull and huge sound of bones shattering, a warband beast slid out hundreds of meters away from Li Cang, who was sideways avoiding the splash of blood and mucus. Its corpse plowed long trenches on the hard glazed ground.

Lao Wang, who was sweating profusely from his work, saw this and said, "Hey, you big beast finally figured it out?"

As the saying goes, the initiator has no successor. Li Cang, who has always piled mountains of corpses and seas of blood on others, finally enjoyed the treatment of zero consumption and zero logistics. An endless stream of battle group beasts fell from the fleet, and the old The king's dragging sword technique was unable to break through the opponent's heavy force field blockade and could not even touch the fleet itself.

Simple, ugly, low paying, efficient.

It turns out that this is the correct way to open up the three war groups. If they can continue to fight like this, not to mention Li Cang, even the master of the lair may be angry on the spot, sooner or later.

"Different paths lead to the same goal. In the end, the battle really has to be about logistics!" Lao Wang looked up at some kind of resonance array formed by the fleet, and looked at the battle group beasts that were produced and dropped below like machines. It’s quite a bit like a short-tempered hero and a desolate beauty. “You said that when you bury others in a sea of ​​​​dogs, do they have to hate it so much that their back molars are chewed to bits like us?”

Such an ugly and unusual suppression lasted for a full 72 hours. The three battle groups appeared to be very patient. Even a large number of claws in the grid force field, which could be regarded as having the ability to convert virtual reality to a certain extent and with extremely powerful defense, were still able to survive. Suffering.

In the entire force field, there are basically only three people and two servants of fate left standing.

The dark circles under Lao Wang's eyes were so big that they almost covered the apples of his eyes. The little logistical reserves Li Cang had brought with him had long been wiped out by him. Suffering for a whole day and a half without eating or drinking would be extremely fatal to any subordinate. Yes, Lao Wang, who was sleepy, hungry and thirsty, was no longer so angry when he cursed, and looked as if he might fall asleep standing up at any time.

The iron-blooded female Shirley's helmet was taken off, and her head and face were covered in sweat. Her originally brilliant blond hair had long since dried up and split, losing its luster, and her golden eyes had become extremely dim.

However, this little girl is very generous. No matter the betrayal and abandonment of her teammates and her entire camp before or the current desperate situation, it seems that it has not disturbed her letting go of herself: "Hey, that one and that other one, I will die first, you two Remember to stay away for a while, Oil, don’t pollute my soil and don’t invade my personal space, even God will not forgive this kind of behavior!”

"Tsk, you girls do have a sense of humor. Teacher Cang, those big meatballs are really gone. I have solemnly sworn before that I will never starve to death!"

"Silly boy, what nonsense are you talking about? It would take you three years to digest your fat. Come here, be good, and let the big wand take a sip!"

"Fuck you! You are still trying to trick me at this time. You are such a pure beast without any impurities!"

"I can stand and talk without pain in my back. It's as easy as eating and drinking to grow your fat body. How easy is it for me, who worked hard for three years to scrape together this body of flesh and bones? How sad do I feel when I lose weight due to hunger?"


Another bunch of Chapter Beasts fell into the sand, but there was basically no space within the entire grid force field that the Chapter Beasts had not stepped into. A shot of Isolaye's Burning could hit straight away even with eyes closed. Plural Chapter Beasts.

At least Li Cang could still flutter a few times symbolically, but Lao Wang and Nv Tie-blood were simply smashed, and they were too lazy to move. Anyway, these shameless hobs couldn't kill them all no matter how much they killed, and no matter how much ineffective output they had, they still couldn't. invalid.

The three people have reached their limits both mentally and physically. In other words, the fire of life may have been extinguished to the point where the candle in the wind is about to die.

And this is exactly what the three war groups want.


"Finally, finally!"

