On May 22, "Crystal Lake Massacre" officially launched.

Many reporters came on the opening day, which shows that many people in China are optimistic about the development prospects of this type of film.

Director Sun answered the reporter's questions fluently, and the remaining leading actors also prepared appropriate answers in advance.

Many reporters noticed a new face.

It was a young man, looking around with his hands in his pockets, like a college student sneaking in to visit.

Director Sun came over and patted the young man on the back: "This is Li Si. He is highly professional. I found him to play the killer. There is no actor in China who is more suitable for this role than him."

It is customary for directors to blow a wave of actors, and the reporters are no strangers to it, grabbing the camera and taking snaps.

Someone asked: "Mr. Li, I noticed that your temperament does not exactly match that of a killer. Is this because you have your own understanding of [killer]?"

Li Si smiled and nodded. Just as I was about to speak, something slipped out of the cuff and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Everyone subconsciously looked down and found that it was a screwdriver.

The tip is sharpened and sharpened.

The person who asked the question just now opened his mouth, but suddenly his mind went blank, and he forgot what he wanted to ask.

Then, why does that feel like a murder weapon?

The atmosphere was cold for a while, but Director Sun suddenly laughed, with [I really did not choose the wrong person] written all over his face.

"Since Xiao Li got the role, he has been thinking about it seriously, and he stayed up late last night to study the character image."

"The murderer in this movie is not only fierce, but also very good at disguising. Xiao Li, you really think about how to play this role well all the time!"

With Director Sun smoothing things over, the cold air finally began to flow.

A smile appeared on the reporter's face again, and some people even wanted to record this interesting scene separately.

Only the one who asked the question at the very beginning felt that something was wrong no matter what.

However, the interview time was very short, and the next leading actor came soon, so he diverted his attention.

The opening ceremony was held in the morning, and the filming officially started in the afternoon. Director Sun asked Li Si to try on the costumes first.

"I specially prepared a suit for the killer, go and see if it fits."

Following the prop master, Li Si walked into the shed.

He put on a blood-stained overalls first, then a red mask.

"How, is there any discomfort?" The prop master, a man in his thirties, bent down to tie Li Si's belt.

Li Si stood up straight, quietly looking at herself in the mirror. He posed a few poses, and suddenly said, "It doesn't feel right..."

The prop master behind him choked.

After seven or eight years in the industry, the prop master has seen countless strange things. Some actors like to find troubles for nothing. The most outrageous time, the heroine asked him to find an [identical apple].

When Li Si said this, he was immediately classified among those actors.

The prop master said angrily, "What? You want me to go and buy you new clothes right away?"

Li Si turned around, her eyes behind the mask were fierce.

The prop master's heart twitched, almost thinking that this kid was going to hit someone.

"It's not suitable for killing people." Li Si said.

"What?" The prop master didn't understand.

Li Si patiently explained: "After killing a person, it will be difficult to deal with the blood if it splashes on the clothes. So it is best to put on a blouse, and you can take it off and burn it if you get blood on it."

"The red mask is really oppressive, but the color is too bright. It's better to be black or blue, even if you approach the target from the front, it will not be easy to detect."

"And this pair of shoes, it's too easy to leave footprints, almost equivalent to leaving clues for the note, please help me smooth the soles of the shoes... Are you listening?"

The prop master started to be dazed from the second sentence Li Si said, and he trembled when he heard the question: "Understood, I understand!"

After receiving the clothes handed over, the way he looked at Li Si completely changed.

With these few words, the prop master was sure that the person in front of him was definitely not a good person.

Holding the clothes and backing away slowly, the prop master showed a stiff smile on his face: "I'm going to prepare now, is there anything else I need?"

Li Si thought for a while, and suddenly picked up something from the table.

The prop master took a closer look and found that it was the [machete] prepared by the crew for the killer.

"This knife is too short, it needs to be cut about 30 centimeters to be easy. Please work harder and change it for me." Li Si frowned, dissatisfied with the prop.

The prop master almost ran away.

He rushed out of the shed while nodding wildly, just passing by Director Sun.

Director Sun looked at the prop master's back in a strange way: "This is..."

"I ran to help me change the props, very professional." Li Si was very satisfied with the prop master's attitude.

Director Sun laughed: "This old Qin, why is he so active today?"

As the shooting was approaching, the prop master dawdled to bring over the needed things. Director Sun is very satisfied with Li Si's new appearance, because it is indeed much better than before.

More like a killer.

Taking advantage of Li Si's inattention, the prop master sneaked up to Director Sun.

"Old Sun, where did you find such a person? Could it be in prison?" He whispered anxiously.

Director Sun narrowed his eyes with a smile: "How? You also think Li Si is very good?"

The prop master was so anxious that he almost swears: "Well... no, Old Sun, I really think there is something wrong with this kid."

"Do you remember the last time we visited the prison? The kid's eyes, and the way he talks about murder, are exactly the same as those felons sentenced to life!"

Director Sun was silent for a while after listening.

Just when the prop master thought that what he said was effective, Director Sun suddenly nodded in relief: "Keep improving! Good!"

The prop master was dumbfounded.

Director Sun explained to him that the most difficult thing for an actor to play a role is not to control his emotions, but to perform the temperament that fits the character.

Even if he is not in front of the camera, Li Si has this kind of temperament, which shows that he understands this role thoroughly.

After hearing this nonsense, the prop master just wanted to slap Director Sun.

He doesn't know what it means to figure out the character's image, he only knows that when Li Si said those words, his expression really didn't look like acting.

"Okay, it's time for me to take the first one, don't waste time for this kind of thing." Before leaving, Director Sun patted the prop master on the shoulder.

The latter stayed where he was, and began to seriously consider whether to call the police.

When starting a movie, the first line is usually the easiest one to shoot. It can not only boost morale, but also serve as a good start and win a lottery.

Director Sun chose the section [Li Qi strayed into Crystal Lake and was hacked to death by a murderer who suddenly appeared in the middle).

"Okay, action!"

The actor who played Li Qi hummed a little tune with a leisurely posture. He walked to a bush, untied his trouser belt and started to release water.

OK, next the killer will appear from the left. I was stiff and unable to move at first, then turned around and ran.

he thought silently.

The grass swayed slightly, as if a wind passed by. He suddenly looked up, and a dark figure came into view.

And those eyes full of tyranny and coldness.

The pupils dilated suddenly.

He completely forgot what he should do, and only that figure remained in his mind. He stared blankly at the opponent approaching and raised his machete.

All sounds are gone...

"Ah, ah..." A thin cry came out of his throat.

"Help! Don't come here!!!"

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