The Multiverse Starting from White Deer Plain

201. The wind is rising (please order in full)

After finishing writing.

Bai Gui took a look at the book. The printing quality was good and it should be a three-issue book.

There is definitely a lot of Naoko in this book. Some of the pages are dog-eared and the corners are slightly yellowed.

"Thank you, Mr. Bai, for giving me your autograph."

Satomi Naoko immediately bowed and thanked her with a grateful face.

"Just writing a few words, it's just a small thing."

Shiroki closed the pen, put it back in his coat pocket, and returned the book to Satomi Naoko.

Then he took out a few one-day yen bills and walked to the passenger sitting opposite Satomi Naoko. The passenger was a middle-aged, semi-bald businessman.

"Excuse me, this lady and I have an old acquaintance. Could you please change seats?"

He said politely and handed over a one-day yen note.

The middle-aged, semi-bald businessman took the banknotes and readily agreed. Although it would be a lot of yen per day if he simply gave money, he would not change seats. However, Bai Gui's attitude was very sincere, and he had just overheard Bai Gui During the conversation with Satomi Naoko, I learned that Shiro Taka is a famous writer. Firstly, I respected him, and secondly, I didn’t dare to offend him too much, so I gave up my seat very happily.

Shirogane and Satomi Naoko sat down together.

"Mr. Bai, why are you going to Changqi?"

Satomi Naoko asked curiously.

The title page of Guns and Guns contains a brief background introduction by the author. After all, it is worth being curious about who the author is and why he could write such a masterpiece.

It is impossible for a young man to have the sentiments of Yang Shen, who was demoted to Yunnan Province in his old age due to a dispute over etiquette, and thus wrote "Linjiang Immortal" with "white-haired fishermen on the river bank, accustomed to watching the autumn moon and spring breeze..." and other emotions of vicissitudes of life. words...

Therefore, Satomi Naoko knew that Hakuki was studying at Tokyo University.

"Just graduated from Tokyo University..."

"I graduated early, so I wanted to go home."

Bai Gui explained casually.

While he was talking, a waiter came over with a cart in the carriage, mixed with the sound of hawking.

I could hear the sounds of passengers buying meals on some carriages.

“Have a piece of Tianjin Ganli!”

The two shouted almost simultaneously.

After the shouting was over, the two looked back at each other and smiled.

The connection between everything is the Tianjin Ganli that Satomi Naoko bought three years ago. Now that I have encountered it, I will naturally not let go of this snack with some small meaning.

In addition..., Tianjin Ganli tastes really good.

Bai Gui also missed it a little.

"I'll pay for it this time, a piece of Tianjin Ganli."

Bai Gui handed over a five-yuan coin to the waiter, and then took a small paper bag. Through the oil paper, you could feel the warmth of the cooked chestnuts.

The train at this time was a steam train.

Burning the boiler can be regarded as recycling waste, so food like roasted chestnuts with sugar is high in quality and low in price.

Bai Gui took out a few chestnuts and handed a whole bag of chestnuts to Satomi Naoko.

He squeezed it hard and used just the right amount of force.

The chestnut skin peels off immediately.

He threw the whole ripe chestnut into his mouth.

"Mr. Bai, don't you like roasted chestnuts with sugar? Why did you give me the whole bag?"

Satomi Naoko was eating chestnuts roasted with sugar. After a while, she realized something and asked a little embarrassedly.

"I... prefer to watch others eat chestnuts."

Bai Gui replied casually.

I only bought a bag of sugar-roasted chestnuts, so I naturally had to behave like a gentleman. As for why I bought one portion, it’s because one bag of roasted chestnuts is already quite a lot, and buying two bags would inevitably be a waste.

But when I bought it, it was inconvenient to carry more, so I handed the whole bag to Satomi Naoko.

He said, looking at Satomi Naoko.

The girl in the kimono ate the chestnuts, like a hamster, licking the hard shell of the chestnuts, biting out a small crack, and then peeled off the chestnut shells with her hands, stuffed them in her mouth, and started chewing.

But after hearing Bai Gui's words that seemed to be flirting but not flirting, his face and neck suddenly turned red. The soft and glutinous ripe chestnut had just been bitten by the shell's teeth. Without paying attention, the crumbs were scattered on the swan-white skin. On the neck, the exquisite clavicle is embossed...

What a gorgeous beauty!

"Mr. Bai, this is my address. Can you... write me a letter?"

"I like your masterpiece very much."

"I have some questions, I want to ask you, I don't know..."

Satomi Naoko blushed slightly, wrote the address on plain paper with a swipe of paper, and handed it over.

"I will."

"I will write to you with my address when I get settled."

Bai Gui nodded, accepted the note, and wrote down his address.

The train journey from Miyazaki Prefecture to Nagaki Prefecture is very short. Even though it is a steam train at this time, the stop time is only more than an hour. Satomi Naoko didn't get off at Nagaki, but along the way of the train.

The two met three years ago.

But it only took this short hour to truly know each other's identities.


The two waved goodbye.



beep! An urgent whistle.

The steam train stopped at the platform.

Satomi Naoko walked out of the carriage with a salute.

When he arrived at Changqi, Bai Gui bought a boat ticket.

Since the absence of the imperial court, the trade between Shanghai and Changqi has been increasing day by day. There are quite a few steamships docked at the pier, so it didn't take long for the train to Shanghai to arrive.

It didn't take long.

Just put my foot down.

"Brother Bai, I haven't seen you for a few years, and your skills have become even better."

Huo Ting'en greets Bai Gui at the dock.

Not many people in the country knew about Bai Gui's plan to return to China. He just sent a telegram to inform Jingwu Sect of the news. Otherwise, with his current reputation, Huo Ting'en and other Jingwu Sect disciples would not be the only ones greeted at the dock...

In addition, the country is in a troubled time, so Bai Gui would rather keep a low profile than be troubled now.

"Persist in practicing martial arts every day, practicing Sanjiu in winter and Sanfu in summer, and you will be like me..."

Bai Gui patted Huo Ting'en on the shoulder and said.

"I can't do it anymore..."

Huo Ting'en smiled bitterly and shook his head, "I went to Zuixing Tower to be with Xiaohong all day long. I lost too much money. How can I be like you, Brother Bai, who is not close to women and has practiced good kung fu..."

Bai Gui: "..."

"Forget it, let's not talk about it anymore. How is the owner's health now? Is there anyone from Jingwu Sect who wants to provoke him?"

He changed the subject.

"My father is in good health now. Now the private chef of Rongshun Hall prepares medicinal meals for my father alone. And since the news spread that you are studying in Jingwu Sect, many students have gone to Jingwu Sect to become apprentices. …”

Huo Tingen responded with a smile.

"That's good. I won't stay in Jingwu Sect for long. After buying the ticket, I will leave Shanghai. I will take this time to meet Master Huo."

Bai Gui responded.

There is no direct train from Shanghai to Yanjing. If you want to go to Yanjing, you must first buy a train ticket from Shanghai to Jinling, then take a boat from Jinling Xiaguan across the Yangtze River, take a train from Pukou to Tianjin, and finally from Tianjin to Yanjing.

Train tickets are often hard to come by. After all, the transportation system during the Republic of China was not yet developed. Unlike Japan, which was basically open to traffic across the country, train tickets are priced but not available.

If he reveals his identity, it will be much easier to buy tickets.

But... once the identity is revealed, there will be countless troubles. Instead of doing this, just wait a day or two more, and you won't be in a hurry to get home anyway.

Similarly, he has been practicing martial arts in Japan, and he doesn't know what his current strength is.

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