Feng Su cooked a sumptuous dinner, including a large piece of takoyaki, boiled shrimp, and a whole piece of honey sauce.

According to her, both Li Si and Bean Sprouts are growing, and it is impossible not to eat enough.

After eating, Li Si made an announcement.

"Going to the United States to shoot a reality show? Why didn't I know?"

Feng Su's first reaction was to be annoyed, because Li Si actually bypassed her agent to discuss cooperation: "What if you are cheated?"

"Be at ease." Li Si comforted her: "He is still very sincere, you see, he even bought a plane ticket for me."

He showed Feng Su the fake ticket.

The bean sprouts choked on the rice, thinking that as long as you have been on a plane, you will definitely find something wrong with the ticket, right?

Feng Su narrowed her eyes and looked at the ticket many times.

She relaxed a little: "It seems to be pretty good."

She believed it! Bean Sprout exclaimed in his heart.

Li Si secretly winked at Bean Sprouts, as if she knew this beforehand.

He put away the ticket with a normal expression: "Anyway, people will pick me up tomorrow morning. I won't be out for a long time, and I'll be back in about a month."

Feng Su looked embarrassed: "You can go by yourself...you can call me over there."

Grilled rice with bean sprouts.

This woman is too naive to be saved.

Although Feng Su promised to let Li Si go by herself, she was still worried and packed Li Si's luggage overnight.

Early the next morning, Li Si was shocked when he saw the four large parcels on the ground.

"Do you want me to take all of these?"

Feng Su took it for granted: "Yes, let me tell you something. This bag contains winter clothes, in case the weather is cold when you go there... Hey, don't go!"

Before Feng Su could finish speaking, Li Si fled in despair.

With a small schoolbag on his back, he rushed directly into the black car waiting at the door, urging the driver in a series of voices: "Drive!"

Chu Ge still wanted to say a few words of welcome, but Li Si was impatient: "Why are you standing there, drive quickly!"

The driver finally reacted, kicked the accelerator, and the car drove away.

Feng Su shouted from a distance: "Come back! At least bring this bottle of baby skin cream!"

Sensing sights from all directions, Bean Sprout covered her face: "Sister Susu, why don't we go home."


On the other side, the atmosphere in the car can be described as warm.

Li Si and Chu Ge, you say brother, I say brother, the two are like brothers who haven't seen each other for many years.

Chu Ge said: "There is still some distance to the airport, we brothers must have a drink."

After speaking, he actually took out two large bottles of beer from under the seat.

Li Si declined, saying that he doesn't know how to drink, but he must take pictures to record this precious moment.

He and Chu Ge picked up the wine glasses.

The two took more than a dozen photos in the narrow compartment, and then Li Si stopped contentedly.

Chu Ge rubbed his neck indiscriminately.

Li Si hooked his shoulders to him just now, and it hurt him a bit.

Only then did Li Si look out the window: "Brother, why doesn't this look like the way to the airport? Doesn't our driver know the way?"

Chu Ge comforted him: "Don't worry, we are going to a private airport, and we are taking our company's private jet. What an actor you are, how can you squeeze the plane with ordinary people? Where are you going to put your brother's face?"

Li Si looked embarrassed: "Haha, also, it's not that famous either."

But he looked obviously reserved.

Chu Ge secretly scolded the idiot in his heart.

Even if this kind of person does not fall into his hands, he will be ruined by others sooner or later.

He graciously handed Li Si a bottle of mineral water: "Brother, are you thirsty? Drink some water to moisten your throat. Let's continue talking after we get on the plane."

Take the mineral water bottle. You don't need to look carefully, you can tell that the weight of the bottle is different as soon as you get started, and there must be something added in it.

Li Si scolded the idiot in her heart.

Taking this kind of thing just wants to dazzle people. With such an unprofessional organization, even if you don't meet yourself, you will be taken over by the police sooner or later.

He smiled and unscrewed the bottle cap, and took a few gulps down the ton ton ton, and then his face showed confusion: "Brother, this water, why is this water so sour..."

There was a whirlwind in front of my eyes.

Li Si quickly fell into a coma.

I do not know how long it has been.

My head hurts. I feel my body being moved around, but my hands and feet are so weak that I can't make any resistance.

Li Si smelled the salty sea breeze, so he was taken to the seaside?

A thick hand picked up Li Si by the waist, and then threw it directly to the ground.

The pain caused by the violent impact made him more conscious, and there was a rattling sound in his ears.

Li Si realized that the man was checking his luggage.

"What kind of mess is this? Tape? Chocolate?"

The man didn't find anything useful, and after a few seconds, a package was thrown in and rolled right to Li Si's feet.

At this time, Li Si was almost fully awake.

He moved his fingers and found that his hands and feet were all tied up with hemp rope.

Continuing to pretend to be unconscious, one after another, several more people were thrown into the room like trash.

After that, there was no movement for a long time. The ground trembled suddenly, and then undulated evenly.

This is the ship leaving port.

It turned out that they were taken to a ship.

The door slammed shut and locked.

After waiting for five seconds, Li Si took a deep breath and writhed on the ground like a caterpillar.

After a lot of effort, he finally sat up from the ground and leaned against the wall.

With a groan, the person closest to Li Si also woke up.

He was a handsome young man, not more than twenty years old at the most. His eyes were dazed for a few seconds, and then immediately turned to panic.

"Shh." Li Si reminded him kindly: "If you dare to yell out, I will be the first to kill you after I get out of trouble."

The young man felt a chill in his heart, nodded quickly, and shut his mouth tightly.

"What is your name?"

"Wen, Wen Xing."

"Good name." Li Si seemed to be chatting, but in fact he used this method to divert his attention.

His back was pressed tightly against the wall, and his fingers suddenly pressed down.

With a muffled grunt, he dislocated his thumbs.

This will loosen the twine. The next step was water grinding, Li Si pulled his hands out from behind his back little by little.

"Isn't it great?" He shook his finger at Wen Xing and snapped his thumb bone back into place.

Not in a hurry to untie the rope on his feet, Li Si crawled to the backpack and took out several boxes from it.

They are [Dove Chocolate], [Wafer Biscuits], [Master Kong Cucumber Flavored Potato Chips].

He opened the snack box and took out the steel pipe and spring from inside.

It didn’t take long for Lumic’s custom shotgun to take shape in Li Si’s hands.

Wen Xing stared at this scene dumbfounded, a trace of excitement suddenly appeared on his face.

Finally, Li Si grabbed the pen and tore up the twine.

He just stood up when he suddenly heard someone passing by the door. The man's footsteps were heavy, and he just stopped at the door of their cabin.

Then, there was the sound of unlocking the lock.

Li Si suddenly had a better idea.

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