"Damn, 56 million destiny coins. This guy's warband beast materials alone cost us 56 million destiny coins. Maintaining the suppression force field and blockade force field does not count. Opening the exile channel also requires For an additional thirty million, he——"

"Shut up! This is not something you should consider!"

"Convey the order, the suppression is basically successful, the captains begin to coordinate the resonance chamber, prepare to implement the exile, the countdown begins!"





The three-color intertwined grid force field suddenly turned into a monotonous, deep red, and shrunk in size at the standard flickering frequency of bouncing three times toward the center and once to the periphery. As a result, the three-color force field suddenly became larger and smaller in visual effect. It fluctuated, and the entire airspace rolled with an ever-lasting roar like muffled thunder. Every time it suddenly shrunk or amplified, it was accompanied by chaotic mosaic color patches like transition channels.

The corpses, earth, rocks, and ruins trapped within the grid force field rapidly decayed and shrank in an incomprehensible way, and poured out like fine sand outside the grid. However, when they landed, the physical properties of all these entities did not change. any changes.

In the end, there were only five individual units left in the grid force field, with a radius of less than two hundred meters.

Nv Tie Xue had a look of indifferent curiosity, while Li Cang and Lao Wang continued to fuck each other like they were holding their hearts together.

"I'm sorry, let's be serious."


Li Cang seems to be unfavorable to things like jump channels from beginning to end. No matter whether they are stable or unstable, his side effects during the jump are always hundreds of times more serious than Lao Wang.

"Li, tell me what the hell you are telling me, do you have any secrets in your heart?"

"You can't drop out of metaphysics. The world is so big and I want to see it. How about a bite?"

Faced with Li Cang's harsh words and the bottle of Hungarian bull wine he took out, Lao Wang finally despaired.

damn it!

This b was planned early in the morning, otherwise it would just be his hammer thing that he pours a glass of urine into and carries motion sickness medicine with him at all times?

Of course, he is not saying that he is afraid of children. There is nothing scary about the third line. The main thing is that he is worried about what happens if he gets hurt again after passing by. The possibility of serving him like a pee is really scary and frightening just thinking about it!

What the hell would be better if you don’t even have to eat rats and bugs?

He can't be served directly by Li Cang?

Li Cang pinched the woman's lips and poured her a cup of Quan Dang to quench her thirst, and ignored Lao Wang's longing eyes. When it comes to treating sacred and inviolable private property, Li Cang always showed sufficient anthropomorphic behavior.

The reduction of the peripheral force field seems to have encountered some kind of strong resistance. The red light flashed again and again but was still unable to make any progress. Moreover, the mosaic around it was still a messy mess, and did not form the kind of like normal jump. A general optical path pattern that collapses infinitely toward the center point and elongates it.

"have to"

Li Cang put the cup he raised to his mouth and threw it directly towards Lao Wang with mmp written all over his face.

Lao Wang smiled broadly: "Oh?"

Li Cang grabbed Old Wang and Ironblood by their necks and pushed them against the Pokémon Ball and the Witching Bag. Naturally, Old Wang entered and left Ironblood with a confused look on his face. This thing itself requires willpower. and trust.

"Say, don't resist——"

However, the grid force field did not leave Li Cang another chance.

The force field flashing regularly with three shallow and one deep frequency suddenly became chaotic, and the soundless ripples, cracks and fragments visually presented completely opposite shapes. They seemed to be collapsing and converging inwards, but in fact they exploded outwards. .

The unremarkable mosaic fragments filled the airspace with a radius of hundreds or thousands of kilometers in an instant. No matter the air, air islands, or space, they all showed small and straight spiral black path patterns.

From the center to the periphery, it looks like an extremely enlarged, bloated, and unusual sea urchin.

There was no sound from heaven and earth, and the entire airspace was completely silent.

