The Movie Star’s Wife Demands a Divorce Every Day

Chapter 184: A secret between two people

   Chapter 184 The secret between two people alone

  Era Tower.

   is the center of the city, as long as you stand at the top of the tower, you can overlook the whole city.

   And when he is in a bad mood, he likes to walk into this tower and stand on the top of the tower.

   This is a secret that belongs to him and Su Qian alone.

   Once when he couldn't fulfill the old man's request and was trapped by nightmares, he liked to walk into this iron tower. At that time, no one could find him, only she could find him.

The    tower is really high, and the pedestrians below can hardly see it. Even if it is a layered building, in front of this tower, it is only the size of an ant.

  Especially after nightfall, the surroundings are completely silent, there is no human voice, only the wind is accustomed to coming in from all directions, like a beast roaring in the ear.

   Compared with this fear, the blood-filled memory tore his heart even more. He forced himself to be above the fear, and he wanted to become the master of the nightmare.

   Later, he finally succeeded, he became everyone else's nightmare, everyone feared him.

   But now he regrets it again.

   Before she left, she told him that she was willing to return the management of the group to him, and she was even willing to give him half of the shares.

   He agreed with a blank face, but he only promised to continue to manage the group and did not ask for the half of the shares.

  Because he knew very well that as long as he asked for that half of the shares, there would be no relationship between him and her.

   Such an ending, he couldn't accept it anyway.

   She didn't force it, but before leaving, she said to him faintly, "Sorry."

   In fact, he didn't blame her for firing that shot at all, and even felt that being able to die at her hands was a blessing to him.

   What he has been pursuing in his life is hatred, and what he is looking for is her.


   In the end, he was nothing.

   Whether he loved or loved him left him, whether he hated or hated him, all turned into dust and disappeared.

   Guanyue is actually a little afraid of heights, but at this moment he doesn't dare to show it anyway.

  Chong Beishan is still undergoing rehabilitation in the hospital. The two shots of the eldest lady have injured the meridians. If she cannot recover well, she will be expelled from the dark hall.

   It was almost twelve o'clock in the evening, and even if there was a bright moon hanging high, he was still afraid.

   Carefully glanced at Fu Nanshen, who was standing beside him with a cold face, and said bravely, "Master, it's already very late, do you want to go back to the Night Star Pavilion to rest."

  Fu Nanshen didn't have too many expressions on his face, but under the cold moonlight, the whole person looked more stern.

   "You said, will she be happy?"

  Guanyue thought carefully, who the master said she was, and he didn't know what answer the master wanted to hear. He was really afraid of answering the wrong answer, and then Fu Nanshen pushed him directly from the tower.

   At this moment, he misses Chongbei Mountain very much. At least in the past, these unfortunate things were all carried by Chongbei Mountain.

   He hesitated for a long time, but finally decided to tell the truth.

   "I think Eldest Miss will be happy. Young Master Lu is willing to gamble with his life on whether she will come back. He will definitely love Eldest Miss very much."

   He still didn't dare to say that the eldest miss also likes Young Master Lu very much. After all, she is willing to give the master a shot for Young Master Lu.

   Hearing this, Fu Nanshen smiled suddenly, almost blinding him under the watery moon.

   "Yeah, she'll be happy, that's enough."

   Having said this, he paused, restrained his smile, and said without sadness and joy:

   "Let's go, go back to Buye Xingguan."

   After he finished speaking, he turned around and prepared to go down from the iron tower. The moonlight stretched his figure very long, lonely and desolate.

   Luo Zi can't regret it, but she is the only one who can make him admit defeat and bow his head.

   He never lost to Lu Mingxiu, he just lost to her.


   (end of this chapter)

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