The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 267 Camp (Today's two-in-one)

Chapter 267 Campsite (Today's two-in-one~)

Li Leisi moved back and made room.

Li Cang was silent for a while, his expression was tangled.

"What's wrong?"

"A man's dignity doesn't allow me to sit in the front. It looks like coaxing a child."

Li Leisi rolled her eyes and moved forward again.

Departure, on the road.

"You, you bastard, don't move around!!"


"I told you not to"

"Uh, or I'd better move to the front," Li Cang's posture became very strange, "A man's dignity obviously doesn't allow me to sit in the back."

Li Leisi's face flushed,

"Trouble! Change, change, change! Hurry up!"

After a while.

"Don't! Shake!"

"Then don't shake either"

"Can I control it?"

"Hehe, if you bend over again, I'll fall on Miss Qiu!"

"Ahhh, I'm so annoyed!"

Old Wang rode his horse leisurely and followed behind, laughing like a pervert every once in a while.

"Tsk, doesn't this look like a romantic couple~"

Although Miss Qiu's figure is extremely powerful, it has a bunch of dark blue bone spurs on its front shoulders, and the slope of the spine is extremely large. The back half is not suitable for riding because of the large running range. It is usually okay when only Li Leisi is on her, but now Li Cang is added.

It can only be that he holds the bone spurs with both hands and Li Leisi hugs him from behind, so that the two of them will not slip off.

Li Leisi suddenly hugs Li Cang's neck tightly, and someone stiffens all over.

"Someone is chasing us!"


Three or four teams fell far behind, especially conspicuous among the snow and trees.

Li Cang lost interest in watching after a glance.

Good guy, this time there are no snowmobiles, all horse-drawn sleds.

Although everyone is not doing well in the end of the world, you robbers should be more professional. Every one rides a horse. Do you really think this is the African region? The whole cycling team can stage a coup and seize the presidential palace?

Lao Wang also found out, and waved his hands at the back in a very tasteless manner.

"Come on, happy duck, catch me and I'll let you hehehe!"

"Grandpa loves you~"


His gesture of making a heart was really suffocating, and Li Cang and Li Lasi looked at Yue directly.

The several groups of people were already far away from them, and they were really behind.

Unless there were a few strong men among them who gave up the sled and chased alone, otherwise they would be left behind like now, and they would be left behind after a few accelerations.

In about forty minutes, a dark shadow lying on the horizon turned into a gray-white spectacular monster.

Almost all the buildings in this camp are made of gray-white rocks, with different heights, and some particularly tall towers and bunkers. The surrounding walls are not tall and heavy, but at least they can give people a certain sense of security.

There were simple obstacles such as chevaux de frise in front of the corridor of the city wall. A fire was burning, and several tall and strong men wrapped tightly like bears were talking and laughing while roasting the fire.

Li Cang's team was so conspicuous that they were discovered from a long distance.


"Oh? Chinese?"

"Please dismount first. Uh. Man, your mount is great and handsome!"

"But you still have to register before you can enter."

One of the blond handsome guys actually spoke fluent Chinese.

Then he turned around and said a few words in Russian to his companions, which sounded like a tongue worn out rate, and the whole team laughed.

"Are you so friendly?" Li Cang shook his shoulders, "Hey, we're here, what are you doing?"

"Ah? Oh"

Li Lace's face was suspiciously flushed, and when she jumped off Miss Qiu's back, her legs actually weakened, and she staggered and almost fell.

"What happened to you?" Li Cang asked in surprise, "Are you injured?"

"No, I'm fine."

What a big eye roll.

Li Cang was puzzled and had to turn his head to the blond handsome man and said, "I want to see Boris, I'm the new executor."

"What?" The blond man looked at him in astonishment, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses, "New executor? Who did you kill? Adrian?"

"No, his name is Shapan."

The blond man had a weird look on his face, but when he turned his eyes to the lineup behind Li Cang, he showed some relief.

"Wait a minute!"

He took out the walkie-talkie and said something loudly and urgently. The speed of his speech and the continuous flicking of his tongue made Li Cang marvel again.

Soon, several heavy trucks with military green covered carriages and gray fluffy tarpaulins drove out of the corridor.

"Dude, if you go in directly like this, it will cause a sensation. Besides, Boss Boris lives on the other side of the camp, which is very far away."


Miss Qiu occupied a car by herself, and Li Cang, the other two, Brother Corpse and the blond handsome guy got on another one. The heavy truck swayed into the camp.

The three of them leaned against the car and looked outside.

