Before going to the countryside, the program team still has some work to do, mainly filming the daily life of Bean Sprouts.

They would ask the bean sprouts some questions, which were nothing special. I just want the audience to understand the growth environment of bean sprouts, family background and education level.

Bean Sprouts performed satisfactorily in front of the camera.

Although it was her first time filming a variety show, she didn't panic. Instead, the whole process was quiet and meticulous, and the director's instructions were executed meticulously.

When she folded her hands and sat upright on the small chair, she gave people a sense of maturity that did not match her age.

In this regard, the director is very satisfied.

The only thing that bothers him is that Dou Sprout always speaks surprisingly when answering questions, and he doesn't know how the guardian educates her.

For example, when asked if he liked school, Dou Sprout would shake his head indifferently.

The answer is as expected. Rather, if Bean Sprout replied "like", they would suspect that she was lying.

But if you ask further questions, such as "Why don't you like school", Dou Sprout's answer will make the program crew dumbfounded.

She said that the school is just a microcosm of modern society, which is divided into ranks and ranks through a ranking system. She lived in it like a noose around her neck, getting more and more out of breath.

Hearing this, the director moved a step calmly, stood in front of the camera, and turned around to tell the photographer to delete this paragraph.

However this is just the beginning.

With the deepening of communication, the director gradually discovered more weird places.

In his original understanding, Bean Sprout should be the kind of bad girl who came out to mix society at a young age, commonly known as "spiritual little girl".

But in fact, Bean Sprouts' daily life is completely different from the director's imagination.

If she didn't go to school, she would spend all day hanging out with Li Si.

This can barely be interpreted as the deep love between brothers and sisters.

But one day the director went downstairs for a stroll and found Bean Sprout standing with a tall and strong figure.

He was afraid that Bean Sprout would be in danger, so he hurried over. But he saw Bean Sprout handing a stack of banknotes and a stick to the man.

At that time, Bean Sprout didn't seem to be intimidated at all, but listened attentively, nodding slightly from time to time.

It seems that of the two, she is the boss.

The director was greatly shocked, and immediately had a new understanding of the status of "Sister Bean Sprouts" in the world.

What's more, Bean Sprout's focus on learning knowledge is also rather strange.

Through a simple assessment, they knew that Bean Sprout's English level was not even as good as elementary school students.

Mathematics and physics are slightly better, barely at the level of junior high school students.

But her chemistry knowledge is very rich, and she can speak out many knowledge points that are not even covered in high school textbooks.

For example, benzene can be nitrated three times to make a high-energy explosive [RDX]. As another example, thermite has two common deployment methods.

At that time, when it came to excitement, Bean Sprouts also called Li Si to show the program group the correct usage of thermite:

Use it to melt iron locks when you don't have a key.

After watching the bright flames and splashing sparks, the director was silent for a moment, and called the main station to confirm whether it could be broadcast.

The main station scolded him, saying that there is no need to ask for instructions in such a matter, isn't it just a small scientific experiment?

The director put down the phone in dismay, looked at the enthusiastic Li Si and Dou Sprout, and suddenly felt deeply worried about the future of this show.

They really want to know what kind of family environment can raise a child like bean sprouts.

So they approached Feng Su first, and asked her what she thought about Dou Sprout's going astray.

Feng Su was surprised: "Misguided? Isn't she studying well at school? My Douya is running for class president."

The director was taken aback, and was about to ask questions, but was stopped by Li Si with a serious face.

Li Si took them to her bedroom and solemnly said not to ask Feng Su such questions again.

Li Si's expression was very sad: "The child Bean Sprout is hopeless, Sister Susu really can't stand the stimulation, so in the end..."

He pointed to his head, shook his head and sighed.

The program group suddenly realized, and felt very ashamed.

Li Si suddenly became fierce again: "The segment just now is not allowed to be recorded, delete it for me."

Several photographers shyly put away their video cameras.

They took advantage of the opportunity to interview Li Si and asked him what methods he usually uses to educate Bean Sprouts.

Everyone wants to hear the best actor's parenting experience.

Li Si looked serious: "The key is patience..."

He began a tirade, from truth, goodness and beauty to dedication.

It wasn't until everyone was yawning and Li Si seized the opportunity to slip away that the director realized what was being said was all nonsense.

There is also a foreigner named Lumick Yang who often comes in and out of Li Si's house.

This person is also an actor and has appeared in "The Heist of the Century".

He is not as easy to talk as the first two.

At one point, the director seized the opportunity and put the microphone to Lumick's mouth: "Hello, where are you from?"

"Why did you come to China?"

"What did you do before becoming an actor?"

Lumick stood there without speaking, his face turned purple, and he finally uttered a word: "Get lost."

The director is very disappointed, this foreigner is really rude!

After seven days of tossing like this, the program team managed to collect enough material.

They hired a bus and prepared to take Bean Sprouts to the countryside early in the morning.

The moment before departure, everyone wept with joy. It's finally over, and there are no normal people in this family.

Bean Sprout didn't bring much, so he packed a small package and got into the carriage.

This time she resisted desperately, no matter what, she didn't want to wear the little pink dress Feng Su gave her.

Fortunately, the program team made a timely rescue and said that it is best to wear clothes that are easy to move. Bean Sprout finally got his wish, and put on the white shirt and jeans again.

"Don't worry, we will take good care of the bean sprouts."

"Bean Sprout is so good, she will be a big star in the future!"

Compared with the program group, Bean Sprouts said very little.

She just poked her head out of the car window and waved gently to Feng Su and Li Si.

Feng Su folded his arms, very worried.

Li Si smiled: "Be careful on the road."

The bus slowly drove away, Feng Su sighed: "Douya went to film a variety show, and you also have a new movie, but I ended up watching the house again."

The so-called making a movie was of course a lie to Feng Su. Li Si had to find an excuse to secretly follow Dou Sprout.

"Thank you, Miss Susu."

Li Si patted the back of her hand lightly, and soon got into a van.

Sister Susu looked at the empty doorway in the blink of an eye, and suddenly felt very angry.

Go out to play one by one, and don't take me with you!

She turned her head and rushed into the house angrily.

Watch me eat up both of your snacks!

On the other side, inside the bus.

The director waved his hand, high-spirited: "Let's go, aim at Niangzi Village!"

The program team was very happy, only Bean Sprout was holding the small bag and looking out the window, wondering what he was thinking.

"What's the matter, a little scared?"

A female staff member lovingly touched Bean Sprout's head.

Bean Sprout took one last look at the van that was following her, and turned her head to show a cute smile.

"It's okay, don't I have my sisters to take care of me?"

At this time, inside the van.

While checking the information of Niangzi Village, Li Si ordered: "It doesn't matter if you lose it, the main thing is not to be discovered."

In the carriage, four or five young men with tattoos turned their heads at the same time.

"Don't worry, Brother Li."

"That's what we do."

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