The Multiverse Starting from White Deer Plain

162. The first draft of the masterpiece (please complete the revision)

The book "Guns, Germs, and Steel" that Bai Gui planned to write mixed the contents of several major branches of social anthropology, archaeology, and linguistic anthropology, so he entered Professor Shiraishi's disciples for the research content of the Ministry of Education's Archives.

The academic achievements of Tokyo University may not be as good as those of some schools in Europe today.

But in the Far is undoubtedly the most advanced at this time!

"The novel "Guns, Germs, Steel" was only possible because later generations were able to write such a historical book standing on the shoulders of giants based on the Internet and information sharing..."

"For example, in the first part of From Eden to Cajamarca, the first chapter is about what happened on each continent in 11,000 BC, and the second chapter is about how geographical factors shaped the society of the Polynesian Islands... Every data concept thrown out today will shock the academic world, so some content must be deleted..."

"But some contents are found in today's classics, such as the comparison, evolution, and domestication of various animals and plants. These can be found in the data according to pictures. Many contents have been discovered by others, but no one has summarized them..."

Bai Gui picked up the Parker pen and rested his hand on the plain white paper, thinking.

He now has a photographic memory, and he quickly began to compare and analyze in his mind the research materials in the Classics Room of the Ministry of Education of Tokyo University and some materials from later generations.

Some necessary data, no?

Don’t worry, you can make reasonable deductions based on ancient historical data and existing information.


He began to write the preface to the book.

The original content of the book "Guns, Germs, and Steel" is undoubtedly relatively lengthy. Bai Gui made a lot of reductions and language modifications, streamlined it, and then discussed it in his own language.

Not long after, the preface was written.

He started writing the first and second chapters again.

As evening approached, he finally finished writing the two parts.

Bai Gui read the manuscript carefully and found that there were no omissions. He stood up and handed the manuscript to Professor Shiraishi for viewing.

"Mr. Shiraishi, this is the story I wanted to write a few months ago. Now that I have sufficient material storage in the classics room, I have finally finished it. Please correct me."

he said.

"Oh? Mr. Bai's new work?"

Professor Shiraishi smiled. He first took off his eyes, wiped them carefully with silk cloth, and then wiped his hands. Then he picked up the manuscript and read it carefully. The more he read, the more his eyebrows wrinkled and his expression became more solemn.

I saw something I didn’t understand.

He stood up, took out some classics from the bookshelf, and looked through them.

Then nodded slowly.

Then continue reading below.

He read the 60,000 to 70,000-word manuscript for more than three hours.

Many professors and teaching assistant students in the classics room were also surprised by Professor Shiraishi's behavior at this time.

But I didn’t bother.

Be patient and wait.

"This is a historical masterpiece! It is impossible for non-geniuses to write such a masterpiece!"

"I didn't expect that Mr. Bai was not only good at ancient history, but could write a masterpiece like the Great Qin Empire. He was also so good at modern history. You read so much information in the classics room, and you took so much trouble to write such a masterpiece... …”

Although he only saw the preface and two parts, Professor Shiraishi concluded that this manuscript would definitely become a famous masterpiece based on these tens of thousands of words.

It is impossible for non-geniuses to draw such detailed conclusions from such vast historical and research materials!

"Professor Shiraishi is very polite. If you hadn't given me this platform and allowed me to follow you, I wouldn't have been able to enter the classics room of the Tokyo University of Science and Technology, and I wouldn't have been able to search so many cutting-edge materials..."

"This manuscript also has the hard work of Mr. Shiraishi and many professors from the Ministry of Education, as well as anthropology and archeology professors from various countries..."

Bai Gui said. valley

It is enough for him to write this masterpiece now.

He didn't mind thanking Professor Shiraishi and the professors at the Ministry of Education.

In fact, this is also true. Without so much research information collected by the Classics Room of the Ministry of Education, he would have written this book as if he had no roots.

Someone will definitely question it!

But...if there were so many more professors from the Ministry of Education and Liberal Arts, I would be affirmed.

What’s fake is also true!

Another point is that writing this article may also offend some people in power. After all, this is an analysis of the evolution of civilization from a macro-historical perspective, which is somewhat contrary to the ideas promoted by those in power...

Of course, this is not a big problem. Although Japan is the pride of Asia and the only country that has not become a colony, it is also discriminated against by major powers internationally. This article also slaps Europe in the face.

But if no one stands up, it will be stillborn!

With the platform of Professor Shiraishi and other liberal arts professors, which is equivalent to the platform of the academic world, some troublesome problems will be solved easily.

"What do you mean?"

Professor Shiraishi was a little moved. Although he disdained to seize the work of his students, this work was too powerful. If his name could be mentioned in the preface or at the end and thanked him, his name would definitely be passed down through the ages. .

Although he studied Japanese history, subsequent students should remember his name, but they only browsed it hastily.

How can it be compared to this kind of spread like "a gift to Wang Lun"...

Since ancient times, fame and wealth have moved people's hearts!

"This book I wrote was also given by Professor Shiraishi for your guidance, so I should be grateful..."

Bai Gui smiled and said.

"How can I be so virtuous..."

Professor Shiraishi muttered a few words in Chinese softly, with a look of shame on his face.

To study the history of Japan, it is indispensable to study Chinese historical materials, and Sinology is indispensable.

Give me peaches and plums, and give me Qiong Yao in return.

He thought for a while, walked up to some professors from the Ministry of Literature and Literature who were about to find out, and began to recommend the first draft of the novel, hoping that they could also sign it.

Most of these professors have experience studying abroad.

Without the experience of studying abroad, it is impossible to get a job at a good university, especially Tokyo University, the best top university in Japan.

For example, Fujino Genkuro, because he had no experience studying abroad, was forced to leave and start a new life after Sendai Medical College was merged into Tokyo University School of Medicine.

Therefore, these professors basically have Western-style ideas, which are seriously separated from some Shinto culture in Japan. Most people will not think that the emperor is a god.

"This manuscript is good, I recommend it!"

An anthropology professor nodded and signed.

Modern disciplines are not as detailed and differentiated as later generations, so professors often have a high status in the academic world and are well-known among the people. It can’t be said to be a household name like a star, but a signature recommendation from a professor is something many works would like to have...

They are also commonplace!

"This manuscript is indeed good. I think I can recommend it."

An archeology professor nodded.

This is Professor Shiraishi using his connections to pave the way for Bai Gui.

There is nothing wrong with writing historical novels with ancient history themes. Ancient history is just that content, and everyone can verify it. But the novel "Guns, Germs, Steel" cannot be used because it involves some modern research materials. Without the nod of professors in these academic circles, some people will question whether the writing is correct.

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