"It should be difficult to see such a harmonious scene on the track, right?" Lopez sat there with his legs together, revealing a temperament similar to that of Aunt Jin. "Relax a little, I won't eat people, Whitesville is also safe, and the murderous aura on you will scare the children!"

Li Cang said stubbornly: "Yes, there is!"

"Hmm~" Lopez kept talking about his old business: "The main focus of the Year of Eternal Life is forging knives, not sharpening knives. The five-stage alien alloy you use is obviously secondary smelting after praying for casting embryos. If you are willing to share this technology, the Year of Eternal Life can definitely give you a satisfactory price."

Li Cang shook his head directly.

Lao Wang did forge alien alloys twice, but the problem is that he has no technology. They used the flames of the Well of the Abyss of the Purgatory Demon Liliana. While smelting and casting armor, they only hammered out a few pieces. That thing is fueled by the soul of Timi. You can't ask them to catch a Purgatory Demon to pass the fire and use it as firewood, right?


"That's not the case, it's just that you can't use my method."

Lopez choked again, his full chest heaving, and he said angrily: "How do you know we can't use it?"

"The Pillar God-level Purgatory Demon has a skill called the Well of the Abyss. With enough fuel, it will take about 35 minutes to completely melt the alloy bar in your hand. You can add whatever you want at that time."

"What do you mean? What is the fuel?"


Lopez was numb, muttering in his heart that it was fortunate that I didn't have religious beliefs, the devil's work, the transaction of souls, thank you very much!

Lopez asked cautiously: "This process may have a certain impact on consumers' consumption expectations. Do you have any other suggestions?"

Li Cang was happy: "Strange Fire~"

"Oh, I know this, Qinglian Earth Core Fire, Pure Lotus Demon Fire, Red Lotus Karma Fire!"


Sure enough.

It is exported overseas and far ahead.

Lopez's excitement ended, and he asked a soul-searching question: "So how can I get them?"

"Why don't you try to vote for that author?"

"You" Lopez said, "I think I have to take back my slander that you have no sense of humor, but I still want to thank you for your reminder. In return, we will spend one wonderful day and night after another together until we reach the main island of Whitesville."

"Are you taking revenge?"

Seeing that this guy was unmoved, Lopez spread his hands helplessly: "After returning, I will let the best craftsmen make it into a finished product. You know, the Eternal Years will have its own auction in Whitesville. It will eventually appear as the finale, and all the proceeds from the auction will belong to you, and, Mr. Wong, I will give you another great little gift."

Very good, he finally sent him away, and Mr. Wong was very relieved.

The next day, just when Li Cang could see the main body of Whitesville through the telescope, the fleet that had been sent out to investigate the warp storm came back in a hurry, still broadcasting safety statements and dragging a bunch of hunting groups of all sizes waiting to make money.

Then, the entire Whitesville airspace was put under martial law, and all the merchants and tourists were refused entry. The waterways and the garrison island chains were blocked.

"There is a huge threat in the warp storm area. Every sky island and every ship may become a potential source of pollution. Please be patient and cooperate with the in-depth inspection of the Whitesville airspace. Whitesville respects the choice of every citizen and unlicensed person. If you have any objections, you can leave on your own."

After dozens of regional broadcasts were broadcast, it was already a mess.

A few dozen miles in front of Li Cang, people from a transformed island flew over and shouted: "Queue up, queue up, damn it, we're about to collide, why are you still moving forward?"

"What? On-orbit subordinates? Deorbital sanctions phase?"

"Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!"



The first island chain is holding a grand national carnival, with tourists and yachts flowing in an endless stream, and they have no idea about the complete closure of Whitesville's airspace and the main island.

Suddenly, a ship from the rapid response fleet that returned from the outside rushed directly to the first island chain, and the smoke and clouds from the explosion rose straight into the sky. The flames and shock waves of the explosion instantly turned the local residents and tourists who were celebrating the fifth anniversary of Whitesville on three long streets nearby into ashes.

The people on the entire first island chain were all stunned, and the crying and roaring quickly turned into a riot. Then the secondary explosion of the weapon system and warehouse inside the ship, dozens of strange figures rushed out from the inside of the fragmented ship, either fleeing or attacking the people on the first island chain.

The dandy playboy Li Lace, dressed in elegant Chinese clothes and holding a folding fan, was holding the shy Dao Mei in his arms, with grapes peeled by Lethia in his mouth, and a bullying smile on his face: "I knew it!"

The Condor Heroes looked at each other, and the eldest Wang was startled: "What? That bitch arrived so quickly?"

"No, the bug arrived first."

"Oh, I was shocked."

After the subspace was shattered, the Zerg fled in all directions. In fact, there had already been some Zerg sneaking into the Whitesville island chain. Li Laise secretly dealt with a few of them. It was not until she realized that something was wrong and there were more and more Zerg that Whitesville sent out the so-called rapid response fleet to conduct reconnaissance.

For the three people, the wonderful vacation was over. With such a big commotion, Whitesville could not think of quietly dealing with the Zerg without causing a huge negative impact.

"Fuck, what's wrong with these little bugs? Without the nest master, they should have lost their ability to reproduce!"

"It's not reproduction, it's just division, or differentiation." Li Leisi's figure flashed by, and before she finished speaking, she had already brought back a bug, pointing and saying, "Degrading and differentiating a bunch of nerve tissue is not a difficult task even for simple alienated blood creatures."


The light of the energy matrix cannon flashed, and a bunch of fragmented bug bodies and several shipboard personnel of the rapid response fleet were directly smeared on the ground in front of the three people and a lot of frightened people.

"WTF? Help!"

"What kind of monster is this? Is it a new type of insect-like corpse monster invading?"

"Oh my God!"

"Make way, make way, a bunch of idiots are joining in the fun." Lao Wang, holding a golden eagle feather in his mouth, moved sideways. "This one is already dead, but that one seems to be able to be saved. Damn, what the hell, can such a weakling join the army? Is he supposed to burn the boiler and shovel coal balls on the ship?"

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