As a result, Suo Zhihui quietly tapped someone's position with her tail finger: "Here~"

Qin Zhenzhen looked up and was immediately frightened by Master Wang's state of being so skinny that a camel was bigger than a horse. I, I'm a mother. It's like three autumns since I haven't seen you in one day. How can I compare to Teacher Cang in this state? The drug residue form is even more tragic?


It turns out that the little lady is the real hidden top master!

Tai Xiaoyi pouted and lowered her head to just pick up the rice. Lao Wang was no longer in his usual impassioned state of giving advice and was extremely gentle. He took two sips of a pot of soup and hesitated to speak. Li Cang was still in that half-dead state. , but he is no longer feeding Sangouzi. The light from Li Laisi can even feed him directly - can you explain to me what is radiant in the physical sense?

"Eat this, eat this!" Li Leisi fed Li Cang, "This is good, this is delicious too!"

"I'm full!"

"Why did you eat so little today?"

"What do you think?"

Li Cang suddenly yawned, and all the eyes of the people at the table were focused on him.



And Qin Zhenzhen’s exclamation: “Wow~”

Based on Li Cang's current mental state, sleep is really a rare thing, which shows that Comrade Daleizi has really worked hard and achieved great results.

Li Leisi glanced at him with an expression that said, "I have merit but I won't tell you." "How about one?"

"I refuse!"

As much as Li Cang admires Da Lei Zi, he also despises her arrogant sleeping skills. It's a pity that this bitch has muddle-headedly adjusted her own abilities. Otherwise, if she were to exchange for a sleeping punch, she wouldn't be able to block the killing god. The Buddha was blocking the way to kill the Buddha, and even God dared to punch her twice. With the power of her attack when she was sleeping, my mother, Rao Qifang, might not have been able to control it herself even if she used 120% of her skills.

Li Laixi felt that she was offended, so she said harshly: "I want to say that I will go back to the base first, why are you so pretentious!"

Li Cang Haisong took a deep breath: "Thank you so much for not killing the heroine!"

But at this moment, Li Laisi was actually a little scared. Her waist ached and her legs felt very sad. She just gave each other a way to get off the stairs. She mumbled a few token words, and felt like grass had grown in her heart, and she wanted to run to a black Internet cafe or group. The will-o'-the-wisp sisters of the motorcycle group went to paint the streets and the wild roads of the newly generated terrain in the base.

But in the end, he still didn’t leave.

After the lantern head went down to the insect nest for a period of time, it showed considerable activity. After swallowing nearly half a ton of miscellaneous insects, birds and wild food, this thing actually raised the overall temperature of Jinping Lake Cave by one and a half degrees. You know The size of this cave is measured in kilometers, and its heating capacity is comparable to nuclear power.

At this moment, everyone on the island couldn't sit still.

In the cold weather outside, although the insect nest has recovered slightly, it can only barely maintain the core area at around 20 degrees Celsius, and there are even subzero temperatures in the peripheral areas. The vast majority of the bee colonies have lost the command of the queen. Some of them have fallen into a deep sleep due to the severe cold. Even if they wake up occasionally, they still maintain the basic operation of the insect nest according to their instincts. The huge insect nest is as quiet as death. It is not known how long it will take to restore the prosperity of the past, but the lantern head His appearance obviously changed things for the better.

The whole island was busy, the five dogs went out to catch fish for free, and Lao Wang couldn't wait to go to the battle to breed the only lantern head in person.

"Fortunately, I didn't kill them directly for meat!" Lao Wang said with lingering fear, "The mother's insect nest is just surviving at this temperature. If it continues for one more day, I don't know how many animals and plants will be frozen to death every day. It's not easy to live a happy and spicy life. When you are living a life of self-sufficiency, you really don’t dare to waste time on such a trivial matter!”

In fact, it's more than that. According to the rules of Xiaobi Zaizi, if you can't be self-sufficient, your rating will be reduced. The parking time and parking consumption will also affect the protective ability of the prayer field.

"I still don't believe it. Is there really only one fish like this?"


Then one day and one night later, Wu Gouzi almost searched the surrounding airspace, but he couldn't find even a single fish hair, which made a group of people quite puzzled.

The morning of the third day.

Li Cang stood sickly on the edge of the empty island, blowing the cold wind of minus 50 degrees Celsius into the desolate airspace.

Lao Wang bared his teeth and muttered as he warmed himself by the fire: "With such a big mouth, can it be used to drink the northwest wind? I don't understand, let alone the lantern head, even a worm or a bird I haven’t seen it. This place is as clean as if someone on horseback has sifted it through a sieve. Is it easy for me to get on the track? Who is going to starve to death? Don’t I want to eat and drink? Xiaobizi is definitely You’re abusing me!”

