The hook lock slide and the flying tiger's claws were fully raised, and a pig suddenly advanced. A dozen people looked back at the red-hot fragment and breathed a sigh of relief. The team was reduced from 17 to 15 people. The two who were slow to react were killed. The guy on top of the snake tree still has no bones left in the sky after all.

The fragment fire was so intense that it turned the three fragments directly above it into a sizzling and oily teppanyaki. The wails and roars of the zombies above could be heard hundreds or thousands of meters away. In the end, there were enough More than a dozen fragments were completely ignited, and the fire continued all night, threatening to spread at any time.

It was early in the morning, and a group of people were repairing the fragment. The fragment was very small. After the few walking corpses were cleared away, everyone was finally able to rest quietly.

There was a fire in the middle, and the night breeze was slightly cool. Everyone took out the last food in their bags and put it on the fire to heat it, and talked while eating.

The dry food is mostly hard meat jerky that is very heavy on the scale, and the taste is quite water-consuming. Anyone who can take out a bottle of unopened mineral water will immediately arouse exclamations of envy.

"So, do you want to go back to your respective islands to replenish supplies?"

"Did you hear the explosion an hour ago? There seemed to be several islands in the northwest that were directly exploded."

"The progress is faster than I thought. It only took one day, and twenty or thirty pieces were gone!"

"Well, why don't you say you've lost two lives——"

Before the young man who was obviously very young but still had a beard could finish his words, a large amount of blood suddenly burst out from the side of his throat. The blood almost burst out from the torn wound in "pieces" and "pieces". As for no one who could react at all, he had already rushed into the fire, his beard, hair and clothes on his chest quickly burned, and he could not survive before his eyes.

Li Cang stood up in a flash and almost subconsciously swung the big wand directly towards the rapidly passing shadow in the sky. Then he remembered that the same-origin interoperability link was temporarily blocked. If you throw this thing out, you can't pick it back up. It's embarrassing. Stop.

"What the hell!"


"It's gone. The amount of bleeding at this moment is almost extinguishing the fire. How can I save it?"

No matter how strong the body is, human beings are not zombies after all. They cannot survive for a few more minutes in this situation. What's even weirder is that based on the size of the wound and the pumping speed of the heart, it is impossible for him to bleed so much. Then It felt as if all the blood in the body was spurting out from the neck wound in an instant.

"It should be some kind of skill." Li Cang looked at the wound and compared it. "The four teeth. The triangular hole in the middle should be like a tongue. It's broken. Has anyone seen what that thing is?"

"Bat," Li Congyong frowned, "He is too close to that thing. I dare not shoot. If I shoot him, he will die!"

"Damn, that thing is so fast, if we attack again."

Until dawn, everything was peaceful, the monster never appeared again, and everyone's spirits were slightly depressed after not sleeping all night.

"Next to the debris, get out of this damn place quickly."

"It's simply a trap. I haven't encountered more zombies and strange beasts on the track than I did yesterday."

"I'm guessing that if we still can't find anything to eat this morning, we will have to go back to the island to resupply and repair, and it will take another two or three days!"

"Otherwise, what can we do? The real owner hasn't even met yet. How many people have died already?"

"How about setting up a signal and asking everyone in the debris area to come and join together?"

"Are you kidding? Who knows what other people think. I'm afraid they think your signal is asking for help. Cleaning up the snow on your own is the normal option!"

"Damn, this won't work, that won't work either, why are you more troublesome than my damn wife~"

Lao Wang couldn't help complaining: "Damn it, if it hadn't been for the Dogder Contract to ban all the insect nest mills, now Teacher Cang can leave a piece of glass on these rotten islands, I will be damned from now on." Quit sex!”

It's very painful and irritable, but there is no other way. The contract is there and everyone can only endure it. Not to mention that Li Cang's family is full of summoned objects, even most other people think so.

There is always a temporary upper limit to one's own strength, and one needs to constantly find ways to strengthen temporary skills. Survivors on the orbital line are relatively rich, and it is inevitable to advance on multiple lines. If a contract is smashed, it is impossible for Li Cang to be the only unlucky person. Own.

"Hey, I'm talking about Teacher Cang!" Lao Wang said suddenly, "What should I do if we encounter this kind of stupid thing frequently in the future? There are contracts and rules. You can't think of anything but you can't do it. No principles, no lower limits. , It’s so damn disgusting!”

"no way"

Lao Wang also knew that there was nothing he could do, but he couldn't stop his desire to complain.

Whatever they encountered, no matter the survivors or the rules of a certain section of airspace, none of these contracts, seals, and rules could be given a hint in advance by radar or the little money boy. They could only bite the bullet and head up recklessly.

Lao Wang is aggrieved. Does he want this prayer interface to be useful?

"By the way," Li Cang glanced at Lao Wang, "Stay away from the one who said he wanted to go back to the empty island for supplies."

"What do you mean?"

"It's just that there is no need to communicate too much with this kind of person. What I mean is that if our temporary team disperses to resupply, he should not show up again when we reunite."

"Huh?" Lao Wang said thoughtfully, "Then if you say so, this contract is not like the time when the islands were robbed and there were mandatory measures to leave the islands. Are there still people hiding on the islands waiting to take advantage of them? Come down?"


Lao Wang raised his eyebrows. He didn't know what the evil intentions were, and he remained silent.

"Well, let's go to the next island," Li Congyong suggested, "Brother Bird's Mouth, please pay attention. If there is no clean water and food before noon, we will temporarily go back to our own homes and find our mothers. Try to bring back as much food and supplies as possible. Is this okay with everyone?"

"Of course"

"No, no, let's get started!"

"I saw something moving on that island. Let's go there first?"

"Oh, by the way, do you have any urgent supplies on your islands? Let's talk about it now. If anyone has rich supplies, we can help each other. Barter is fine, and coin transactions are also fine~"

"I, I, I, I'm short of ore, but I don't need to trade this. I just need to wait until the matter is over. I would like to ask everyone who has more servants of fate to help me. Let me have some of these broken bricks, tiles, and steel bars on the debris and help me move them," Brother Bird's Mouth laughed a few times, "If it weren't for this contract, I would have been on my island. I don't have the materials to synthesize the alien alloy. For three months before this, I haven't seen an empty island or fragments with city ruins. It's bad luck."

"Which island has large animals and reserve meat? I use coins to buy it. I can't eat meat. Well, but I have a lot of grain seeds and alien plants. They look like small bubble berries. You can soak them in water, wine, or eat them alone. They can refresh and help people concentrate!"

"If you have bone fragments of alien beasts, you can trade with me. I will buy them at a high price!"

"High-concentration energy matrix! Everyone, please help me with some alms. I have a destiny servant sealed in the shelter. It has reached the threshold of level 3. I got the information from the little coin kid at a high price before. I estimate that I need a few hundred kilograms of energy matrix. I will lose a lot of money if I use coins to exchange it."

"Oh, I said there is a living creature on this fragment. Look at what it is. Shouldn't that thing be called an antelope?"

"Antelopes don't look so ferocious."

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