Bean Sprout had a strange dream, dreaming that he was surrounded by a group of little groundhogs.

The groundhogs were terrified, chattering and screaming. Bean Sprout was so annoyed that he yelled and walked away.

The dream ends here. She opened her eyes and woke up from a coma, in front of her was a bunch of little furry heads.

"Sister, are you awake?" A little girl asked timidly.

Bean Sprout found himself lying on the ground, and the air was full of the smell of rotten wood. She quickly checked her whole body to make sure she was not injured or in shackles.

Bean Sprout breathed a sigh of relief and looked up. There are a bunch of children in front of me, the oldest is at most five or six years old, and they are all girls.

It seems that Bean Sprout's eyes are too fierce.

When she looked over, the children let out a small exclamation, and all ran into the corner.

Bean sprouts rubbed his temples, and he felt a dull pain in his head.

The guy who knocked himself out was hard enough.

She tore off the sleeves of her shirt and tied her forehead tightly to feel better: "How long have you been locked up here?"

The children looked at each other, but no one answered. I don't know if it's because I'm afraid, or I just don't know.

Bean Sprouts leaned toward the latter, since she didn't see a clock in the room.

Without a clock, the claustrophobic environment will make people lose the concept of time, and then become restless and lose hope.

Bean Sprout is very familiar with this trick, it is a bad trick played by human traffickers.

The door is made of iron with a small air hole on it. Bean Sprout stretched out his hand and fumbled in the air, but didn't touch anything.

A little girl couldn't help asking: "Sister, what are you doing?"

"Find a way to get us out." Bean Sprout said casually.

The little girl exclaimed: "Sister is really amazing!" She hugged Bean Sprout's waist affectionately.

But these words made Bean Sprout's body stiffen.

Certain memories suddenly emerged in my mind, slowly overlapping with the scene in front of me.

There used to be a little girl who said the same thing to me, but what happened afterwards?

Bean sprouts can't remember clearly, but it's just a little disgusting for some reason.


Pain brought her back to reality.

The bean sprouts withdrew their hands, the backs of their hands were hot and swollen quickly.

A voice came from outside the window: "Just wait for me, don't play tricks!"

Bean Sprout breathed a sigh of relief, as long as someone guards them.

Some gangs of human traffickers like to starve their children for ten and a half months before abducting them. At that time, I don't even have the strength to cry, so it's easy to manage. The jargon is called [boil the eagle].

When encountering boiled eagles, she really had no choice but to stand up with willpower.

Now there is only one guard outside the door. Bean Sprout calculated in his heart that if he escaped alone, he should be 90% sure.

But looking at the children, especially the little girl who was talking to her, Bean Sprout suddenly hesitated.

She was so irritable that she lowered her head and walked around the room three times, kicking two stones away. As time passed by, Bean Sprout finally made up his mind and waved to the little girl, "Come here."

The little girl is innocent and cute, and she doesn't know the dangers of society.

As soon as the good-looking sister called her, she immediately ran over.

When she came to the front, the bean sprouts quickly twisted on the little girl's arm. And under the dead hands.

The little girl's smile froze on her face.

She didn't understand why she was treated like this when she didn't make a mistake, and she burst into tears on the spot.

Bean Sprout left her where she was, and walked towards the other children step by step.

The children were all stunned, too frightened to move.

Bean Sprouts went on a killing spree, one in each hand. After a while, the room was filled with the cries of children.

The villagers guarding the gate couldn't sit still.

He wondered what was going on, and opened the vent to look. But at this moment, a sharp stone was thrown from the vent.

The villagers picked it up and saw that the tip of the stone was stained with blood, and they couldn't help being surprised.

In the village, women are used to carry on the family line, and little girls are expensive commodities.

He couldn't afford to have an accident with even a little girl in the room.

The villagers were in a hurry and took the key to unlock the door. However, the door had just opened a crack, and a black shadow sprang out from inside.

It's bean sprouts, with blood dripping from the palm of my hand.

She picked up a stone and cut herself a bloody gash, then threw the bloody stone out. Coupled with the crying before, the villagers did not open the door to check the situation if they didn't believe it.

That is opportunity.

Bean Sprout slammed into the villager's calf with all his strength, causing him to lose his balance immediately.

She is young and her bones are not yet developed. So Li Si can teach theoretical knowledge, except how to beat people.

Fortunately, there is another technique that bean sprouts can learn easily, that is Chinese wrestling.

Wrestling is the art of breaking the balance, and if the focus is right, a child can overturn an adult.

The villagers landed on their backs on the hard concrete floor, without any protection for the back of their heads, and hit the ground heavily.

With a bang, he passed out directly.

Bean Sprout was taken aback. It was the first time she used this trick on a stranger, but she didn't expect the effect to be surprisingly good.

But she is calm, knowing that every second counts now.

Pulling open the iron door vigorously, Bean Sprout turned around and said, "Come with me!"

The little girls opened their mouths and cried loudly: "Wow~"

The bean sprouts almost didn't tense up, and the high blood pressure came up: "Laozi Shudaoshan!"

The crying stopped, and the little girls followed obediently.

There are many people detained here, more than one room, and naturally more than one guard.

Bean Sprout could hear footsteps, and someone was asking loudly what happened.

She was so anxious that she couldn't run fast with a group of children. Bean Sprout grabbed the girl who was the slowest runner, and her two short legs twitched vigorously.

But not long after, they were still blocked at the intersection.

The tall men held sticks, Bean Sprout sighed, and stayed where he was, letting the little girls run back.

That's all she can do, and she can't control it anymore.

This place is full of their people, so the villagers are not worried at all, they just look at Bean Sprout jokingly.

Bean Sprout closed her eyes and crouched on the ground with her head in her arms.

According to her experience, a severe beating would definitely be indispensable this time, but it may not necessarily result in death, after all, dead goods cannot be sold for money.

But at this moment, someone stroked her head.

"Get up, it's all right."

Hearing that voice, Bean Sprouts was holding on to his breath, but suddenly he let go.

She sat down on the ground, and was picked up by Li Si with one hand: "Don't sit down, the ground is cold."

Bean Sprout was listless: "Why did you come..."

The sound is aggrieved.

Li Si was also angry when she mentioned this matter: "It's not the grandma you told me before!"

"Volunteered to take me to you. As a result, I am old and have a bad memory. I took me wandering around the village and wasted half an hour to find the right location!"

They talked as if the other person didn't exist.

With sullen faces, the villagers rushed towards Li Si with sticks.

Li Si asked Dou Sprout a question at the end: "Do you plan to eat brains recently? Where is the blood? Brain brain? Tofu brain?"

Bean Sprout shook his head blankly.

Li Si said sincerely: "That's great."

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