"With your size Timi, even if you open a root number, you won't be able to find any traces of abuse!"

"Hey, I said you are a bit ignorant. I am sorry for you!"

"Then, wait for the blasphemy judgment?"



"What's going on?"

It was supposed that it would be easy for the two people with their six senses to find the source of this vibration + sound. However, ten minutes later, the two people almost circled the empty island and still found nothing until a huge ice ball with a length of two hundred meters and a width fell from the sky. On the island.

"Hold the grass, what is this?"

A cloud.

In other words, this is a cloud that has been completely frozen into a solid state. It has a loose and flexible fiber structure, more like an extremely delicate marshmallow, white, light, and cold, but even if it is torn into pieces, It didn't melt in the warmth of their palms.

Li Cang and Lao Wang looked up. There was nothing unusual about the blue sky and white clouds. However, when they changed angles and took Wugouzi to the back of Lao Wang's Sky Island, they discovered that the towering corner of the sky island just plowed away the clouds above. A narrow crack, in the crack, seems to be brewing a flowing river of stars, with pink and light blue fluorescence like meteors swirling around the crack, reflecting the gentle night like water in another world deeper.

Lao Wang: "Oh haha~"

Li Cang: "How come this paper-thin world is so full of liars? Can it ever get better?"

Facing such beautiful scenery, Lao Wang solemnly clasped his hands together and said, "Make a wish that pedicure therapy be included in medical insurance, Amitabha!"

Soon, Li Laisi, Tai Xiaoyi, Zhihui, Qin Zhenzhen, Lietixia, and Liliana arrived neatly at their posts. They marveled at the cracks in the clouds that only appeared in the line of sight when observed from a specific angle, and tried to use a small A complete set of BiZaiZi camera equipment was used to capture this amazing view.


Li Cang waved his hand, and the five dogs suddenly accelerated. In the vision, their figures were almost instantly pulled into a line, and the afterimage directly blurred the surrounding space. However, such intense acceleration did not prevent them from going straight through the clouds. , and finally wandered outside a strange node with a confused expression.

"I went right through it. Damn it?"

“So amazing”

"It means you can't enter directly. How did you tear the hole out of Kongdao?"

The final conclusion is to climb a mountain. In fact, it is not easy to call it a mountain. Compared with the height of the current Sky Island and Yejima Island chain, which is often dozens of kilometers high, the vertical drop between the upturned part of Laowang Sky Island and the island plane may be even. It’s not even two kilometers long, which is really not worth mentioning. It’s at a level where it’s too narrow to even store food and use it to exercise.

When a group of people stood on the so-called top of the mountain, the surrounding environment presented a very strange state, as if they suddenly entered a two-dimensional space, the empty island became a flat surface, and they stood in the middle of the gap like a curtain, In other words, it’s like standing on the black spot smeared with ink in an oil painting about the starry sky, with lights everywhere around you.

"Lantern head!"

Li Cang just took a step "in" and immediately noticed the splash. However, as his body completely entered this strange ink stain, everyone suddenly felt light, and a paradoxical feeling of weightlessness came over them. Then, the scenery changed, and they Appeared under a quiet night sky.

[Has entered the subspace-like coordinate area, anchor point code: Lonicera]

There were no stars or moon in the sky, it was dark and void.

What really provides the source of light is the boundless ocean beneath our feet, as if the stars are reversing and the light is as bright as the sky.

The empty island is still the same empty island, but it is traveling in a dark ocean. The sound of riding the wind and waves is extremely clear, the waves stirred up are as thick as oil, and there are all kinds of luminous and hot water in the water, including lantern heads. Animals and plants, amidst the silence, there are occasionally a few chirping seabirds standing on the edge of the island with their wings folded, and the golden roosters independently tilt their heads and look forward to them curiously.

At the same time, several dark islands were hovering around in a rigorous and orderly manner like a convoy formation. The sudden appearance of Li Cang and others seemed to give these obviously transformed islands a great fright. Fan quickly dived into the water and disappeared silently, and with the movements of several small islands, the underwater fish and the birds in the sky all packed up and ran away. Chicken feathers and water bubbles were everywhere, and the surrounding water was filled with light like ripples. It weakened until it was completely black.

"Should I wipe it?" Lao Wang pointed to the water at his feet, then pointed to the dark sky, and made a flipping motion, "This, and this, huh?"

There is obviously no sun, but the temperature here is quite high. It may feel like it is going up to 25 degrees. The breeze is gentle and has a very natural salty smell of the sea. However, as the light goes out, the temperature begins to drop significantly. In just a short time Within a few minutes, it dropped by at least ten or twenty degrees. As the island moved forward, the light at the rear gradually brightened and the front gradually extinguished. The waters around the island were always quite stable in darkness, avoiding it. Like snakes and scorpions.

