As the current combat power in the Akatsuki organization second only to leader Payne, Kakuzu never disappoints and can always successfully complete the tasks assigned by the organization.

What's more, Takinin Village is Kakuzu's hometown, so he is familiar with the roads.

After listening to Xiaonan's report.

"In other words, as long as we can capture these six tailed beasts in Konoha, we will be able to gather the nine tailed beasts. In this way, Akatsuki's ideal will be realized, and the ninja world will usher in true peace."

Payne clenched his fists, rarely showing excitement.

Xiaonan nodded, but also reminded Payne:

"However, even for you, it may not be easy to deal with six tailed beasts, including the Kyuubi, and the shadows of each village at the same time."

Payne agreed with Xiaonan's view, so he said coldly:

"In that case, let them fight for a while longer to consume the strength of both sides."

Now is not the time to show up.

On the battlefield.

Kyuubi is a tailed beast favored by the Sage of Six Paths.

The Sage of Six Paths back then created the Nine Tailed Beasts for the purpose of breaking down the Ten-Tails, and distributed the Chakra of the Ten-Tails to them.

But obviously, that's not an even distribution.

After dividing it up, the Nine-Tails actually had more chakra than the other eight tailed beasts combined.

Therefore, Kyuubi definitely has the arrogance, even if it faces the siege of several tailed beasts, there is nothing it can do.


After all, Kyuubi was sealed once by the Yondaime, leaving only half of its chakra.

In addition, its host Uzumaki Naruto, not to mention a perfect jinchuriki, doesn't even know that he is a jinchuriki.

Naruto's existence was a great restriction for Nine-Tails, preventing him from fully displaying his power.

With the explosion of each Jinchuuriki.

The helpless Kyuubi was quickly suppressed.

at this time.

A giant bull-headed beast with eight octopus tentacles behind it was wrestling head-on with Nine-Tails.

The Eight-Tailed Gyuuki is the closest in power to the Nine-Tails among all the tailed beasts, and its host Kirabi is the Perfect Jinchuuriki.

With the combined efforts of the two, even if they were in a head-on collision with Nine-Tails, they would not lose at all.

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate.

call out.

The big slug, the Six-tailed Rhinoceros, opened its mouthparts and sprayed out a large amount of highly corrosive solution, directly attacking the Nine-Tails.

the other side.

Not to be outdone, the Erwei Mata Brigade opened his mouth and spat out a huge fireball, emitting scorching heat and hitting Kyuubi.

Tsk tsk. Boom.

The acid corrosion and the burning of the fireball made Kyuubi feel extremely sore, and the expression on his face was distorted by the severe pain.

It's not over yet.


The eight-tailed bull ghost suddenly retreated back and distanced itself from the nine-tailed beast.

Then, the three-tailed Isofu and the five-tailed King Mu each performed their own special skills, attacking the nine-tailed one from the left and the right.

Iso caressed the big turtle, arched his whole body, wrapped his body with the huge thick carapace on his back, and crushed Kyuubi like a wheel.

This move is called "Shadow Care", which is quite similar to the Akimichi Clan's Meat Bomb Chariot.

But the power is dozens of times stronger.

The Five-Tailed King Mu is a white beast that is a fusion of a dolphin and a horse, with five huge horns on his head.

Da da da.

It ran fast, lowered its head, and pushed the nine tails with the huge horn on its head.

This move is called "Horn Fold".


Collided by Isofu and King Mu at the same time, Kyuubi was knocked off the ground and flew several hundred meters upside down in the air along the Ichiraku Avenue. Finally——

It hit the Hokage building hard.


This time, the Hokage Building was no longer immune. It was hit by the huge body of Kyuubi flying at high speed and collapsed on the spot.

This landmark building of Konoha Village has gone through ups and downs for more than fifty years and has always stood firm.

To this day, it remains in ruins.

But at this time, who has the heart to care about the Hokage Building?

Kyuubi shook his head vigorously and struggled to get up from the ruins.

Its pair of vertical pupils exuded endless anger and hatred, and it opened its mouth again, trying to condense the tailed beast jade.


This time, the tailed beast jade was almost the same size as Kyuubi's head, and the huge energy contained in it caused fluctuations in the nearby space.