The camp looked quite "normal". The messy stone houses made way for a winding muddy road for vehicles to pass. People wearing various animal skin coats and heavy down jackets were in a hurry. Occasionally, there were a few stalls selling some kind of frozen fish and animal skins.

The blond man sat next to Li Cang and said in a slightly stiff but fluent Chinese:

"Hey, buddy, my name is Andre~"

"Forgive me for being abrupt, did you and your partners encounter Shapan just after landing on the island? In fact, only new players are qualified to kill the executor and replace him."

"Yes," Li Cang said, "Is your place different from theirs?"

"Haha," Andre laughed, "Of course it's different. Those bastards from the Hechong Gang are still dreaming of becoming rulers. Anyone with a brain knows that monkeys will never evolve into humans. Shapan Although he is still the executor, the jurisdiction over the peninsula is only nominal. How many people are following him? "

"Well," Li Cang calculated, "it looks like seventy or eighty people."

"Haha, he had more than 300 people last week. If it weren't for the fact that according to the contract, only newcomers who win the game can replace the executor, Boss Boris would have torn him apart and soaked him with marinated fat meat - you know marinated fat meat Yes, it tastes great. Speaking of which, I haven’t had it for at least three weeks. I have a Chinese friend in Jiamoqi who likes the marinated fatty pork made by my grandma very much. "

"Jia Moqi? It's JMS, right?"

"Oh yes, yes, Jia Moqi, it's Jia Moqi!"

"Your camp seems to disdain this contract game?"

"Of course, those Vietnamese monkeys are simply vulnerable, as weak as chickens. If Boss Boris hadn't really been unable to get the contract, he would have..." The handsome blond man had a look of disdain on his face, as if he saw something dirty, " Most of the people in these camps escaped from the territories of Adrian and Shapan. Oh, yes, Adrian is Fasha. The territory he controls is much larger than that of Shapan, and he has at least several thousand people under his command."

"This is all that is left of Adrian and Shapin," Andre drew a horseshoe shape. "The part inside the horseshoe is our territory. To a certain extent, it is basically not restricted by the contract. If you come from another place, If you come in one direction, you won’t be pulled into the damn contract game.”

"I don't understand these things, but Boss Boris said that no one on the entire island can leave or pray because of this contract."

"He also said that the people outside will become stronger and stronger, and so will the walking zombies and mutant beasts. If we don't find a way to deal with this contract, we will continue to fall behind. Sooner or later, we will fall behind because of the walking zombies and mutant beasts that drifted over from Ye Island. Died by alien beasts.”

"Hey, to be honest, Boss Boris is a very respectable person. He is very upright, no, just. He has established the rules of the island and protected this camp."

"Well," Li Cang said, "I can see that at least he is worthy of your admiration."

He's such a handsome blond guy, why did he fall into the entertainment industry at such a young age?

"What are they, those carrying the luggage rolls, doing? Destroying the corpses and destroying traces." Lao Wang suddenly pointed in a certain direction and said.

Two strong men wearing sheepskin coats and deer heads on their heads were carrying a thick roll of white fox fur quilt, which looked quite luxurious. There were bulging bags inside, and it could be vaguely seen that they were a person. The shape is still moving.

"Nonono, the neighbors who live here are all successors of socialism. Of course, there will be no such thing as destroying corpses and wiping out traces." Andre bared his big white teeth, "We call it 'sending spring', after all. Brother, this is actually an invention of you Chinese people~"


"Your emperor, if you turn over any concubine's sign, a companion will roll up the concubine in her luggage and send it to the emperor's bed, right?"

Lao Wang is so confused, good guy, this idiot still knows about "big companion":

"Then the question is, what exactly is a great companion?"

Li Cang directly covered his face. This wave of embarrassment for Timi was right at the door of Big Brother's house.

"Will you die if you say less?"

Hard and hard, Li Laisi's unparalleled iron fist became harder again.

Lao Wang shrank his neck.

If you say less, you will definitely not die. If you say more, you will definitely die.

The old truck, which was probably older than Li Cang and the three of them combined, was spewing black smoke all the way, going around small buildings, and finally entered a spacious compound.

The huge courtyard looked very clean, with the ground paved with stone slabs. Apart from two sentry booths, there was only one cylindrical building in the center of the courtyard.

More than 3 meters high and 10 meters in diameter at most.

"This is just an elevator," Andre quickly explained as if he was afraid of causing unnecessary misunderstandings. "After all, it's relatively safer down there. It took Boss Boris a long time to build the underground and connect it directly to the cave. It’s a very nice underground city, but only people who contribute a high enough value to the camp are allowed to live in it. After all, there are people everywhere who want to be lazy and slippery. For example, those Vietnamese monkeys like to stir up trouble.”

