The Murderer Acted So Well, The Special Police Asked Me How Many Years I Had Squatted

Chapter 85 Li Si Doesn't Want To Squat For Thirty Years

Sitting in the police car, Li Si was very nervous.

Bean Sprout comforted him from the side: "It's okay, at worst, I'll be squatting for a few years."

Hearing this, Li Si almost didn't come up in one breath.

Is the pocket money usually given to this girl too much?

The policeman with a square face is surnamed Wang, so let Li Si call him Team Wang.

At this time, Wang Dui listened to the report on the walkie-talkie with a solemn expression.

He sent a total of three teams into the building with the main task of rescuing the victims and apprehending the remaining criminals.

But when the special police came to the second floor, a suspicious voice suddenly came from Team Wang's earphones.

"Yes, has anyone vomited?" He hesitated rarely.

There was a noise from the intercom, and maybe the special police didn't know how to answer.

After a while, someone said sullenly, "Captain, why don't you come up and have a look yourself."

Team Wang was puzzled now.

His subordinates are all elites, who have handled countless vicious cases and are well-informed.

What is there on the second floor that makes them feel like they should [see for themselves]?

Looking at the crying women and children, Wang Dui said majestically, "I have something more important here, so you can report it directly. What's in the building?"

"Then I'll say it." The man took a deep breath.

"Heart, lung tube, large intestine... Hey! It's quite finely chopped, the knife skill is pretty good."

"Liver, kidney. This one is a bit mushy, wait a moment, I'll take a closer look. Oh, it's the brain."

Wang Dui listened and fell into deep confusion: "Are you reporting the name of the dish?"

The special policeman thought for a while: "If you want to say that... it seems that it is not impossible."

Wang Dui's throat rolled.

He instantly realized the seriousness of the situation and stared at Li Si: "What have you done?"

Li Si shrunk his neck: "It's a legitimate defense."

Dui Wang pursed his lips and turned on the walkie-talkie: "Count the number of people and tell me how many dead bodies there are."

It didn't take long for the special police to send back an accurate number: "Fifty-seven, and one person is still alive. He must be sent to the hospital immediately."

Team Wang was shocked: "What? Fifty-seven!"

Li Si was shocked: "What? Someone is still alive!"

Dui Wang's eyes swished to his face, and Li Si quickly lowered his head: "I mean, there are still people alive, that's great."

Wang Dui's throat seemed to be blocked, and his mind was full of this terrible number. He looked at Li Si, who was sitting obediently, with more guard in his eyes.

The search of the building was still going on, and the special police communicated with Team Wang by walkie-talkie every once in a while.

Wang Dui's face became darker and darker.

Until someone reported that a blood-stained WASP diving knife and a competition rifle were found in the cracks of the stairs. Wang Dui couldn't control his expression at all.

"We are here to fight crime, why did we find all your evidence!" He yelled at Li Si.

Li Si covered her face.

I thought that if I hid it there, no one would find it.

Sorry, Lumick, I can't return the item to you.

Seeing Li Si's pitiful appearance, Team Wang's attitude gradually softened.

He thought of Li Si as a well-known actor, but instead of enjoying life, he became a police consultant.

In addition to filming, he did not forget to actively fight against criminals. He went through life and death, and saved countless victims.


Team Wang walked up to Li Si, and his tone was softer:

"Your matter is very serious this time, but I want to say thank you first. Qin Ze and I have been old friends for many years. You saved him, and I accept this favor."

Li Si shook his head and said that team Qin is also his friend, it’s no big deal.

Then Wang Dui turned the topic to serious matters, with a serious expression: "But unfortunately, this matter can't help you, you may have to squat for a few years."

"But don't worry, I will do my best to let you go to a better prison."

Li Si looked at Dui Wang's sincere expression, and thought to himself, do you still want me to say thank you?

Wang Dui analyzed with his fingers: "Illegal possession of guns, possession of controlled knives, dereliction of duty, serious injury."

"We also found illegal drugs in the little girl's bag. Since you are the guardian, this has to be counted on you as well."

Li Si turned her head to look at Bean Sprouts, her eyes widened.


Team Wang wanted to continue talking, but Li Si interrupted him: "Well, tell me how many years you may be sentenced."

Team Wang couldn't bear to tell him the painful news:

"Although I haven't studied law specifically, based on my experience in handling cases over the years, combined with my country's system of combined punishment for multiple crimes, you will probably be sentenced to... more than 30 years."

Do you call thirty years "squatting for a few years"?

This number means that Li Si will spend half his life in prison if he is brought to court.

After a few seconds of silence, Li Si said:

"I want to apply for a psychiatric evaluation."

Wang Dui looked very helpless, he showed an expression that he had known this before: "I knew you were going to say this."

"Indeed, if a mental illness is detected, maybe the court will directly acquit you. But unfortunately, this path does not work."

"The level of psychiatrists in our country is higher than you think. In your current state, with clear words and clear mind, it is absolutely impossible to detect mental illness."

Team Wang is decisive, but Li Si is stubborn.

If he insists on an appraisal, Team Wang cannot refuse, because this is the right given to everyone by the law.

Finally, Team Wang compromised: "Okay, I'll contact the doctor now."

The rest was nothing more than the aftermath. He asked his deputy to stay on the scene and take Li Si back to the police station himself.

Before leaving, through the window, Li Si saw an old figure in a wheelchair beckoning to him slowly.

Li Si also waved at her.

Seeing this scene in his eyes, Team Wang remained silent.

In the car, Team Wang called the local medical university and made an appointment for Li Si to be an expert in clinical psychology.

Instead of taking Li Si back to the police station, he went straight to the hospital. When passing through the town, Li Si saw rows of townspeople being escorted into police cars.

Others were watching around.

"The villagers are responsible for abducting women. If necessary, the townspeople will buy wives from them. The people you see are all insiders of the crime, and they are also shelters."

Team Wang said succinctly.

Li Si nodded and kept staring at a certain figure in the crowd.

In fact, he has always had a problem.

Why did Sunflower Primary School arrange the spring outing in such a remote place? Unlike other elementary schools, find a nearby park to fool around.

"Sorry, Team Wang, can you stop the car?"

Although Wang Dui was a little puzzled, he still stepped on the brakes.

"Are you hungry?" He had heard about Li Si's appetite.

Li Si pushed open the door and walked towards a townsman who was looking energetic in the crowd.

It was only when the townspeople came to the front that they realized Li Si's existence, and hurriedly turned and fled. The back twists and turns, like a penguin.

Li Si took the first step and pressed his shoulder.

"Principal Zhang, what are you doing here?"

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