Before Li Cang had time to think about it, a violent current noise suddenly came from Qiao Shasha's walkie-talkie, interrupting the busy conversation of several people.

Almost at the same time, the wrecking ball of the second large pendulum outside the defense circle pulled half of the broken mechanical arm and the leaking hydraulic pipe and flew diagonally into the dense group of corpses, rumbling and rolling, and walked out. A bloody road nearly a hundred meters long slowly stopped.

Each piece of glass in the cabs of the four large pendulums is actually welded with horizontal fences, but they are outside the defensive circle. Only this means is not worth mentioning against the number of walking corpses.

The reason why the big pendulum went out of control was that the cab, well, the entire car body was covered with zombies, and you couldn't even tell that it was a car at all.

The zombies frantically crashed into the cab, violently shaking the multi-ton crane with their flesh and blood bodies. As a result, the crane arm that shook into a sieve was directly torn apart under the huge inertia of the wrecking ball, which weighed 4 and a half tons.

The crane was pulled and rolled for weeks, lying on the ground.

Although these several rolls crushed many zombies, the strength of the cab could no longer withstand the fatal secondary damage. The side door was twisted and deformed, revealing a gap as wide as an arm.

Li Cang has sharp eyes,

"Brother Big Corpse, go over there and save people!"

The big corpse brother roared and jumped down. His huge body stood out from the crowd, and he moved upstream among the corpses like cutting grass——

The speed is as high as 0.28m/s!

Every time it waved its arms and raised its legs, several zombies fell down at the same time, and the unlucky ones were simply torn to pieces.

But this gap will immediately be filled by the tide of zombies from behind, and you can pretend that nothing happened.

Even if he really couldn't move forward, it was already a miracle that Big Corpse Brother could still tenaciously advance meter by meter deeper into the corpse group.

After the electric sound passed, the driver's voice finally came from the intercom.

"Don't fucking come over, don't even come over, I'm dead, don't worry about me!"

The straight-line distance between several large pendulum vehicles is 70 to 80 meters from the embankment defense circle. Going deep into the depths of the corpses, if something goes wrong, it is equivalent to being sentenced to death.

"Stop talking nonsense, you can't die!"

"Start the airdrop! The excavators and forklifts are ready to charge. Those who have chainsaws in their hands, put on protective gear and come to the front! Follow me and rush to save people! Over there with the big pendulum, who else has a machine that can hold up quickly? Can’t live anymore?”

The airdrop package, which was bundled with reinforced concrete from the remains of the building, fell headlong into the corpses, covering an area of ​​more than ten square meters, and none of the walking corpses below were spared.

If the airdrop package disintegrates in the air in a very respectable manner, then it will not be difficult at all to double or triple this number.

Dozens of airdrop packages were all smashed, and forklifts and excavators rumbled towards the battlefield.

This is not the Battle of Versailles where the ancient masters fought with each other to show off their miraculous skills. If necessary, as the defender, Mansion is happy to lower its IQ to the level of a walking corpse, and then use the same thing as a dime. Defeat them with tactics that don't change the soup or dressing.

Simple and crude, but effective.

While the smoke and dust were everywhere, a group of strong men wearing ugly and heavy anti-scratch protective gear, portable chain saws and goggles gathered together. There were about forty people in total, and they rushed in after the tail of the forklift in front.

Dozens of heavy machinery opened the road at the same time, crushing and pushing, and the chain saw team behind them checked for deficiencies and made up for them. The scene was very satisfying.

As for the chainsaw team that wears full-body protective gear and wears armor on their teeth, I don’t know who the crazy guy came up with this idea. It’s really an amazing force.

Heavy machinery ahead crushed the tide of corpses. The chainsaws of various types in their hands emitted black smoke, leaving only fragments wherever they passed.

It doesn't matter even if he is knocked down by a walking zombie. No matter how strong the ugly walking zombie is, he has never grown bone armor, bone spurs and half-foot-long cone-shaped nails like the big zombie brother. The only thing he can rely on is bite level 1 and thick protective gear. I don't care about this at all. As long as the chain saw doesn't cut myself and my teammates, there is always a chance to stand up and continue masturbating.

Lao Wang was fascinated by what he saw, and kept poking in their direction with his finger.

"I'm knocking, come back and give me a dozen of these things!!"

Chainsaw Squad is very good at making seconds, the only drawback is seconds.

Chain failure and overheating of the machine limited its endurance. The team members obviously knew this. They followed the forklift team to the big pendulum and stopped going deeper. After rescuing people, they returned directly.

The excited voice of the driver of the forklift team spread through the intercom throughout the defense circle.

"It's empty. It's empty behind the corpses. We can already see the border from our side!"


"Hold the grass."

The late report of the observer on the top floor of the commercial building confirmed the forklift driver's words.

"There are no more zombies coming from the outside. Moreover, it is estimated that the number we have cleared has exceeded half of the total number of zombies this time."

On the seventh day after Li Cang came to this floating island, the final crackdown was still going on.

There are very few walking corpses left and they are just hanging on for a breath, but finding money in the middle of the journey can be considered a surprise.

Li Cang has no interest in him.

"I suggest you dig it out somewhere and bury it somewhere."

Emmm, to a certain extent, this guy can barely be considered a half-pimp.

Qian Ming, who was a mess with snot and tears, fainted when he heard this.

Who would have thought that he, so full of pride at that time, could not even climb a cliff of more than a thousand meters in the end?

There were more than a dozen semi-trailer trucks parked on the cliff side of Floating Island, and they were all empty.

All members of Team 17 are present, and they are busy with others to dismantle the pulleys and ropes set up on the edge of the cliff.

For this, Li Cang paid dozens of fate coins.

Theoretically, the coins are paid to everyone on the island as the price of these materials, but he wants to give the right to control the coins to Qiao Shasha, and others will naturally reserve their opinions.


Qiao Shasha is dressed like the party on the rooftop that night. She looks like a milled gem, beautiful and dazzling.

The little aunt pointed to the shadow of the prayer coin on her arm:


The newly appeared "discussion group" includes everyone on the island, and there is a separate secondary directory marked "17".

Li Cang nodded to show that he understood, and then hugged his aunt openly,

"Let's go, aunt."

Qiao Shasha smiled brightly,

"Okay, nephew."

Big Corpse Brother used a very indecent posture to hold Li Cang under his arm with one hand, and jumped off the cliff with the remaining rope.

Qiao Shasha smiled, watching the two floating islands that looked unusually small slowly enter the ring-shaped debris floating belt outside the giant floating island.

She took out a green coin and played with it, pouted her lips with resentment, and suddenly remembered something and entered text in the wish interface:

[Qiao Shasha: Nephew went to find his poems and the sea, and he still thinks that my mother's water is not enough? ]


The muffled voice of Heizi came from behind,

"Sister Sha, private chat, private chat, why did you post it to the big group!!"


The wish interface is not a real chat group, there is no dog head emoticon package, and there is no withdrawal function.

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