After the chatty handsome guy entered the elevator, he suddenly became quiet.

Well, there is a high probability that it will not be a slight claustrophobia like so and so - if you put any normal person in a closed space with Miss Qiu and the corpse brother and sister, he would probably not be too emotionally stable.

Soon after, the elevator opened.

Facing the front is an underground space supported by 8 huge Roman columns in 2 rows. The floor, columns and ceiling are all covered with bright yellow ceramic tiles. When illuminated by the light, it actually looks resplendent.


I don't dare to compliment you, ahem, vulgarity is elegance!

I saw a shirtless bald man on the opposite side wearing a bearskin cloak and looking like a live bear striding out, "Cang, a Chinese friend from afar, the new executor of the Contract Islands, as strong as the Caucasus Mountains, Boris is pleased Sincerely welcome you! ”

Regardless of whether Lao Wang is willing or not, he comes up with a bear hug.

Wang, who is tall and fat, is really not good enough in front of Boris's figure. Boris is at least a head and a half taller than Lao Wang, and the raised veins on his arms are thicker than Li Lace's little finger. , coupled with tattoos such as skulls, pistols, daggers, barbed wire and the like all over his body, his posture is not far behind that of a humanoid monster.

"Fake, I'm not Li Cang!"

Lao Wang easily broke away from Boris's strongman lock - after all, he was a player who had been strengthened by praying, not to mention that he was often dragged out to practice alone by Li Cang's brother Big Corpse.

"Friend, you are very strong, but how can you drink?" Boris laughed, "I misunderstood, please don't be offended."

"Obviously, my ability to drink is as good as your Chinese~"

"That's great?"


Lao Wang was speechless.

Li Cang said directly, "Then, handover——"

"No, no, no, my Chinese friend, dear Cang," Boris interrupted, "As the old Chinese saying goes, it is natural for friends to come from far away. I, Boris, must first entertain my friends. Good business, my friend!”

Is it easy to have many friends?

The three of them looked at each other.

Boris held Li Cang in his arms like a little chicken, talking and laughing all the way.

However, he was surprised to find that this thin Chinese man was ridiculously strong, completely inconsistent with his body type.

"Friends from outside are indeed very different." Boris led them out of the hall, indicating that they should turn left at the exit and enter a wide corridor that was also golden. "I had many, many Chinese friends before the disaster. I know Chinese people. You are usually very friendly, polite and approachable, but at the same time you are also very cautious and suspicious. You must not believe me now, right?"

Boris didn't wait for their answer and said to himself:

"I don't like this contract very much, but there is no way, because I unfortunately missed the first fifteen days. Now, even if I have the ability to deal with Adrian and Shapan, I cannot exercise their authority as executor. All we can do is wait.”

"Outside, outside, outside this island, I have my own wife and six chubby daughters. I have to get out of here, I have to," Boris said of his wife and daughter, with a face that looked exactly like his. He had a kind and pious expression that was very inconsistent with his tattoos and could be called a holy light. He took out a photo framed with plastic paper from his pocket and said, "Look, does it look like a matryoshka doll?"

That expression and gaze cannot be achieved by acting alone.

This made Li Cang feel more relieved, and the seemingly casual but actually tense atmosphere suddenly relaxed a lot.

"Huh~ God, I'm really afraid that you guys will kill us if we don't agree!" Andre said.

Li Leisi even laughed out loud when she saw two large and six small dolls in the photo.

Boris rubbed his bald head with pride and embarrassment, and said mysteriously: "Friend, beautiful Chinese girlfriend, I heard that in addition to kung fu, your Chinese also have many weird and magical secret recipes. Is there a secret recipe that can help me give birth to a son? Just one!"

"I'm not your Chinese girlfriend," Li Lei said. "You don't need a secret recipe. You just need to go out, find a wife, and then pray to give birth to a son."

"I understand the truth," Boris continued to rub his head, "but in that case, is the child still my son?"

Li Cang was speechless, and then fell into deep thought. Should he say that this angle was really tricky?


The bald man reached out and pushed open an inconspicuous mahogany door, and what the three of them saw was a brightly lit underground city.

Lao Wang was stunned: "I'll wipe the cards."

"It's spectacular, isn't it? This huge cave," Boris said, "We just expanded and transformed the original tunnel into a corridor. It took 900 people 20 days, but after opening the cave, you will find, Everything is actually worth it, my Chinese friend, what do you think?”

emmm, late, sorry.

I haven't been feeling well since yesterday. I have a fever and am in a daze.

But don’t panic, updates won’t be discontinued.

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