Lin Jin nodded and said, "These are the tricks, you can try to use them after you understand them!"

Sheng'er also had this in mind, and immediately began to use the magic formula, pointing to the stone next to him, and began to use the imperial art.

Spells depend on understanding, and techniques depend on practice. The two are interdependent and cannot be separated from each other. Jin'er was extremely savvy, which Lin Jin couldn't do better than himself. Even his understanding of the technique shocked Lin Jin.

It was only the first time that the Imperial Object Technique was used, and the stone moved out of thin air.

And then she kept contacting, and on the fifth time, she was able to float the stone three feet in the air.


With the general chapter of the demon king transformation in hand, Lin Jin naturally wanted to try to practice it, but this was a demon beast technique, and it was not suitable for people to practice at all. In it, the demon power was converted into mana, and Lin Jin was stuck.

Therefore, even if he had excellent training techniques and general techniques in his hands, Lin Jin could only teach beast pets and monsters, but he couldn't learn it by himself.

Relatively speaking, human cultivators can only practice blood contracts and corresponding techniques at present. If they really want to attack and kill, they have to rely on beast pets.

She kept practicing, and in less than half an hour, she was already quite proficient. Lin Jin watched from the side, suddenly thinking of the ancient sword immortal, condensing the flying sword, it may be controlled by this imperial art, taking the head of a person from a hundred feet away.

But now there is no flying sword, and there are stones everywhere.

At this time, Sheng'er walked out of the cave, pointed to a tree with the thickness of the mouth of a bowl a few feet away, and lifted it up, and the tree was uprooted.


She swiped down with her fingers, and the tree trunk fell like a sharp sword, piercing the ground with great momentum.

Lin Jin could see clearly that this tree weighed at least 300 jins, and the comprehension ability of Jin'er was indeed terrifying.

She was the one who was most excited. At this moment, she turned around and knelt down and kowtowed to Lin Jin, her joy hard to hide. Although Lin Jin couldn't cultivate himself, he felt a sense of accomplishment at this time.

"Master Lin, Shen'er wants to go to Zangliu Mountain now." At this time, Shen'er's eyes were firm, and she could see that she had long wanted to go to Zangliushan for revenge. After all, Xiaojiu was injured by the monster over there. She didn't go because she wanted to take care of these sisters, and she didn't have any attack techniques.

But now that she has learned the skill, of course she wants to take revenge.

Lin Jin didn't stop him.

To be honest, he also really wanted to go to Zangliu Mountain to see. There are monsters in this world, but they are all hidden in deep mountains and old forests. power.



The fact that Sheng'er was able to escape with the little foxes at that time showed that the monsters on Zangliu Mountain were nothing special, not to mention that he still had Xiaohuo and Dahuang himself, and if he couldn't fight alone, he would fight in a group.

Zangliu Mountain is 80 miles away from here. She asked Xiaowu to take care of the other little foxes, and then rode on the little fire that turned into a giant wolf and went with Lin Jin.

The night, the mountains, and the giant wolves are attacking. There are no people here, so I don't worry about being seen.

Sheng'er was very curious. Lin Jin held a rooster wherever he went, but Lin Jin told her that if there was a real fight, Xiao Huo might not be the opponent of Rhubarb.

On the eighty-mile mountain road, ordinary people might not be able to reach it overnight, but Xiao Huo in the form of a giant wolf arrived in less than half an hour.

Tibetan six mountains are mountains within mountains.

There are mountains and mountains, dense forests like the sea, no one comes during the day, let alone this late night?

"What kind of monster is hiding in Liushan?" Lin Jin asked at this time.

She looked at the pitch-black mountains in front of her and said, "It's a wolf!"


Wolves are pack beasts, usually in packs.

Lin Jin asked Shang to be sure that there was only one?

"It is indeed one. That wolf is strong, but his transformation skills are not as good as mine, so he looks half-human and half-wolf, but he knows how to control the wind. We suffered a big loss last time." It's Lin Jin who hurts his little sister, so he can't just let it go.

Some wild beasts can still be seen on the periphery of Tibetan Six Mountains, but when you go deeper into it, there are fewer and fewer beasts.

But the more this is, the more it shows that they are not far from the wolf demon.

Xiaohuo had returned to its normal form, and at the moment he felt danger and let out a low growl. Only Rhubarb was as nervous as iron, and he didn't care at all. If it wasn't for Lin Jin holding it tightly, it might have jumped down to find bugs to eat.


Shang'er pointed to a cave in front of him at this time.

Lin Jin took a look and saw that the cave was surrounded by bare rocks, and it could be seen that it had undergone many years of baptism. The cave is not big, it is pitch black, and there are many skeletons of wild beasts around, adding a bloody touch to the already weird place.

From the beginning, Lin Jin felt uncomfortable, as if something was watching them secretly.

Don't ask, nine times out of ten it's the wolf demon.

In the wild, wolves are very terrifying existences, but more terrifying than wolves are lone wolves.

More ferocious, more dangerous, more cunning.

According to what Shan'er said, the wolf demon here is always a lone wolf.

There was a short silence, no one made a sound, only the rustling of the night wind gently blowing the leaves was heard.

But suddenly, the wind seemed to get louder.

Xiaohuo obviously found something, and roared in one direction. With Lin Jin's agreement, it suddenly pounced and plunged into the dark forest on the side.

The sound of fighting came immediately.

Sheng'er moved swiftly, jumped up, jumped over the top of a tree that was more than ten feet high, manipulated a boulder weighing several hundred kilograms to float in the air, and then smashed it hard.

Lin Jin didn't move.

This kind of fight, he will not end up in person, after all, it is not his good at melee combat.

You only need to observe from the side, strategize, and point the country.

Strong winds, flying sand and rocks.

Xiao Huo was swept up by an extremely terrifying black wind, and then he was forced to transform into a giant wolf state. Although the wind was strong, it was unable to roll up the small fire in the giant wolf state.

The top of the tree where Sheng'er was just now was cut off by something. She dexterously walked around the surrounding tree trunks, constantly manipulating the trunk and rocks to attack. At the same time, she had a very high comprehension ability. withstand.

A large area of ​​the woods in front fell down, with loud noises and roars one after another.

It can be seen that the battle is extremely fierce.

Lin Jin looked intently, and there was already a mess there, but because there were a lot of fallen trees, it made the vision clearer.

By the moonlight, Lin Jin saw a human-shaped beast with a height of two meters.

What Shang'er described before is very apt. This wolf demon is half human and half beast. It can walk upright like a human. It has four limbs, but its body is covered with wolf hair, and its head is also a wolf head with bloody eyes and fangs.

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