"It will probably take a few hours, or maybe a few days. Someone will notify you to come in. You must not speak. No matter who you see me talking to, just kill the one who answers!" Xiahou Haiwei said, "Do you have a weapon? A super fierce one!"

When Teacher Cang took out the big magic wand, Xiahou Haiwei's eyes went straight.

"Oh my god, I seem to understand why you have such a strong evil spirit!"

"The last time I saw this operation, Xia Yilin was still a runny-nosed kid wearing open-crotch pants. I watched an old cartoon with him. Well, there was also this in a domestic movie!"

"Brother, how did you take it out? Surgery or?"


Then Li Cang was "politely" asked to leave with a confused look on his face, and was directly sent outside the "bombing circle" drawn by Xiahou Haiwei.


"Maybe I didn't hear clearly," Lao Wang repeated with an extremely painful expression: "Do you mean that you just 'invited' the only person who can solve this problem out?"

"Well, guess, will sharks hunt in the killer whale's playground?"

"So Teacher Cang is a killer whale and that thing is a shark?" Lao Wang pinched his chin, full of disdain, "Good guy, so we have all become small fish and shrimp~"

Lao Wang is afraid of too many things, from zombies that can cause the uncanny valley effect to mice and caterpillars. It seems that he is afraid of everything, but the more he is like this, the more paranoid he is. For example, it is really difficult for you to make him afraid of a piece of air.

"It can only be regarded as bait at most, oh, especially you, after all, you are a real cow and horse, and you belong to the best rations."

Xiahou Haiwei is in a very stable state of mind now and doesn't mind making a little joke.

He gathered everyone in the house in the living room and said to Zhao Yang: "No matter what happens, don't let anyone run away, whether it's a civilian or a soldier, otherwise you will just wait for 'it' to run wild in the base while you follow behind and keep putting out the fire. Also, remember to ask someone else to deal with 'it'!"

"Haha," Zhao Yang smiled, "Master Chef, are you going to pave a way out for yourself?"

"If you fail this time, you may live, but I will definitely die."

Zhao Yang almost suffocated to death, his face was already blue and purple.

"Oh, I feel that the will of the department leaders who came with you is not very firm, I suggest that they be shot on the spot to avoid trouble later~"

The master chef knew it as soon as he opened his mouth. Zhao Yang and the faces of several people around him were simply unbearable to look at. They were ridiculed and wanted to degrade themselves.

Zhao Yang gritted his teeth and let the soldiers control the whole scene with guns.

"Death is equal to me, you, and everyone present. I don't think I need to say more about this, right?"

In addition to Zhao Yang and his soldiers, there were several department leaders, people who strayed in to watch the excitement, doctors, teachers, butchers, workers, and workshop partners who were dragged here to choose a concubine and kill people. There were nearly a hundred people on the scene. Everyone had different expressions and agreed that Zhao Yang's speech was actually similar to "Let's see which lucky criminal was shot by me today."

"As one of the managers of the base, no matter what, I will not let anyone escape my control today. Think about your relatives and friends in the base!" Zhao Yang's face was serious, "Humanity has experienced a catastrophe and paid countless times to reunite here. I don't want to see anyone in the base die or get injured because of this... this kind of uh... shitty situation, so..."

The sound of the soldiers loading their guns in response to Zhao Yang.

Many people looked helpless or dissatisfied, but they could only obey obediently. After all, they have expressed their attitudes and are waiting for the lottery with everyone. What else can they say?

Over there, Xiahou Haiwei began to instruct people to deal with the carefully selected animals, and sent them to the offering table with blood and swords - then a hundred people bathed in the misty cinnabar dust and fragrance to participate in the spring event of countless strong and young sheep.


Blood, cinnabar, paper ash and some suspicious sheep-like heather scent made the whole scene look like a cult ceremony, which was very weird;

And Xiahou Haiwei was "performing rituals" and chanting weird chants next to him throughout the whole process, which was extremely serious!

But the poor audience still felt that their eyes were about to go blind. What the hell did we do wrong? Not only did we have to play a game of Death Coming out of thin air, but we also had to suffer this kind of torture!


"Don't talk nonsense, it's really ignorant."

"That's right, young man should be respectful, there are too many things in this world that we don't understand."

"Everyone." A trembling voice interrupted everyone's whispered discussion, "Can, can you help me see what's wrong with them, they have been leaning on me for a long time without moving, and my shoulders seem to be flowing with sticky liquid, I, I don't dare."

At this time, saying such words is probably as effective as a flash on your roommate's screen when you turn off the lights to sleep.

After a short silence, everyone screamed and dispersed.

"Ah! Don't come over!"

"What is that thing, did you see it?"

"What's on that person's face!"

"Light, who touched the light switch!"

"He's dead! Dead!"

"What happened."

The last person to speak was the person who "leaned on the shoulder for a long time without moving", who woke up in a daze and wiped the saliva on his face.

A group of people hurriedly turned on the lights again and found that the dead person was the young man who had just said "ridiculous". His eyeballs were bloodshot, his pupils were dilated to the limit, his body was pale, and his mouth was so wide open that the skin and muscles at the corners of his mouth were torn. He looked like he was scared to death.

As for Lao Wang, Lao Wang's focus was obviously not on the fresh corpse. He said: "You are really a talent! You can even sleep like this? I've been sleepy for a long time and I don't have the nerve to sleep!"

Everyone was speechless for a while.

Lao Wang casually fiddled with the corpse: "Don't shout, shut up, it's just a dead person, what are you afraid of, I've seen more corpses than people in the base, what's so strange about it?"

Lao Wang didn't feel anything unusual just now.

To be honest, he actually suspected that it was not a god or a ghost, but someone was playing tricks. This supernatural style of behavior was exactly the same as those brainwashed members of his country.

"Master chef, what do you say?"

Xiahou Haiwei did not respond. He was in a more advanced state of "strangeness". His eyes were wide open, he was chanting mantras, and his body was twisting in a very weird posture. At the same time, he was walking around the altar and the sheep that had completed a round of loud applause. Moreover, he was not wearing a "professional uniform", but a miner's uniform of the Fusheng Island Chain, with a number on it.

For a moment, the style of painting became even weirder and absurd, but it was just not scary!

"What should we do now?" Wu Yisong cried, lost his soul and confused, "Let's just wait like this?"

"What else?"


Bai Huazi was confused: "Why did this master chef suddenly look so stupid? I thought he was very, very powerful just now!"

"Boring." Lao Wang concluded, "It's not exciting, there's nothing to watch, it's better to go to the haunted house to play, today's excitement is in vain."

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