A few months ago, when Li Si got the [Poacher] for the first time, he had a few extra numbers in his head.

One of them is in the country, and you can contact a poaching company.

At that time Li Si hung up the phone quickly and forgot about it ever since. Unexpectedly, after a few months, this number appeared in front of my eyes again.

There is a photo on the resume. He is a young man with a square face and a bright smile, with obvious Mongolian characteristics.

This is in line with Li Si's cognition, because the poaching business is very regional. Even if ordinary people want to enter the industry, they have no way to go, but the Mongols have inherent advantages.

The Meng people have hunted and chased aquatic plants since they were young, and acted as a family.

They know the migration tracks of wild animals, and they know where to sell their stolen goods.

There are also religious factors in it, and the tribes of Mongolia believe in [Changshengtian]. [Changshengtian] is the sky, wherever it covers, any hunting behavior is allowed.

So some of them even think that the poaching bill is purely meddling and should not be followed. (No disrespect to Mongolian brothers)

Li Si kept this person in mind, put the resume aside, and moved on to the next one.

In the second resume, the photo shows an honest and honest middle-aged man, smiling with two front teeth showing.

In the column of acting experience, it says "How much experience has been played".

Next is a pair of siblings. The man is nearly 30, and the woman is just 18.

Their resumes have requirements for roles: a couple is best, and couples are also fine.

After reading all the resumes, Li Si felt that none of them were reliable, so she tilted her head to look at Feng Su.

Feng Su bit her pen: "Now there is a shortage of actors, let everyone enter the interview first."

Li Si shrugged and replied to these people one by one. The actors were very enthusiastic and expressed that they would definitely arrive within three days.

The matter was almost resolved, but the two compared the role list and found that even if all these people were selected, the role of head nurse was still not available.

The two looked at each other, and Feng Su suggested: "Why don't you let the head nurse of this hospital try it directly. Do you remember her? We just met a few days ago."

She thinks the head nurse's stiff demeanor fits the role well.

Li Si did not forget, and still had a fresh memory of the smell of rotting meat. He advised Feng Su not to rush to make a decision, but to talk about it after interviewing other actors.

Feng Su originally only mentioned it casually, but soon forgot about it.

The actors move fast, rather over the top.

At seven o'clock the next morning, the first actor arrived at the psychiatric hospital, the middle-aged man who professionally played tricks.

It is already December and the weather is very cold. When he rushed into the hospital with a cold body, the little nurse at the front desk thought he had seen a ghost.

As the leading actor, when Li Si met him, the first thing he saw were the fine scars on his fingers.

Noticing Li Si's gaze, the man shrank his hands: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, you came so early, I'm still a little sleepy." Li Si shook hands with him.

Near noon, the sky was getting dark and it seemed that it was going to snow.

The pair of "brothers and sisters" also came, and they were tired of walking together.

While chatting with Li Si, he clearly heard the woman calling her brother "dear".

In the evening, the first snowflakes fell from the sky, and all the actors were present.

Because they came so fast, the hospital wasn't ready and there weren't that many bedrooms. Feng Su could only arrange people in the lobby first.

This group of people behaved like the three good students, not only did not complain, but also offered to help Feng Su move the chair.

Li Si was sitting in the corner of the hall watching coldly. Bean Sprout walked towards him, looking very worried: "Is something going to happen?"

Li Si said, "It's all right."

Bean Sprout wandered back to the house to watch a movie.

Time passed, and it was night in a blink of an eye. It was snowing heavily outside the window, and Li Si went out to take a look in the middle of the night, and saw that a thick layer of snow had already accumulated on the ground.

If the snow continues tomorrow morning, road closures are likely nearby.

Li Si looked at the snow scene for a while, then turned and went back.

Hospital beds are provided, and the actors are sleeping in the hall tonight.

Li Si walked through the crowd without making a sound, and at least nine out of ten people showed slight changes in breathing as he passed.

It's so late, I don't sleep.

The hall was pitch black, Li Si smiled silently and disappeared around the corner. After a few seconds, someone stood up.

It was the middle-aged man with the scar on his hand, who seemed to be hiding something in his sleeve.

The middle-aged man jumped off the hospital bed and chased after Li Si, the sound of dull footsteps echoing in the hall.

Soon after, he came to a corridor. The road ahead forks, leading in two directions.

The middle-aged man hesitated for a while, and finally chose the one on the left. However, after walking a few steps, a voice came from behind him: "Wrong choice."

When the middle-aged man turned his head, Li Si was standing there. The window opened just at this moment, and snowflakes swept the corridor.

This miraculous scene made the middle-aged man vigilant: "Things that pretend to be ghosts."

Then he saw Li Si turn her head and "peh pee pee" for a while, it was snowflakes blowing into her mouth.

Li Si wiped his face, and just turned his head, the cold and hard knife light was close at hand.

When there was no time left, Li Si raised his foot and kicked his opponent in the stomach.

The middle-aged man felt a huge force hit his stomach, knelt on the ground on the spot, and almost spat out his stomach juice.

Li Si kicked the knife away from his hand. Before the opponent could react, he was kicked hard on the face again.

These three legs made the middle-aged man completely lose his fighting power, lying on the ground and twitching. Li Si poked him worriedly, for fear of killing him.

Fortunately, the middle-aged man had tenacious vitality, so he quickly recovered, with a hoarse voice: "How did you find out?"

Li Si wanted to laugh a little: "You ask me? You killed someone with a knife, and your hands are full of cut marks. Anyone can see such obvious features, but you don't even wear gloves."

The middle-aged man was silent for a moment, and a little embarrassed: "At least be a sensible ghost."

Li Si knelt down: "Did you misunderstand something? I won't kill you, and I won't call the police for the time being."

The middle-aged man struggled to breathe, only to hear Li Si say: "You have to film here."


As a fugitive murderer, the middle-aged man thought he had seen big storms, but he couldn't figure out what was going on right now.

"My girl doesn't want to go to class, so this scene has to be filmed. Don't worry, it won't be too much trouble, and I will send you to jail after filming." Li Si comforted.

I don't understand, but I should be safe for the time being. The middle-aged man leaned against the wall: "You can fight, you have the final say."

"Okay, solve one."

Li Si looked very happy: "In this way, a good start is half the battle. You help me to call the next one over, I'm going to have a good chat with all of you tonight."

"Next...?" The middle-aged man was in a daze.

Li Si looked at him with disdainful eyes: "Your wallet has been snatched away, and you haven't found it yet? When the two brothers and sisters walk, one always looks to the left and the other to the front. They are obviously habitual thieves."

He was gearing up: "Hurry up, call people over, I'll have a heart-to-heart talk with them. I also want to finish things early and go to sleep."

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