This was a blow that Kyuubi put all his strength into.

Once it is brewed, the entire Konoha will be completely destroyed by this tailed beast jade.

Chapter 187, Payne’s Six Paths, appear!

Kyuubi seemed to have forgotten.

Its opponents, in addition to the five Tailed Beast Jinchūriki, also include the shadows of each village. Some of them are even stronger than the tailed beasts.

call out.

A huge sand gold spear came through the air and pierced Nine-Tails' mouth, causing it to roar in pain and eat a mouthful of sand at the same time.

Tailed Beast Tam was interrupted.


A figure was wrapped with thunder and lightning and rushed towards Kyuubi. The speed was too fast to be caught by the naked eye. Even if Namikaze Minato was revived with yellow flash, it would probably be nothing more than that.

It's the Fourth Raikage.


Like a streak of blue lightning, he dodged left and right, avoiding the attacks of the nine-tailed claws and tails, and then jumped into the air.

The Raikage raised his right arm high, and his five fingers came together to form a hand knife. The Thunder Chakra formed a high-intensity electric current and wrapped around his palm.


The flashing sharp knife swooped down from mid-air.

Raiju level Chiyomai.

When he was young, the Fourth Raikage once used this move to cut off the left horn of the Eight-Tails with one hand.

And now.

As his sword fell, the three tails of the Nine-Tails were cut off one after another.

Kyuubi was in pain again and lost his balance, his huge body fell to the ground.

No time for it to breathe.

Swish swish swish.

The ground beneath Kyuubi's body collapsed like quicksand. A large amount of placer gold poured out from the ground and turned into big hands, wrapping around Kyuubi's body.

It was trapped by Luo Sha's Magnetic Escape and couldn't move.

at this time.

Onoki rose into the air, came to Kyuubi's head, and raised his hands.

"For the ninja world, the Kyuubi is a huge scourge, let me get rid of it."

As he spoke, he concentrated chakra, and a translucent cube barrier appeared between his hands, aiming at the demon fox below.

In Ohnoki's opinion.

Kyuubi is Konoha's last desperate trump card. As long as it is eliminated, Konoha will no longer be able to resist the coalition's offensive.

With the death of Kyuubi, this war will soon end.


Just when Onoki glanced at him, he was about to use Dust Escape.


In mid-air, a strange-looking giant bird with a sharp and long beak suddenly appeared, swooping towards him.


Ohnoki's expression changed, and he quickly activated his chakra, flying backwards for dozens of meters with a whooshing sound, and then escaped the attack of the giant bird.

Boo hoo hoo.

I saw the strange bird circling in the air and dropping giant eggs. Those giant eggs fell to the ground and exploded suddenly.

The Fourth Raikage, the Fourth Kazekage and others were all forced back by the explosion.

at last.

The strange bird folded its wings and landed on the ground.

A man with long orange hair wearing an Akatsuki windbreaker jumped off its back and looked at Ohnoki and the others with an indifferent expression.

who is he?

Ohnoki and the others looked surprised when they discovered that the man's eyes were purple samsara eyes that looked like tree rings.

But his appearance was completely different from the Payne they had seen before.

This person is the animal path of Pain's Six Paths.


The animal path quickly formed a seal, then pressed a palm to the ground and used the psychic technique.


After a burst of white smoke dissipated, five other figures wearing Akatsuki windbreakers and possessing the Samsara Eye arrived together.

Payne's Six Paths are here!

what happened?

Why do these six people from the Akatsuki organization all have the Samsara Eye? How can this be!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the coalition army became more and more alarmed, and many people's faces became nervous and solemn.


A roar rang out, and the Fourth Raikage stepped forward, his eyes locked on Tendo Payne among the six, and asked, "What do you mean, why do you want to stop us from destroying the Kyuubi?"

Tiandao had no expression on his face and said indifferently:

"I told you, Kyuubi is mine."

Luo Sha heard this and sneered, seeing through Payne's wishful thinking:

"So, you wait for us to knock it down, and then you come out to take advantage of it, so that we can give you the Nine Tails in vain? You are thinking too beautifully!"

Payne didn't defend himself, or he didn't even bother to defend himself. He still had that condescending and indifferent tone:

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