The three major battle groups of Suppression, Expulsion, and Exile and America's Fleet bore the brunt of being picked up on the tip of a "Sea Urchin" by a path pattern so small that it may not be as thick as a hair. Then, one ship after another, even the Was class The flagships are all collapsing inward with the dark texture as the center, and instantly turn into wisps of colorful luminous substances that converge along the pattern towards the dark sphere that initially exploded and expanded like a black hole swallowing light.

This phenomenon is happening everywhere where the path patterns are. There is no sound, no explosion, no fire. Just such ordinary, no matter how hard the material is, is sucked away by the straw and disappears instantly like a lump of jelly.

Entities in the airspace that are not in direct contact with the rapidly expanding sphere, including the tiny spiral spikes on its surface, whether it is an island ship or life, are floating around stiffly and weightlessly as if frozen at absolute zero in space.

Even the sunlight seems to have slowed down, and the light beams that show the Tyndall effect for no reason are long or short, floating in the air in an absolutely still posture. Even if there is an entity passing through its trajectory, it will not have the slightest blocking effect and leave no trace. or shadow.

A moment, or an eternity.

I don’t know how much time has passed, but finally there is a trace of life in this silence. The colorless fog gathers into wisps of nerve-like light-colored veins, and drops of bright red blood like bunches of grapes condense among the branches, and they move towards the endless Meandering and wandering in the pitch black, bright red breeds flesh and blood, and flesh and blood adhere to the white bones. Clusters of cotton-like fibrous veins are pieced together. They are constantly squirming and arranged and combined, clinging to the white bones, gradually becoming denser and impermeable to light.

Next to Big Boss, who was lying on his back, there were two broken Pokéballs, like eggshells.

He tried to keep his eyes wide open as he watched the skeleton break out of the ground and quickly condense into a rough human shape like a tree or a chaotic cluster of coral. He struggled to let out the turbid breath that he had been holding back for a long time in fear.

Master Wang didn't even bother to check whether he was missing any key parts: "Cang, Teacher Cang?"


The sound of low-frequency vibration was like the sound of bone fragments rubbing against each other, crackling and hoarse. It was full of unpredictability and weirdness, and it was very hellish. Lao Wang only felt his scalp explode and his spine shiver, and every hair on his body stood up.

Swallowing a large mouthful of saliva again, Lao Wang clenched his feet, stamped his teeth, closed his eyes, and straightened his chest as if he was resigned to his fate. He stretched his arms that had evolved to 57 centimeters in circumference forward: "Hurry up, take a sip, you bastard Mom, hurry up, I’m so scared to see you!”

The big wand floated in front of Lao Wang like a seahorse, hunched over and swimming around, like a shark that smelled blood, playing with its prey.

"Stay away!"


The whole process lasted thirteen minutes, directly refreshing Li Cang's self-healing time limit threshold.

Li Cang, who had completed self-healing, did not realize at all how indescribable this process was, and he twisted his neck and waist.

"Where is my embryo?"


Lao Wang was a little shaky, but he couldn't stop talking. Thousands of words were pouring out of his mouth and it was so painful that he held it in for a long time. Finally, he squeezed out a sentence that was barely off topic: "I don't know how to do it!"

There are even some living creatures in the entire airspace that are lucky to survive, but all those who survive, without exception, have space grid-type storage protective equipment or skills to offset this seemingly multi-band, essentially disposable, which humans cannot understand. The horrific impact.

But women are iron-blooded

Li Cang's hoarse wailing was like a chorus of ghosts coming from the abyss: "Where is my baby?!"

I’m so tired. After two days of rest, I feel like my whole body is now assembled from loose parts. This new year has really left the health tank empty.

Write a crazy ball

It's been a bit difficult to write recently. Each chapter has to be considered and revised over and over for a long time. There are a lot of scraps. The updates may be a little late or a little too little. Please try your best to take stock of them.

This chapter is less than 5,000. If you round it up, it’s only 10,000. Ahem, please vote for recommendation, please vote for monthly ticket, please subscribe, please give me a reward to taste it. Anyway, I want it all, give me some motivation, ow~

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