"To a certain extent, this timi can be regarded as a kind of cold violence, right?"

Li Cang's words fell to the ground and broke into eight pieces. No one picked them up at all. Everyone, including Dalei Zi and Lao Wang, were busy taking photos and taking selfies with high intensity. After all, this kind of scenery is really rare, and for Lao Wang , which often means that he can go to the forum to cheat and drink.

very good.

It might not have counted just now, but now, the evidence is conclusive.

Li Cang had no idea about the beautiful scenery. The businessman didn't talk about it. He rolled it up first and then talked about it. The five dogs came out in full force, trying to use their high mobility and fierce aggression to violently conquer and kick all the light source creatures in the water. Volume, however, the development of things is somewhat beyond imagination.

It's not that Wu Gouzi's Chidi Qianli can't function in the water, or that their feathered bone spears aren't sharp enough, but that they simply can't find the target.

Once these magnificent and strange light creatures were extinguished, they seemed to be completely integrated into the water itself. In the double anchoring of Li Cang's skill blessed by the villain, there was a moment of perception that they were not isolated by the water. They did not even leave their original place, but stayed there. However, no matter what kind of attack, they could not touch their life breath, including the powerful Isoleye Burning.

Li Cang: (`0)╭∩╮

This timi is better off starving in the barren airspace outside. The feeling of being able to see but not eat is simply maddening.

After repeated attempts without success, someone completely disappeared.

His eyes were empty, as if he had lost his soul.

"Teacher Cang, is there a possibility that we can find a local to ask about the market?"

After more than three days of searching, Lao Wang, who had not seen a single person, had already started to use his weapon of causality [Fishing for the Sign of the Heavens] to try to catch something from the bottom of the water to vent his anger. The angry guy stared at the water surface with one hand holding the rod and the other holding the gun, ready to use SOP to have a thorough and soul-touching communication with the fish he caught.


[Fantasy Manifestation Creation: Fishing for the Heavens]

The condensed object of the false beliefs and useless fantasies of the half-bottle fisherman. When holding this fishing tackle set:

The success rate of catching fish increases by 100%

The attractiveness of the bait increases by 100%

The skill of the angler increases by 100%

The rate of catching fish by hooking directly increases by 1%

When an alienated blood creature with the standard definition of "fish" is hooked, it cannot break free at stage 1 and below, and cannot damage the fishing line and hook at stage 2 and below, and cannot damage the fishing rod at stage 3 and below.

Additional: When a fisherman with the definition of "novice" appears within a radius of 100m around the holder of this fishing tackle set, all probability increases turn negative, and the holder of the fishing tackle set cannot end this fishing behavior in any sense until he fishes to his satisfaction and leaves on his own initiative.

Note: Those who are willing to take the bait.


The next second: "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, come and see!"

"What's going on?"


People all came in a swarm.

Lao Wang pointed at the empty fishhook with his carrot-like fingers tremblingly.

"Look! Look!"

"Are you kidding me?"

"What are you looking at?"

"How pitiful! Are you hallucinating because you can't catch any fish?"

"Can't see?" Lao Wang was anxious. "You really can't see?"

"What are you looking at——"

The hook that Lao Wang was struggling to keep half-floating in the water seemed to be surrounded by a very thin oil film, which was out of tune with the unchanging water surface around it. The oil film was about the size of a tabletop, irregular, and seemed to scatter tiny spots of light. Looking closely, several people suddenly realized that it was not a light spot at all, but a miniature searchlight, and it was still moving. The light beams with a granular feel like powder were rotating and shining on all the corners of the oil film.

"This is a fucking empty island!" Lao Wang almost roared, "Look at that light, that thing is built on the watchtower, and there's a fucking little man moving underneath! This is the second time! I didn't see it clearly the first time! I thought I was dazzled!"

Lao Wang's hands were shaking with excitement, and the fishing hook went in and out of the water.

Then, I don't know what kind of rules were triggered, the oil film grew rapidly in an indescribable weird state, as if it suddenly expanded from a two-dimensional plane to a three-dimensional entity, the water waves surged violently, and a huge object was ejected like a volcanic eruption, wrapped in cold wind and ice and snow, and collided with Lao Wang's empty island.

The tsunami generated by the violent collision reached hundreds of thousands of meters high. The shattered sky island structure swept hundreds of kilometers around like fireworks and shotgun shells. The searchlights on several watchtowers were not even extinguished. They just smashed straight in front of several people, emitting a strong smell of maintenance oil being roasted by the lamps. Before Lao Wang could even say "fuck", the artillery fire on the sky island that suddenly appeared had already completely burst out, and the brilliant flames and shock waves directly ignited the entire water area.

The guaranteed monthly ticket is collected, (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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