The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 75 Goodbye Black Mist Island Chain

Dogs will commit suicide out of fear of sin. There is no reason why sheep cannot sacrifice their small self to fulfill the greater self!

A large pot was placed on the fire pit on the lower floor of the stilted building. The red flames licked the bottom of the pot, and the aroma rose and floated to the ceiling filled with ham, bacon, chicken, duck and geese.

Lao Wang was stirring the pot with a long-handled ladle.

"I'm going to kill this sheep. Well, I mean this sheep committed suicide very cleverly and appropriately. This thing is so edible. Even if you are breeding with a first sheep, there is no need for a little scum like it."

Li Cang threw himself on the bamboo chair.

"How many sheep are left?"

Lao Wang counted on his fingers and said,

"Three big ewes, five and a half big ewes, one big rake (breeding male, head sheep), three and a half big rams, and seven or eight lambs that were just over a month old. My island is a big place. , but I can’t stand them being so tossing. I don’t know what breed this goat is. It has a powerful mouth. I dare not let it out of the pen. Otherwise, you will dig out the grass roots and tree roots buried in the soil and between the stones. Just wipe it clean."

"It deserves to die! You said it wanted to be a sheep, but instead it went to fight with the big rake. It's so damn good that it wants to practice with me and Xiaoxiao! It's like seeing us as live targets!"

"Ah," Li Cang said, "if you exercise like this every day, the meat will definitely taste delicious."

Lao Wang flicked the spoon and began to ladle meat and soup.


Li Cang took a look and said,

"Hey, Lao Wang, you are so professional, you are still a scalded sheep!"

Hot-skinned sheep refers to mutton that is not skinned but is burned with fire or boiled water to remove the wool and keep the skin.

"If a goat doesn't scald its skin, can it be considered as knowing how to eat mutton?"

The 12-centimeter-thick octagonal floor table has been used by the owner of this stilted building for who knows how many years. Its surface is red and patinated.

There was a large pot of mutton on the table, three coarse porcelain bowls for drinking soup, and small plates filled with salt, pepper, chili powder, and coriander seeds.

Unfortunately, the coriander that was planted has not sprouted yet, and there is no chive sauce, so it cannot be considered perfect.

For a sheep weighing 70 to 80 kilograms, a dozen or so kilograms of raw meat would weigh as much as the sky. When cooked, the stainless steel basin would not even be filled.

Lao Wang said,

"There's water in the pot. Our goal today is to finish drying the meat so that the next meal won't go rancid or taste bad."

After eating the tender and plump mutton and drinking the hot mutton soup that touched my lips, half a day passed by in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, low-hanging black clouds surged in the sky outside the stilted building, and there was a loud thunder.

"Holy shit," Lao Wang put the nuggets he had chewed out together, "Teacher Cang, it's going to rain. It's going to rain!"

While we were talking, heavy rain came and the sky and the earth turned white.

Lao Wang's floating island is not as flat as Li Cang's island. "In his lifetime" it was a mountainous area and was naturally rugged. The reservoir on the island was made from a small pond that had dried up.

"It's raining really hard. Do you think we can fill those two reservoirs directly?"

As soon as it rained, Li Cang relaxed a lot.

There is no need to worry about the vegetables in the fields and the water for food and drink in the next few days!

Lao Wang turned around and said something to Tai Xiaoyi who was cleaning up the battlefield. Tai Xiaoyi blushed and went upstairs.


Lao Wang let out a ghostly scream and happily pulled off his pants.

Li Cang:? ? ?

"Zhou Cao, put down the pitchfork. What are you doing with that thing? Are you crazy?" Lao Wang raised his hand and threw Li Cang a piece of soap. "It's a waste of money if you don't take a good bath in this heavy rain. Let's go."

Li Cang looked at the soap in his hand.

"I still think it would be safer to bring a pitchfork."

Lao Wang gestured with his two middle fingers,

"Get out!"

The two of them rushed into the pouring rain, howling like ghosts.

When the average temperature at the end of the day is basically over 30 degrees, it is impossible to feel cold in the rain, but it is actually very refreshing.

"Damn, I haven't had a proper bath for a month, how about you?"

"Oh, there is a bathtub in auntie's room."

"You traitor!"

The two of them found a good place. The mountain behind the stilted building facing the pond formed a large natural bathtub. The rock at the bottom of the pit was flat and surrounded by huge rocks.

Several tall fir trees and thick torreyas with rose-red fruits separated the rain curtain unevenly, gathering the scattered rainwater onto two thick branches, which hung just above the "bath" to form two thick water columns.

The water in the big bathtub was knee-deep, and it was not too narrow for three or five people to get in. The rainwater that could not be drained out for a while gathered in it, and it looked very refreshing.

"That's it," Lao Wang said. "After the rain stops, no matter what, I have to slide all the cracks in this big natural bathtub. From now on, I will say that it is alive."

Li Cang leaned against a large, smooth stone with his eyes closed, a look of enjoyment on his face.

"I still have hundreds of kilograms of cement, you can do whatever you want with it."

Sacrificing the remains of buildings on eight islands allowed Li Cang to obtain a lot of cement and steel bars, and his tone of voice became arrogant.

"Are we a little too extravagant?"

"How do you write the word "luxury"? All I know is that taking a bath is very enjoyable."

As the saying goes, when you are full and warm, you are thinking about something. As you soak in the water, Lao Wang's eyes are always drifting up the stilted building like a hook.

Li Cang kicked him.

"I think everyone is as fat as you and a big wild boar. Don't mess around. I'm telling you, if you get a headache and a fever, the medicines we brought back may not be the right ones. I want to know What’s the starting price for using a prayer coin to repair a small injury on a sprained ankle?”


A bucket of cold water.

Old Wang shook his head like a rattle.

Socialism is still good, socialism has medical insurance.

He said embarrassedly,

"No, no, that can't be done, I'm not that kind of beast."

The heavy rain came quickly and went away quickly. Not long after, there was no cloud in the sky. The blazing sun enveloped the floating island, and even the mist could be seen rising from the wet ground.

Li Cang stood up with a start,

"That string of clouds, has it been there for several days and hasn't moved at all?"

Old Wang put his hands on the pergola,

"That black line, is it roughly aligned?"

"I remember we brought back a telescope?"

"Well, what's wrong, Teacher Cang, don't be so shocked, my little heart can't stand this."

Old Wang ran upstairs and came down with a telescope,

"10 times, is it okay?"

"It's better than my eyes."

Li Cang looked at it for a while, then handed it to Old Wang,

"How long will it take for the derailment sanctions to end?"


Through the telescope, the dark line that people mistakenly thought was a cloud in the distance came into view.

This is not a cloud layer on the horizon at all, but an extremely narrow island chain shrouded in strange black fog. You can even see it spurting out sesame-sized floating islands from the inside from time to time, flying in all directions.

Lao Wang licked his lips,

"Isn't this the thing you've mentioned several times?"

I took a break and took some medicine to suppress the low fever two days ago. I thought it was fine, but it didn't work.

There is no medicine, and I'm not allowed to buy medicine.

I slept from 12 o'clock last night to 3:30 this afternoon, and the fever hasn't subsided. I feel like I'm out of consciousness.

The world is not worth it. You can't say that you have this disease or that disease. If you want to buy medicine, you may have to torment you for several days. You can only bear it.

I don't know if I can write another chapter today, so please be more considerate.

By the way, I shamelessly ask for a vote.

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