The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1952: The beans are spilled from the bamboo tube

Like the resource-laden islands that were chained and given by the Arab world as a gift, Old Harden's own subordinate island was also firmly hung by a chain crossbow, but it was tied there more like a stray dog: "Powerful orbital subordinates, Old Harden has no intention of being an enemy of you. I have an 80-year-old mother and a 3-year-old daughter who are crying for food. I just need to support my family, just to support my family!"

To be honest, Li Cang was a little melancholy when he caught such a fluent and upright Er Yizi. People with thin skin are like this, don't kill familiar people.

"This bitch looks like a person!"

"Ah, Old Josh?"


"This guy used to team up with a flower grower. That guy called him Old Deng. Ha, I guess he doesn't know what that means!"

"Hurry up and let him change his pants!"

Harden looked at the group of people in front of him with fear, but he still couldn't help feeling lonely.

Four terrifying creatures that are clearly human, Zerg and Locust girls hovering in the air, twin Plague Shooters, a humanoid corpse-like giant with fists larger than half of his body, a beautiful tool man with anti-jointed legs and knife arms that are shiny, two beautiful snakes, a Purgatory Succubus with small pink wings and a heart-shaped tail, and a ghost bride with a fairy-like aura.


If I saw this composition in a horror movie, I would scold the screenwriter for having too much knowledge!

Old Harden was led by several corpse-like fate servants who were completely inhuman to change his pants like a wandering soul, and was led back stiffly like a puppet. If possible, he would rather kowtow to these ladies and beg them to let him go as a fart, rather than trying to kill them and run away!

It's so fucking scary, it scared Old Harden to death, what the hell is this place, who am I, where am I, where am I going, the end of the universe, where is the way to survive, and where the hell should I go?

When Old Harden came back, those pure humans were staring at the mushroom soup in the fire pit under a strange-looking stilt house. The aroma was very fresh. Old Harden happened to be a person who loved life and food. If it were normal, he would definitely be able to give some constructive suggestions for this pot of good stuff to satisfy his appetite, but now he couldn't make any suggestions.

"Tell me, where are you from, what do you do, what is this place, what is the surrounding structure, you know, don't miss a word!"


Old Harden felt like a fool, his mind was blank.

He said "I" for half a minute, and when the huge fat man opposite him who was physically holding him like a bug frowned, he stammered: "Berville airspace, central section, black sector, this is a pan-island chain settlement area made up of some fragments of the United States, Europe, and Africa, with a population and newborn population of 21 million. The area is vast and the products are suitable for cough. Habitable, yes, very livable. There are few orbital subordinates passing through here, but they all say so, and there are also"

"Yes! There is a technology that is not on the forum, energy matrix ammunition entity filling technology, and the development of thermal weapons is also very powerful, use, use Come, the bullet they use to attack you is called force field shock bullet. I haven't seen too many descriptions about this kind of ammunition on the forum. I think it should be unique or rare."

"Here. Here. Here. There are also rich tantalum and niobium deposits. You will definitely like it. You will definitely like it!"

Abby Harden didn't hold back in order to save his life. Of course, it doesn't really matter whether he says it or not. Nowadays, both physical and soul-touching memory recovery techniques are well developed. Old Harden knows this, so he focuses on attitude. Attitude is very important!

Li Cang was almost vomiting, but when he heard what Old Harden said, he instantly regained a little vitality: "Wait! You said tantalum ore? Is that thing related to the energy matrix filled physical ammunition?"

"Ah this."

"Get out!"

"Wait, wait, wait, yes, yes, it's related, absolutely related. Although no one has revealed it, everyone in this area knows that the shells of the physical energy matrix ammunition are inseparable from tantalum and niobium ore. It's almost written on their faces!" Harden nodded repeatedly, "There is also an American garrison base here. You know, Americans will never do anything that is not beneficial. The garrison appeared here for no reason and honestly did nothing to protect one side for the people. Who would believe this!"


Old Wang and Li Cang smiled immediately. As the saying goes, enemies will always meet. We still have a little fate with the American Confederacy.

"Make a wish for the core energy cabin of a Was-class main ship!" Li Leisi suddenly pulled her face away from the phone: "I found out from the forum that the power conversion device of the core energy field of the America Was-class aerospace carrier is a very special corpse-like biological alienation crystal, which is theoretically a top-notch material for CPUs and solid-state drives. Make one for me too!"

"Can you do it?"

"Oh, the Academy of Sciences can't do it?"

"You make a lot of sense, I'm speechless!"

Anyway, the Academy of Sciences is idle, I have a project now, which has no beginning, no end, and no time. Go and do it for me. This project can't be rushed but must be fast!

After recovering a little from the sequelae of the jump, several people also went to the so-called black body by the locals for two circles, praised this never-before-seen jump portal and took a group photo.

The several empty islands full of resources given by the Arab world made Li Cang realize what it means to be a commoner. In addition to various weapons, materials, alien resources, vegetables, fruits, grains, living things and other basic supplies, there is even an island that is a physical library of destiny coins, which is filled with 200 boxes of destiny coins, each box is a standard one million, not a single cent less.

"The rich dog" Lao Wang muttered sourly, "How can people refuse this? Where can people refuse this? Teacher Cang, there is a saying in this world that sincerity is effective, right? They have such a good planting industry, and they may not be unable to grow forced biochemical beasts in the desert, right?"

Li Cang nodded seriously: "Good soil grows good land!"

The faces of the two made Tai Xiaoyi laugh and cry, and closed the wish interface: "It's still on the original line, and the time is normal, but when I rushed out of the jump channel just now, the time difference between the front and the end of the sky island seemed to be more than ten minutes, and it seemed that there was no adverse effect on the sky island and the alienated plants and animals on the sky island, so everything is normal, except [blasphemy] and [derailment sanctions]!"

Lao Wang looked at Tai Xiaoyi with resentment: "Miss, is it necessary to bring up this kind of thing every time?"


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