At night, Bean Sprouts was arranged to sleep with this family.

After drinking a few cups of tea, the program crew stood up and said goodbye, and made an appointment for tomorrow's shooting.

Bean Sprout walked into the bedroom with a small schoolbag, turned around vigilantly, and found that the family's mother had followed her in.

The woman hugged the quilt: "It's okay, you sleep with you. I'm afraid you're afraid, there are wolves in the mountains. Let's sleep together first, and we'll talk about it when you get used to it."

Are you afraid of me running around?

Bean Sprouts thought in his heart and nodded silently.

After a while, the woman didn't change her clothes, but lay down directly. Bean Sprouts changed into pajamas and shrank into the bed.

The night in the mountain village is very cold, but the bedding provided by this family is very thin. Bean Sprout kept rubbing his hands together and exhaled into his palms, as if the woman hadn't heard it.

After a while, the bean sprouts gently poked the woman's hand.

"What's wrong?" The woman turned over, not feeling sleepy at all.

"I'm so cold, I want a cup of hot water." Bean sprouts whispered.

The woman hesitated for a moment, then said: "Wait."

She got up from the bed, walked out of the bedroom barefoot, and came back soon with a hot water bottle.

"I don't have a cup," said the woman,

Bean Sprout shook his head, took out a thermos from his schoolbag, and asked the woman to fill it with hot water.

She threw in another small piece of tea cake, and a strange fragrance rose in the room.

The woman couldn't help but said, "Oh, it smells so good."

Bean Sprouts handed her the thermos cup: "I put some scented tea, it's really fragrant."

After a few words of politeness, the woman couldn't wait to take it, and took three or four gulps.

"It's so sweet, so sweet!"

Bean Sprout smiled softly: "Auntie, drink more if you like."

The woman drank the entire cup of tea, and finally felt a little embarrassed when she saw this, filled the cup again, and returned the bean sprouts.

This time, the bean sprouts were served without scented tea. She just took two sips and told the woman that she was not thirsty anymore.

The lights in the room were turned off, Bean Sprout was lying flat on the bed, and soon there was a slight snoring sound from beside her.

Children are prone to sleepiness at night, so she couldn't help but yawned a little.

But Bean Sprout didn't dare to fall asleep, her eyes were wide open, staring at the ceiling.

After maybe half an hour, maybe an hour, Bean Sprout finally heard the sound of small stones hitting the glass window.

She climbed up carefully, just in time to meet Li Si who was outside the window.

Li Si pointed to the window, Bean Sprout nodded and pushed the window open.

There was a crunch.

Li Si immediately raised her head and stared at the sleeping woman beside Dou Sprout.

The woman was motionless.

Bean Sprout yawned again: "Don't worry, double doses of spikenard and vetiver. I didn't expect her to like it so much."

Li Si was relieved now, and stretched out her hand to pull her out of the window.

The outdoor temperature was even lower, and Bean Sprout was only wearing pajamas, her little face was pale from the cold. Li Si took off his coat and handed it to her, and Bean Sprout was not polite, took the coat and put it on his body.

She quickly said, "There's something wrong with this damn place, and nine out of ten are in the hen business."

"There are two sets of chain handcuffs in the east room, recently used, hidden under the haystack."

She paused: "These people thought it was quite hidden."

Li Si's guess is the same as that of Bean Sprouts: "There are also problems in the town. The most troublesome situation may be the collusion of local people."

"I met a grocery store owner in the morning. The total body weight is less than fifty. But the socks on my feet are worth at least two thousand yuan, and they are still women's models."

"I don't even bother to destroy the clothes I carry with me. It's definitely not a trivial matter."

The hen business can be traced back to the last century. There were many bachelors in the countryside, and they paid a lot of money to buy women from human traffickers.

It's about passing on the family line, and most people in the village turn a blind eye. However, in some places, the concept of clan is stronger, and the situation is even more outrageous. Instead of stopping it, the elders in the clan encouraged bachelors to buy more women and have more children.

What's more disgusting, human traffickers charge high prices, and bachelors can't afford it. So a few bachelors pooled their money...

If the bought woman can live in peace, that's all.

If you want to run, you will probably catch it back and break your tendons and hamstrings. Pigs and dogs are generally kept at home and will not see the light of day until they die.

Two dogs barked in the cold night, Bean Sprout seemed to remember something: "Don't talk about this, go to the back of the kennel and have a look."

Li Si didn't ask why, but acted without hesitation.

The two went around to the back of the house, and saw four or five wolf dogs surrounding a small pile of dog food, eating happily.

There are also two dogs, biting each other non-stop, as if fighting for something.

Li Si walked towards those vicious dogs without hesitation.

Smelling the smell of strangers, several dogs turned their heads and grinned at Li Si.

He took another step closer, and a dog couldn't help but pounced on him.

Li Si turned sideways, and stabbed a wooden stake into the dog's mouth accurately, blocking the dog barking in its throat by the way.

The dog's blood spilled all over the ground, and Li Si threw the body to the dogs. The wolfdogs still had a strong appetite when they saw the same kind, and they all lay down on the corpses to eat.

Bean Sprout was about to say that I had poisonous dog medicine, but was shocked by Li Si's rough handling.

She ran to Li Si's side, complaining, "It's too risky, what if the dog barks?"

Li Si didn't speak, just stared at the ground. Bean Sprout followed his gaze, and his heart missed half a beat.

I saw half a human hand lying on the ground. Although it was chewed to pieces by dogs, some features could still be seen.

The hand was very white, and there was a distinct pale pink scar on the arm.

"Oh, grand prize." Li Si said.

Both of them were silent for a few seconds, then Li Si took out his mobile phone to collect evidence.

Bean Sprout immediately snatched the phone away, fiddled with it for a while, and then showed an expression of "I knew it".

She unlocked the phone, turning off the flash and then the sound.

Li Si took back the phone, feeling a little embarrassed.

After taking a few photos of the severed hand, he suddenly heard someone walking towards the backyard.

Before she had time to explain, Li Si covered Bean Sprout's mouth with one hand, picked her up by the waist with the other hand, and quickly hid in the shadows.

But covering your mouth seems redundant.

Because Bean Sprout didn't say a word the whole time, as well-behaved as a doll.

Li Si put down the bean sprouts: "Come here first tonight. There are program groups here, and they won't do anything to you."

Since it was a human trafficking incident at the village and town level, as a criminology consultant, he couldn't handle it in a "normal way".

After all, it is impossible for Li Si to kill hundreds of people in the whole village with a knife and a gun.

In short, go back and call Bo for reinforcements.

"The severed hand just now probably came from your elementary school teacher."

Before leaving, Li Si asked: "The villagers only want women to have children, and they will not kill people unless they are forced to. If there is a chance, you will be locked up wherever you look."

Bean Sprout nodded slightly, and then asked a crucial question.

"If there is danger, how far can I resist?"

Li Si thought for a while, then said hesitantly, "That's right, the level of self-defense?"

Bean Sprout made a gesture of scissors: "Understood." This was the first time she laughed tonight.

Li Si was stunned.

What do you unserstand?

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