The tattooed men left, just as inexplicably as they had come.

Director Zhang changed the handkerchief he used to wipe his cold sweat three times. Before the last tattooed man left, he couldn't wait to invite the guests to board the boat.

God, this Li Si, don't mess with me again.

The guests are generally in a good mood, except for Liu Jinsheng and Shuhua.

The former was smashed to pieces because of the precious wine, and kept trying to catch the murderer. The latter had a tense face, not knowing what to think.

The ship is called [Meiji], and it is equipped with an experienced old captain, two maintenance staff, and a chef.

The four of them stood at the bow of the boat to welcome the variety show group, their expressions on their faces were all stiff.

It cannot be blamed on them. After all, a dozen or so tattooed strong men carried suitcases on their backs, threw them on the boat and left without saying a word no matter what they asked, the scene was too creepy.

As soon as Director Zhang boarded the boat, the old captain gave him a wink. Before the filming started, he pulled Director Zhang to the corner: "What happened just now?"

"What's going on?" Director Zhang began to pretend to be confused.

The old captain was in a hurry: "Don't fool me, is your program group still asking the underworld to help filming?"

Director Zhang didn't want to talk about it. The more people know that he put social people in the crew, the worse it is for him.

He found several reasons to fool the old captain, and Director Zhang quickly got away.

The old captain looked suspicious behind him.

He traveled north and south for many years, and he developed the ability to know people early on. Those tattooed men are so hot and full of tendons that it is impossible for the staff to pretend to be.

But Director Zhang didn't want to talk too much, and the old captain didn't ask any more questions.

Back on the deck, the old captain asked the star to approach him and talked about the precautions.

Be careful when moving any ship. Try not to use open flames in any kitchen. Don't go in the engine room to avoid burns...

The old captain sighed inwardly as he spoke.

He could see that these handsome men and beauties seemed to be listening seriously, but in fact they were all absent-minded. Being able to stand here was just to show face to the program crew.

Except for one young actor.

The old captain looked at him several times, and the young man was listening to the old captain with all his attention. Sometimes he nodded thoughtfully, and he knew he was listening at a glance.

The old captain couldn't help but feel relieved. At the end of the talk, he said: "Anyone have any questions?"

Sure enough, the young actor raised his hand.

The old captain remembered that his name seemed to be Li Si.

"If the ship catches fire, how should we escape?" Li Si asked.

"Good question. Although the Meiji has a smaller displacement, it still has the risk of catching fire. If there is a fire, I suggest you flee in these directions..."

Li Si raised his hand again.

"Tell me." The old captain was very satisfied with him.

"When I got on board, I noticed that this boat uses external fuel tanks, which can be easily detonated through the exhaust pipe. What should we do then?"

Li Si's eyes were shining brightly, obviously he was very concerned about this issue.

The old captain opened his mouth and suddenly fell silent.

Of course he knows that the external fuel tank is easy to detonate, the question is, how does Li Si know this?

This is not serious knowledge, and the book will not tell you how to operate it... because it is too simple, so simple that ordinary people without training can easily complete it.

This kind of knowledge cannot be made known to the general public.

After a while, the old captain said dryly: "We generally don't consider this kind of situation."

Li Si looked a little disappointed. The old captain was afraid that he would ask some ghost questions again, so he quickly ended the questioning session and moved on to the next activity: visiting the cabin.

[Meiji] is a refitted yacht, which can be called complete.

In addition to the kitchen and lobby for the restaurant, the ship is also equipped with a dozen bedrooms and a fully functional cold store.

The old captain forcefully opened the door of the cold storage. At this time, the cold storage was empty and no ingredients had been purchased.

In order to facilitate the visit, the temperature of the cold storage is adjusted to four degrees above zero. A few actresses groped eastward, looked rightward, then screamed in shock from being frozen, and fled out quickly.

Shuhua turned his head and found Li Si standing in front of a nameplate with curvy German on it.

"Do you understand German?" she asked, coming closer.

Li Si shook his head, saying that he didn't understand, but he knew the manufacturer of the cold storage.

The cold storage produced by this German factory is not only of excellent quality, but also can effectively remove odors, which is really the best choice for disposing of corpses.

After saying this, Li Si immediately slapped herself and walked away quickly.

Shuhua looked at his back in place, and let out a breath of cold air.

This guy really has a problem, Shuhua thought in his heart.

The first time I knew of Li Si's existence was from Song Qi, a daredevil in the group.

That stupid girl was obviously in love, but she didn't know it. Every time I take a break from dance practice, I have to tell them, how about Li Si...

Especially about the matter of subduing the criminals, Shuhua's ears were almost callused.

Although Song Qi is reckless, gluttonous, likes to play games, and is always lazy, every time he goes to bed, he will never wake up if no one calls him.

But she is Shuhua's good friend, and Shuhua will not let her be cheated by any wild man.

So she volunteered to participate in this variety show, the purpose is to see what kind of person Li Si is.

For now……

Shuhua suddenly covered his face and muttered to himself: "This guy is not a wanted criminal, is he?"

She has always believed in "seeing is believing" and "only analysis can draw conclusions".

But this is too weird! Is there something wrong with my brain and eyes?

Not to mention Shuhua who is in chaos, after visiting the cold storage, it is almost time to start filming.

The guests have more or less watched the previous seasons of "Typical Chinese Restaurant" and know what they should do.

The ship's cook cleared a table and put paper and pens on it. The chef's surname was Zeng, and he was specially hired by the program team.

"Let's draw up the recipe first." Chef Zeng suggested.

Liu Jinsheng agreed, but an actor named Huang Ming laughed: "Don't worry, I suggest you introduce yourself first, so as to get to know each other better."

Shuhua looked on coldly, and she immediately understood that Huang Ming wanted to overshadow Liu Jinsheng.

In terms of status in the film and television industry, this Huang Ming is indeed not simple. Although he is not an actor, he has won many awards.

But does he really want to overwhelm the popular Liu Jinsheng?

Sure enough, before Liu Jinsheng could speak, some celebrities objected to Huang Ming's opinion.

Amidst Huang Ming's argument of "I don't want you to think, I want me to think", Shuhua backed away quietly and left the front hall.

She wanted to find a place to be quiet, so she walked around on the boat and walked on the deck without knowing it.

She was surprised to find that Li Si was also here.

Li Si's suitcase was half opened, and it was full of various fishing gear. Holding the fishing rod, he sat quietly on the ground, with a peaceful and leisurely atmosphere.

The luggage is full of such things, no wonder I have to be afraid of falling.

Shuhua couldn't help smiling, then realized something, and quickly put on a straight face.

She walked to Li Si slowly, but Li Si didn't look back: "I'm fishing."

He saw me coming?

Shuhua thought to himself, but didn't answer Li Si's words.

There is a fish bucket next to Li Si, but it is empty.

Suddenly water splashed. A fish was caught, and Li Si grabbed it: "It's good luck."

He took out a pocket knife and prepared to clean up the fish on the spot.

Shuhua looked at it, and suddenly opened his eyes wide. No matter how you look at the unrepentant fish eyes, it looks familiar, wait, isn't that...


The knife cut open the belly of the fish, and the fish shook desperately a few times, then stopped moving.

Shuhua's outstretched hand froze in mid-air, and after a while, she went crazy: "What are you doing! This is shad, a first-class protected animal! Do you know that you broke the law?"

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