Team Wang waited for a long time, delivered food to the lounge three times, and finally waited for a medical certificate signed by the dean.

【It is believed that the patient Li Si suffers from multiple mental illnesses as follows:……】

He held the piece of paper and sat for about three minutes, showing a relieved expression.

That's okay, almost the best result.

Wang Dui opened the door and went in. Li Si was taking a nap. The latter was originally good-looking, but at this moment he was even more handsome. No one would have guessed that he had a lot of lives on his hands.

Several professors were ten times older than Li Si, but they hid beside them and spoke softly, for fear of disturbing him.

Team Wang took a photo of the medical certificate and put it on Li Si's face.

"See you next time, lucky guy."

Li Si raised his arms and shook them as a farewell, while the rest of his body remained motionless.

Dui Wang shook his head and laughed, and strode out of the hospital. He does not need to be responsible for the rest of the link, and his own specialist will handle it.

When he walked to the door of the hospital, a woman passed him by. He took a few steps before realizing that it seemed to be Li Si's manager.

And it looks so angry.

Rewinding the time to five hours ago, Feng Su folded his hands on his knees and curled up on the sofa, drinking soda water while watching a soap opera.

On the coffee table in front of him was a large plate of grilled skewers, all of which were frozen foods bought from the Lawson convenience store.

When she doesn't need to cook for Li Si and bean sprouts, she is willing to eat like this. The points in the Lawson membership card have already exceeded 100,000.

Picking up a bunch of chicken meatballs, Ms. Susu sniffed them before biting them down, and found that the teriyaki sauce was average.

But eat it anyway, it costs money. She took a bite of the chicken balls, crunching them.

There were large garbage bags piled up at the door, and I went downstairs to throw them away lazily.

Bean Sprouts went to shoot variety shows, and Li Si went to shoot movies. No one was at home, and Miss Susu couldn't cheer up.

beep - beep -

The phone vibrated on the desktop, Feng Su answered it, and found out that it was the director of "Returning".


Startled by her hoarse voice, she quickly drank her saliva.

After adjusting, Feng Su changed into a capable tone: "Hey, director, how is Bean Sprout doing?"

On the other end of the phone, the director faltered.

He couldn't help but hesitate. I vowed to go to someone's house and promise to take good care of the child. It turned out that the shooting location was a den of thieves, and the program team was equivalent to sending a fat sheep to the tiger's mouth.

Fortunately, the police arrived in time, otherwise, if something happened to Dou Sprout, he would really have died to apologize.

The director racked his brains for a long time before he said something: "Although this matter is a bit difficult to talk about, it is not that important. Because it has been resolved, and you, don't be angry. Let's go here ..."

Feng Su was silent for two seconds, then her voice suddenly became cold: "Did something go wrong during the filming of Bean Sprouts?"

The director turned pale with shock: "How do you know?"

Feng Su didn't relax, and sent out a series of life-threatening questions: "Eating bad stomach? Fighting with other children? Injured?"

She paused for a moment: "I'm sure I won't be abducted by human traffickers."

The director's back was drenched in cold sweat, and he decided to be more honest: "That's the one [it won't be]."

The director sat upright with his mobile phone in hand, embracing the coming storm.

But to his surprise, Feng Su was very calm: "From your tone, the bean sprouts should be fine?"

The director was very happy that he didn't get scolded, and even raised his tone: "That's right! Miss Li is fine, she's here with us, send her back now."

Just listening to the other end of the phone, Feng Su's voice was understated: "It's fine, let's talk about compensation."

The director knew that this would happen, with a serious expression on his face, he was ready to be slaughtered: "Tell me, it's true that we didn't take good care of it this time."

"Okay." The sound of paper and pen rustling.

Not long after, Feng Su said, "Fifteen million."

Fifteen million?

The director didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Miss Feng, are you opening your mouth like a lion with me? Or do you want to ask for the price and pay back the money on the ground."

"Fifteen million, that's not enough money to sell our program group. Just be sincere and make a price."

He heard Feng Su's voice not fluctuating at all.

"Well, if you can't get it out, I'll see you in court. There will always be money from the enforcement to the auction of the property."

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

The director looked at the blackened phone screen, and his brain froze for a moment.

See you in court?

He suspected that Feng Su was threatening him, but when he heard the busy tone of "beep beep" on the phone, he realized that Feng Su was serious.

"I'm so stupid..."

It's a big deal. If money can be used for personal gain, there is no need to put this matter on the table.

But if it really comes to the stage of the trial, among other things, the trial will be held in public, and the video can be found on the Internet.

The reporter will definitely not give up such wild stories. What will the newspapers say then?

【Shock! Why did the director of the program group trick the girl into the mountains? 】

Thinking of this, the director felt like he was going to have a heart attack.

He quickly picked up his cell phone and called Feng Su. Unexpectedly, there was a busy tone, and I had already been blocked by this number.

Silently put down the phone.

The director's expression now is a bit like the world famous painting "The Scream".

At home, Feng Su threw the phone on the sofa and pressed his forehead.

Unbeknownst to her, something like this happened to Bean Sprout.

She felt deeply guilty, she should have gone with Dou Sprout in the first place, no matter what nonsense the director said.

Such a young girl was abducted by traffickers. Even if he got out of danger in the end, it must have left a psychological shadow.

correct! For such a big event, Li Si must be notified immediately.

Feng Su hurriedly dialed Li Si's number, but no one answered.

All of Li Si's belongings were confiscated as evidence.

She called Director Tian's number again, because Li Si told her that she was going to Director Tian to film a movie.

Director Tian, ​​who was on vacation in the Netherlands, answered Feng Su's call and was completely dumbfounded after hearing it.

"Li Si? Looking for me to film? When did it happen?"

Amid Director Tian's question, "Brother Li has a new script?", Feng Su hung up the phone, feeling a little bit of anger brewing in his heart.

She was just about to contact Dou Sprout when a number called. She thought it was Li Si, so she quickly answered the call, but it was the police.

The criminal policeman briefly explained the situation to her. Feng Su has the right to know, after all, she is one of Li Si's only adult family members.

"Yeah, I see."

"Thank you for your notice, I understand."

"Then where is it?"

"Okay, wait a moment, I'll get a pen and paper."

Feng Su quickly wrote down the address of the mental hospital, packed up a little, and walked out the door with a small bag.

As soon as she crossed the threshold, her legs retracted again, and she went into the kitchen to get a kitchen knife.

Holding the kitchen knife, Feng Su hesitated, feeling that it was not good to be so extreme.

So she went into the bedroom and picked out a feather duster. After weighing the weight, Feng Su nodded with satisfaction, it was just right.

She walked out of the house with a feather duster.

Feng Su remembered the parenting lessons her mother taught her many years ago. Children are like young saplings, if they grow crooked, they need to be pruned a few times.

Or interrupt and plant another one.

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